Topic on User talk:AngiraBlu

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OK, I dunno how y'all are gonna react to this, but I may've just made some major changes to some of the antagonistic kaiju, which may've also just made them even more prominent and dangerous than I'd previously had written them out to be.

Here's the changes I made, via some excerpts from my "Kaiju, Mechas, and Ships Moves (Toho [Godzilla])" list. As AnimeUproar once said, "So please, proceed with caution. You have been warned."

a Transdimensional Tetrapod/“Gabara” [H: 58m {190.3ft}] and “Chthonic Tyrant Baragon”[/ “Sea Baragon”] [H: 25-60m {82.02-196.9ft}]/Salunga [L: 21-42m {68.9-137.8ft}] [*“Gabara” and “Baragon” are merely semi-amnesiac aliases for Salunga’s 2 “incomplete” split forms, as his transdimensional body hadn’t properly adapted to the main dimension’s environment; Gabara took the form of a mutated Bullfrog, while Baragon took the form of a Baranosdragon; they’d later fuse to reform Salunga*]

• (“Gabara”: Electric Discharge [Hammer Punches and Discharge Horns], Electric Smoke Breath [Electric Smoke Bombs], Toxic Bomb Claws, Venomous Warts, Multiple Stomachs and Organs [Discharge Organ {neck}, Storage Stomach {throat}, Fluid Stomach {chest}, Gas Stomach {chest}, Ignition Organ {waist}, and Power Generator Organ {waist}], and Toxi-Frago-Typho-Electrokinetic Combat)

• (“Baragon”: Magma Breath [Magma Fireballs], Luminous Horn [as Chthonic Tyrant Baragon]/Luminous Drill Horn [as Sea Baragon], Lava Fluid Sacs and Geo-Magmakinetic Burrowing [arms and legs] [Lava Eruption], and Ambire-Pyro-Ergokinetic Absorption, Regeneration, and Combat)

• (Salunga: [Electric Discharge [Hammer Punches and Discharge Horns], Toxic Bomb Claws, Venomous Warts,] Pyric Plasma Breath [Pyric Plasma Bombs], Archetype Generation [Red Dust Storm] and Ambire-Frago-Plasmokinetic Absorption, Regeneration, and Combat)

a Transdimensional Ankylosaurid/Armored Killer Angilas [U: 60-90m {196.9-295.3ft}; Q: 40m {131.2ft}]/Precognitive Monster Angilas [*his origins are later revealed to the very reason Godzilla had to fight and presumably kill Angilas; he was assimilating the genetic makeup of many Anguillasaurs, via killing and eating them; Godzilla sensed Angilas wasn’t part of Earth’s ecosystem and natural order, but didn’t know Angilas was transdimensional and, therefore, not understanding why he was having to {presumably} kill {what looked like} an Anguillasaur, until later*]

• (Spiked Carapace [Angilas Ball {Thunderball (*freezes/burns/poisons @ will*)}, Angilas Disc {*freezes/burns/poisons @ will*}, Precognitive Shield {*also absorbs kinetic energy*} {as Precognitive Monster Angilas}, Spike Barrage {as Precognitive Monster Angilas}, Thermo-Toxic Energy Spikes, and Needle Attack/Carapace Slam/Back Tackle], Cold Flame [Cold Fireballs], Ultrasonic Roar, Thermo-Toxic Claws, Thermo-Toxic Mace, Archetype Generation {as Precognitive Monster Angilas}, Consumptive Growth-Based Self-Mutation {as Precognitive Monster Angilas}, 6 Brains [head, shoulders {2}, ankles {2}, and tail], Thermoreception, Burrowing, and Toxi-Thermokinetic Combat)

a Transdimensional Hive-Minded Arthropod Colony/“Spiga” [H: 35-45m {114.8-147.6ft}; L: 50-60m {164.14-196.9ft}] and “Gimantis” [H: 50m {164.14ft}; WS: 60m {196.9ft}]/Kumocuras (Kumocuras Cytodes), Hanenga (Kumocuras Alatus), Kamanga (Kumocuras Falcipes), and Zenbunga (Kumocuras Ultima) [*“Spiga” and “Gimantis” are merely semi-amnesiac aliases for Kumocuras colony’s 2 “incomplete” split forms, as his transdimensional body hadn’t properly adapted to the main dimension’s environment; Spiga took the form of a mutated Spitting Spider, while Gimantis took the form of a mutated Giant Praying Mantis; they’d later fuse to reform the Kumocuras colony*]

• (“Spiga”: Poison Silk System [Web Snare {Sticky Thread and Death Net} and Poison Stinger {Homing Sting}])

• (“Gimantis”: Hook Crush, Windmill Shots, Active Camouflage, and Wing Shockwaves)

• (Kumocuras, Hanenga, Kamanga, and Zenbunga: Sticky Thread, Hook Crush [as Kamanga and Zenbunga], Wing Shockwaves [as Hanenga and Zenbunga], Regenerative Anatomical Liberation and Autonomous Combat, and Archetype Generation)