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Revision as of 11:35, 28 July 2018 by JohnosFirewalker (talk | contribs) (Rough version of the Yuko Tani plot section. I used my User Page as a sandbox to make sure I didn't screw up anything important.)
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Dont look here. I just use this as a personal sandbox cuz I'm an idiot.

Whilst looking for survivors, Haruo Sakaki receives a transmission from Yuko, whos seems to be in distress. Yuko, Rilu-Elu Belu-Be, and the other survivors are held out in the wreckage of a destroyed Landing Ship, being harassed by the Houtua named Maina. She manages to knock her down using the last bullet left in her Infantry-Employed Electromagnetic Induction Rifle. After Maina flees, she spots Miana with Haruo, who tells her to stand down. The survivors are then surrounded by Houtua and captured. Afterword, they are escorted to the Houtua village and confined in a cave where they meet other survivors including Mulu-Elu Galu-Gu. Whilst the survivors are in the cave, Yuko joins in on the discussion of the possible origins of the Houtua and their intentions. This discussion is interrupted when Maina appears to take them to their temple. During the events there she is mostly silent.

When the survivors disembark from the Houtua village, she talks briefly with Haruo about Miana and Maina, and seems upset when they decide to come along. Yuko appears to be jealous of Haruo and Miana. She wanders off to investigate a signal as the others talk to the Houtua twins for a moment and is attacked by a Worm-type Servum. Haruo and the others hear her screams and come to help, but to no avail until Miana and Maina kill it with their Nanometal arrowheads. Afterward, several flying-type Servum appear and attack, but are immediately dispatched by Metphies and the rest of the survivors using an undamaged Multipodal Battery. Later, when Haruo asks who is staying to fight Godzilla, she chooses to stay.

The survivors are then led to the remains of Mechagodzilla by Miana and Maina. During the journey, she pilots a Powered Suit. When they arrive, Yuko engages in combat with Flying-type Servum, only to be interrupted when Nanometal spikes sprout forth from the ground to kill and absorb them. The survivors then crest the hill to find Mechagodzilla City. Whist the group delves into Mechagodzilla City’s depths, she is visibly nervous. When they find Nanometal absorbed corpses, she becomes distressed. As Galu-Gu and Belu-Be reactivate control of Mechagodzilla’s systems she leaves the Power suit’s cockpit and points out a large gash cut in the perimeter of the crater. Belu-Be explains that it was made by Godzilla's atomic breath attack that destroyed the original base.

Haruo and the others begin to go over Godzilla’s recent activities and possible battle strategies. Yuko expresses concern that activating the city might alert Godzilla to it’s presence. However, she is assured that fortifications should be operational before then. Later on, she and Belu-Be scan her Powered Suit and discuss possible modifications using Nanometal technology. During the mission briefing, it is revealed that they turned it into the vastly superior Vulture mech. She is later seen testing the new weapon, swiftly and skillfully maneuvering within the camouflaged perimeter. She seems amazed by the power of the Bilusaludo’s Nanometal tech.

Whilst going over the test data, she is visited by Haruo, and the two engage in conversation. She reports her findings as well as suggests minor tweaks to suit her preferences. Haruo tells her that she should get some sleep and turns to leave. Yuko then mentions how similar this new environment is to the Aratrum. Haruo then expresses his doubts about his role as a leader. She then attempts to comfort him, and expresses her trust in his judgement and leadership. She tries to embrace him, but he recoils back, claiming that his wounds from earlier still hurt. After talking to Metphies in his quarters, Haruo meets Yuko on the bridge back to the base. The two talk while Miana and Maina watch from afar. She says that she is jealous that that she has no memories of Earth but Haruo does. She then expresses concern for Haruo’s well-being, to which Haruo responds that he is fine. He promises her that he will show her a world without Godzilla. She then leans in and kisses him. The two separate at Yuko’s quarters just as Maina and Miana warn Haruo that Godzilla is awakening.

Yuko walks into the control room while Haruo argues with Belu-Be and Galu-Gu about the Bilusaludo fusing with Mechagodzilla City. She then begins to defend the Bilusaludo’s position, stating that only those who volunteer are absorbed, and that it is to assist in defeating Godzilla. Haruo is surprised by this. They are then interrupted by personnel reporting that the camouflage has been deactivated. Gala-Gu explains that it is because the absorbed Bilusaludo have diverted resources from the camouflage to finishing fortifications. They are again interrupted by reports that Godzilla is moving toward their position.

Godzilla stops his approach and fires his atomic breath, which damages Mechagodzilla City slightly. Yuko volunteers to use her the Vulture to stall Godzilla necessary while repairs are made. Belu-Be volunteers to pilot one to give her backup, as does Haruo, leaving Galu-Gu in charge of everything else.The three launch their Vultures and begin their attack. Their long-range efforts fail to coax a reaction, so they switch to close combat. Godzilla then fires a super oscillatory wave at Yuko, who narrowly avoids it.

They then begin to lead Godzilla to the capture point. As they execute their plan, Godzilla fires his atomic breath. Haruo barely manages to dodge it thanks to Miana and Maina, who were watching from nearby, warning him of the incoming attack. Meanwhile, the fortifications around the trap point are completed, and Godzilla begins moving into it. Once inside, Galu-Gu encloses the trap point and pours liquid Nanometal to immobilize Godzilla. The fortifications then bombard Godzilla as they wait for Godzilla to lower his defenses.

The plan succeeds, and Godzilla is hit with the EMP Harpoons. He charges his atomic breath, but rather than exploding like Godzilla Filius, he stops moving and begins to heat up and glow and fiery orange. Everyone watches and waits for Godzilla to die, but he doesn’t. His heat begins to melt the Nanometal around him. Galu-Gu and the Bilusaludo allow themselves to be absorbed by the Nanometal in an effort to finish him off. The humans choose to flee.

Meanwhile, Yuko, Haruo, and Belu-Be decide they need to make Godzilla fire his atomic breath to kill him. However, the temperatures around him are too high to be able to survive being close enough to him. Galu-Gu tells them that the only way to be able to withstand the heat is to fuse with the Nanometal. Belu-Be accepts, but Yuko and Haruo refuse. Galu-Gu begins the process anyways, putting the both of them in great pain. Yuko attempts to eject, but the air is too hot for her to survive outside. After panicking while both Metphies and Galu-Gu try to persuade him, Haruo then makes the decision to attack the city and kill Galau-Gu, which completely shuts down all systems. Godzilla then resumes activity and destroys the rest of Mechagodzilla City. Yuko and Haruo are not absorbed by the Nanometal, but Yuko is unresponsive. Haruo carries Yuko’s Vulture to a safe landing space and pulls her out. He cradles her body in his arms as Nanometal tears run down her face. He hesitated too long and she perished. Haruo begins to cry and scream as the film cuts to black.