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King Kong vs. Orca
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Planned 1977-1980
Concept history King Kong vs. Orca
King Kong Lives

King Kong vs. Orca (キングコングVSオルカ,   Kingu Kongu VS Oruka) is an unmade King Kong crossover with the 1977 film Orca.


King Kong encounters, and does battle with, a massive killer whale.


While Paramount's remake of King Kong was still in production, Dino De Laurentiis was already considering plans for a sequel, with many ideas being tossed around, one of which was potentially a crossover with another film that he produced, Orca, a film that was made to cash in on the success of Jaws. While it is hard to know exactly how far this potential concept had gone, with nothing even short of a script stated to exist, for one reason or another it never came into fruition. Eventually, Dino would create a sequel to his version of King Kong 10 years later with the film King Kong Lives.


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