Sandbox:RMS Titanic

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RMS Titanic
RMS Titanic
Alternate names Unsinkable
Height 175ft
Length 882 feet 9 inches
Width 92 feet and 6 inches
Weight 46,000 tons
Piloted by Captain Edward Smith
Launched from Belfast London
First appearance "Terror on the Titanic!"
The largest and most luxurious ship in the world, she is reputed to be unsinkable...

— Narrator ("Terror on the Titanic!")

The RMS Titanic is an famous ship that sank northern Atlantic in 1912. It appeared within Dark Horse's Godzilla comic issue 11.


"Terror on the Titanic!"

Godzilla was sent back in 1912 by a bunch of time travel pirates to have Godzilla attack the ship.

Godzilla attacked the ship with his atomic breath and then rammed it in between it cleaving it in half. Godzilla’s body temperature melts ice around the ship decreasing causalities as an result as it sinks to the bottom of



  • Despite the Titanic being smaller than Godzilla (Who is 100 meters like his Heisei counterpart) they are about comparable in size during its appearance with Godzilla in the Dark Horse Comics.
Titanicus attacking the Titanic
  • Titanicus, the mascot monster for Titanic Creations, is named in reference to the RMS Titanic and was responsible for its sinking in the tie-in comic for Titanicus' figure.
RokuSCreensaver preview.jpg
Roku City Winter 2021.jpeg
  • The Titanic appears in a Roku wallpaper that also featured King Kong. Another also shows it (barley visible) with King Kong and Godzilla.
  • The RMS Carpathia (the ship that picked up the survivors of the sinking) later appears in Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre #1 where the ship is attacked and sank by Godzilla.

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