Sandbox:Titanic Creations

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Titanic Creations
Titanic Creations

Type Toy Manufacturer
Status Active
Founded 2018

Titanic Creations, LLC. is an American toy company based in Woodland Park, Colorado. They specialize in high-quality kaiju action figures mostly of original monsters, and starting in 2022, they have acquired the rights to and made figures based off of Gorgo and Yonggary. They have also made graphic novels as tie-in material for their figures, and plan to release one about Gorgo titled Gorgo Legacy.






  • Along with producing figurines of famous monsters, some of their original kaiju bare similarities to some monsters from other media:
  • Titanic Creations attempted to secure the rights for Reptilicus, the monster from the 1961 film of the same name, however they were unsuccessful.[1]


Promotional animation for the Gorgo figure
Promotional animation for the Yonggary figure

External Links


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