Chibi Ghidorah

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Chibi Ghidorah® trademark icon
Chibi Ghidorah®
Chibi Ghidorah
Alternate names Chibi King Ghidorah, Chibighidorah
Subtitle(s) Three-Headed Scary God
(三つ首邪神,   Mittsu Kubi Jashin)
Allies Chibi Godzilla, Chibi Rodan,
Chibi Mothra, Chibi Anguirus,
Chibi Mechagodzilla
Designed by Chiharu Sakazaki
Played by Saori Takamiya (voice),IHCG
Takuya Eguchi (voice)CGRA
First appearance Latest appearance
Do Your Best,
Chibi Godzilla
Chibi Godzilla
Raids Again

Chibi Ghidorah (ちびギドラ,   Chibi Gidora) is a juvenile kaiju who first appeared in the 2018 children's book Do Your Best, Chibi Godzilla. A three-headed dragon with the talent to sing, Chibi Ghidorah is a close friend of Chibi Godzilla and his other friends. He is featured in all three Chibi Godzilla books which have been published so far, as well as the web anime I'm Home! Chibi Godzilla and the TV anime series Chibi Godzilla Raids Again.


Chibi Ghidorah's name comes from placing chibi (ちび), a Japanese word meaning "little," in front of "Ghidorah" (ギドラ,   Gidora). He is sometimes referred to by the full name Chibi King Ghidorah (ちびキングギドラ,   Chibi Kingu Gidora), but is primarily referred to by the shorter name. The Japanese-English subtitles and episode names of I'm Home! Chibi Godzilla refer to him as Chibighidorah.


Chibi Ghidorah is a bipedal yellow three-headed dragon with three white horns atop each head, two wings at his sides, and two tails. Each of his heads possesses a different facial expression. The left head (from a viewer's perspective) has a mean expression, the middle head has a happy expression with its eyes and mouth open, and the right head has its eyes and mouth closed in a happy expression.


Each of Chibi Ghidorah's heads has a different personality. When introduced to Chibi Mechagodzilla in "The Three-Headed Scary God, Chibi Ghidorah", the middle head is eager to become Chibi Mechagodzilla's friend, the left head hates him, and the right head plots to exploit his friendship for favors and financial gain. In "Chibi Ghidorah, a Consultant", the heads are seen bickering with each other. Chibi Ghidorah likes to sing with all three of his heads. He is friends with Chibi Godzilla, Chibi Rodan, Chibi Mothra, Chibi Anguirus, and Chibi Mechagodzilla.


Chibi Ghidorah in I'm Home! Chibi Godzilla

I'm Home! Chibi Godzilla

Chibi Ghidorah was a friend of Chibi Godzilla. At one point, Chibi Godzilla asked Chibi Ghidorah what he should get Satomi for Christmas, but became frustrated when Chibi Ghidorah's heads began bickering amongst each other, as they were unable to agree on what made for the best gift.

Chibi Godzilla Raids Again

"The Three-Headed Scary God, Chibi Ghidorah"

Chibi Ghidorah's heads fight amongst each other

While showing newcomer Chibi Mechagodzilla around Monster Island, Chibi Godzilla introduced the robot to his friend, Chibi Ghidorah. Chibi Mechagodzilla then asked Chibi Ghidorah to be his friend, though each of Chibi Ghidorah's heads responded with a different answer; while the middle head was kind, the left head was confrontational and the right head wished to exploit Chibi Mechagodzilla's friendship for money. Chibi Ghidorah then recommended various sights to show Chibi Mechagodzilla, with the robot expressing interest in the right head's suggestion of searching for matsutake mushrooms. After Chibi Godzilla discovered one of these mushrooms, Chibi Ghidorah's heads fought over who would get to eat it, injuring himself since all three heads feel the same pain. Chibi Godzilla subsequently noticed two other mushrooms in the area, which Chibi Mechagodzilla believed to be enough for Chibi Ghidorah's three heads; however, Chibi Ghidorah's middle head insisted that they were still one mushroom short, wishing for Chibi Mechagodzilla to have one too since they were now friends.

"Monster Study Session"

Chibi Godzilla taught a monster study session for the monsters of Monster Island. Chibi Ghidorah offered several answers to these questions, such as suggesting that Godzilla's greatest foe was the guilt he felt for destroying buildings. Chibi Mechagodzilla dismissed most of Chibi Ghidorah's answers alongside the others' suggestions, only to discover that Chibi Godzilla's "real" answers to his questions were just as asinine, making him question whether or not this was a real class.

Chibi Ghidorah and the others destroy Chibi Mechagodzilla's model city

"All Chibi Monsters Attack"

Chibi Godzilla, Chibi Ghidorah, and Chibi Anguirus destroyed a model city in Chibi Mechagodzilla's cabin, much to the robot's dismay. Chibi Ghidorah and Chibi Anguirus both apologized for their actions, pacifying the agitated Chibi Mechagodzilla, who forgave them. Chibi Godzilla then got Chibi Mechagodzilla to leave by telling him they would clean up the mess, though this proved to be another ruse as he planned to wreck even more of the city. Chibi Ghidorah attempted to dissuade Chibi Godzilla from continuing, but Chibi Godzilla tempted him and Chibi Anguirus with more destruction. Before they could initiate their second assault, however, the enraged Chibi Mechagodzilla caught them and blasted the trio with his eye beams before ordering them to fix what they could.

"Chibi Godzilla's Second Form"

After Chibi Mechagodzilla discovered that Chibi Godzilla had changed into a strange slug-like form after spraining his neck, Chibi Ghidorah and Chibi Mothra arrived and subsequently explained that Chibi Godzilla had done this before. Nevertheless, Chibi Mechagodzilla did not understand how such an injury could result in his body changing shape and color and maintained that Chibi Godzilla should see a doctor. While Chibi Godzilla admitted to being uncomfortable, he found upsides to his condition, such as being able to relate to slugs. Chibi Mothra suggested that he try stretching, and while Chibi Mechagodzilla was doubtful such a simple remedy could work, it quickly proved effective as color returned to his face. Though Chibi Mothra and Chibi Ghidorah were repulsed by the stretching, they encouraged him to continue, and he soon returned to normal. However, he still expressed sympathy for slugs, concerning Chibi Ghidorah. Some time later, the group found that Chibi Godzilla bumped his knee, causing him to revert back to his slug-like form, only this time he was purple in color.

"The War at Low Tide"

Chibi Godzilla, Chibi Mechagodzilla, Chibi Ghidorah, and Chibi Rodan went to the beach to dig for clams when they encountered Chibi Hedorah, who was cleaning trash that had washed up on Monster Island's shores. Chibi Ghidorah was dismayed that so much garbage had washed up on their beaches, at which point Chibi Rodan suggested that they help pick up trash as well. Chibi Godzilla and Chibi Ghidorah enthusiastically embraced the idea of cleaning the beach, though Chibi Rodan himself passed out before they could begin in response to an insult from Chibi Hedorah.

"A Mighty Monster's Instinct"

Chibi Ghidorah and the others are startled by Chibi Godzilla's return

While hanging out with the other chibi monsters of Monster Island, Chibi Godzilla sneezed, scorching the top of Chibi Mechagodzilla's head with atomic breath. Chibi Ghidorah noted that he had never fired his heat ray when sneezing, and Chibi Godzilla replied that he had been feeling particularly destructive lately before unexpectedly roaring like his father. While Chibi Godzilla dismissed these oddities as the symptoms of a cold, Chibi Mechagodzilla and the other monsters concluded that Chibi Godzilla was reaching puberty, exciting the young monster. Some time later, Chibi Ghidorah summoned the other chibi monsters and revealed that he found a letter from Chibi Godzilla, who explained that he was fearful his destructive urges would cause him to hurt his friends and subsequently decided to leave Monster Island, though he hoped to meet his friends again when they were older. Heartbroken, Chibi Mechagodzilla believed he was at fault for yelling at Chibi Godzilla earlier and began to cry. Chibi Mothra and Chibi Ghidorah attempted to console the robot until Chibi Godzilla suddenly appeared, explaining that he saw a doctor before he could leave and found that he really did have a cold after all. Chibi Ghidorah and the other chibi monsters were relieved to know that Chibi Godzilla would be staying with them after all.



Chibi Ghidorah is talented at singing, with each of his heads singing in a different pitch.

Gravity Beams

Chibi Ghidorah can spit Gravity Beams (引力光線,   Inryoku Kōsen) from his mouth. In Chibi Godzilla Raids Again, his left head threatened to do so against Chibi Mechagodzilla.


Do Your Best, Chibi Godzilla

Chibi Ghidorah and Chibi Rodan bested Chibi Godzilla in a footrace, causing him to cry. However, every time Chibi Godzilla cried he breathed fire, which delighted both Chibi Ghidorah and Chibi Rodan.

Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla

When feeling lonely, Chibi Godzilla set out to look for friends, encountering Chibi Ghidorah along with Chibi Mothra, Chibi Anguirus, and Chibi Rodan. Chibi Godzilla remarked that Chibi Ghidorah was very good at singing. When the other monsters asked what Chibi Godzilla could do, he responded saying he could breathe fire and exhaled a blast of fire at them, prompting them to flee. While running after them, Chibi Godzilla's fire breath caused fruit to fall out of a nearby tree. He asked the other monsters to share the fruit with him, and they all ate until they were full. Chibi Godzilla was no longer lonely as he befriended the other monsters.


Main article: Chibi Ghidorah/Gallery.



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