Sandbox:Keiko Randa

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Keiko Randa
Keiko Randa in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Species Human
Nationality Japanese/American
Aliases Keiko Miura, Kei, Doc
Affiliation Monarch
Related to
First appearance Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Played by Mari Yamamoto
I'm Keiko Miura, and you may call me Dr. Miura.

— Keiko Randa ("Departure")

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Dr. Keiko "Kei" Randa (née Miura) is a protagonist in the 2023 Monsterverse television series Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Prior to meeting Lee Shaw and Bill Randa, Keiko lived in Japan with her young son, Hiroshi. Her husband was a kamikaze pilot who perished during World War II. At some point after the war ended, She and Hiroshi moved to the United States. There, she got a job that would eventually lead to the start of her friendship with Lieutenant Leland Lafayette Shaw and Monarch cryptozoologist Bill Randa.

Founding Monarch

In 1952,

In 1959, Keiko rode with her husband Doctor Bill Randa and Monarch Agent Lieutenant Lee Shaw in a beat up car, following a radiation spike towards an abandoned power plant. Arriving at a forest surrounding the plant, they don gas masks and discuss how this could prove their theory on "the network. While moving theough the restricted area, they are confronted by a young hunter who points his rifle at them, causing Shaw to draw his own pistol. Keiko defused the situation by telling the boy they were scientists wanting to study the radiation, and that the game the boy would make him sick. The boy retorts that the radiation was a fairy tale, and that his elders believed it was a conspiracy the government created to hide a hole they had burned into hell. Upon reaching the ruins of the power plant, Keiko found her Geiger counter detected no radiation, and the three removed their gas masks for the remainder of the journey. Upon reaching the plant, Keiko found that small radiation spikes were emitted but quickly faded away, as if it was absorbed by something. Lee suggested it was being eaten like other Titans had done. They then set off a series of charges, and are delighted to find chambers within the bedrock. As they're celebrating, a minor earthquake hits the reactor, further confirming their findings.

Family tree

Hiroshi's fatherKeiko RandaBill Randa
Caroline RandaHiroshi RandaEmiko Randa
Cate RandaKentaro Randa


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