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Species Velociraptor sp.
Height 1.6 ft
Length 6.8 ft
Weight 33 lbs
First appearance Kong: The Animated Series Episode 8, "Reborn"
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Velociraptor is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period. It is one of the most famous dromaeosaurs ever, mainly due to its appearances in the Jurassic Park franchise. Velociraptors make several appearances in kaiju media.


Kong: The Animated Series


To be added.

"Night of the Talons"

To be added.

Kong: Return to the Jungle

To be added.

The LEGO Batman Movie

Amongst the supervillains locked away in the Phantom Zone was a Velociraptor, likely referencing the antagonist Velociraptors from the 1993 Jurassic Park film adaptation.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

Bernie Hayes wears a Velociraptor badge on his jacket, among many other badges and pins.


Godzilla: Rage Across Time

"The Cretaceous"

As Godzilla emerged from the ground after being thrown into a volcano by Monster X, he incinerated two Homo erectus brought to Earth by the Xiliens and a Velociraptor, leaving behind strange fossil evidence in modern-day Northern Israel.


  • The Velociraptor badge on Bernie's outfit appears to originate from the cover art of the 2002 video game Turok: Evolution.

External links


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