Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds (1977) soundtrack

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Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds
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Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds soundtrack
Vinyl cover
Composed by Masao Yagi
Released 2019
# of tracks 29[1]
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The soundtrack of Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds was composed by Masao Yagi and released on CD by Cinema-Kan on October 21, 2019.


Album & CD


  1. Toei Mark ~ Woman in the Sea of Trees (M1T2) 東映マーク~樹海の女 (M1T2)
  2. Fossil Hunter Takashi Ashizawa (M2T3) 化石ハンター 芦沢 節 (M2T3)
  3. Legend of Distant Blood (Main Title, to the Sea of Trees) 遠い血の伝説 (メインタイトル、樹海へ)
  4. Lake Bottom ~ Omen (M5) 湖底~予兆 (M5)
  5. Ballad (Reunion) (M6T7) バラード (再会) (M6T7)
  6. Premonition (M7T2) 予感 (M7T2)
  7. Legend of Lake Sai (Unused) (M8) 西湖の伝説 (未使用) (M8)
  8. Mystery in the Fog (M9T2) 霧のミステリー (M9T2)
  9. Plesiosaurus Appears (M10T5) プレシオザウルス出現 (M10T5)
  10. Fear of the Plesiosauria (M11) 首長竜の恐怖 (M11)
  11. Dinosaurs are Alive!? (M12) 恐竜は生きている!? (M12)
  12. Ballad (Farewell) (M14T3) バラード (別れ) (M14T3)
  13. Ballad (Crisis) (M15T3) バラード (危機) (M15T3)
  14. Monster Bird Attack! (M16T3) 怪鳥襲来! (M16T3)
  15. Legend of Dinosaurs · Monster Birds (M17T3) 恐竜・怪鳥の伝説 (M17T3)
  16. Final Chapter 終章
  17. Ending (M18 ENDING T4) エンディング (M18ENDING T4)
  18. Legend of Distant Blood Vocal/Eiichi Miyanaga 遠い血の伝説 歌/宮永英一
  19. Final Chapter Vocal/Eiichi Miyanaga 終章 歌/宮永英一
  20. Legend of Distant Blood (Instrumental) 遠い血の伝説 (instrumental)
  21. Final Chapter (Instrumental) 終章 (instrumental)
  22. Legend of Distant Blood (Vocal Only) 遠い血の伝説 (Vocal Only)
  23. Plesiosaurus Appears (M10T4) プレシオザウルス出現 (M10T4)
  24. Monster Bird Attack! (M16T2) 怪鳥襲来! (M16T2)
  25. Legend of Dinosaurs · Monster Birds (M17T2) 恐竜・怪鳥の伝説 (M17T2)
  26. Legend of Lake Sai (Lullaby) 西湖の伝説 (子守唄)
  27. Signs of Hatching (SE) 孵化の兆し (SE)
  28. Plesiosaurus' Prowling (SE) プレシオザウルスの徘徊 (SE)
  29. Death Fight of the Dinosaur and Monster Bird (SE) 恐竜と怪鳥の死闘 (SE)


"Toei Mark ~ Woman in the Sea of Trees (M1T2)"
"Fossil Hunter Takashi Ashizawa (M2T3)"
"Legend of Distant Blood (Main Title, to the Sea of Trees)"
"Lake Bottom ~ Omen (M5)"
"Ballad (Reunion) (M6T7)"
"Premonition (M7T2)"
"Legend of Lake Sai (Unused) (M8)"
"Mystery in the Fog (M9T2)"
"Plesiosaurus Appears (M10T5)"
"Fear of the Plesiosauria (M11)"
"Dinosaurs are Alive!? (M12)"
"Ballad (Farewell) (M14T3)"
"Ballad (Crisis) (M15T3)"
"Monster Bird Attack! (M16T3)"
"Legend of Dinosaurs · Monster Birds (M17T3)"
"Final Chapter"
"Ending (M18 ENDING T4)"
"Legend of Distant Blood Vocal/Eiichi Miyanaga"
"Final Chapter Vocal/Eiichi Miyanaga"
"Legend of Distant Blood (Instrumental)"
"Final Chapter (Instrumental)"
"Legend of Distant Blood (Vocal Only)"
"Plesiosaurus Appears (M10T4)"
"Monster Bird Attack! (M16T2)"
"Legend of Dinosaurs · Monster Birds (M17T2)"
"Legend of Lake Sai (Lullaby)"
"Signs of Hatching (SE)"
"Plesiosaurus' Prowling (SE)"
"Death Fight of the Dinosaur and Monster Bird (SE)"


This is a list of references for Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds/Soundtrack. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Tuczynski, Lawrence (2021). "Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds (CINK-76)". Godzilla Monster Music.


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