Topic on User talk:Astounding Beyond Belief

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Possible citation for Toho-Miramax lawsuit

Ani Mate, the One-Headed Human (talkcontribs)

I found this article from the Los Angeles Times mentioning the lawsuit over Godzilla vs. Biollante. Interestingly, it even mentions that Miramax could’ve distributed the film in Canada, Ireland and the UK (funny, considering we never got it).

Here’s the link.

Do you think it’s good enough to use as a citation?

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

It's certainly a good source, but doesn't cover some of the specify claims made in our article (that negotiations started in early 1990, that an oral agreement was made in June). That paragraph also appears to be plagiarized from Wikipedia, although it would be worth checking the histories of the two pages to see if they actually swiped it from us.

Ani Mate, the One-Headed Human (talkcontribs)

I understand. I can go check on the plagiarism thing in the meantime, that is if you haven’t already.

Ani Mate, the One-Headed Human (talkcontribs)

After doing a little checking, the first mention of the lawsuit on Wikipedia appears to have been added at 22:45, 7 December 2012 under a now removed section called “Development (USA)”. The original edit on there was pretty much a copy and paste of the L.A. Article without sourcing it. The section looks to have been removed and re-added quite a few times before it merged with the “English version” section.

As for Wikizilla, I’m only able to go as far back as 03:31, 20 August 2016. By then, the paragraph had already been added (including the claim that Omni did the dub for the film). By this point, the Wikipedia section practically had the same paragraph, earlier revisions from 2014 and 2015 seem to have used the same paragraph regarding the lawsuit as well.

Also, turns out that Japan's Favorite Mon-Star also mentions the lawsuit under the section “Godzilla vs. Miramax”, this seems to be where the references to early 1990 and the oral agreement come from. Might want to use that as a source too.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

You could check the equivalent article on Gojipedia if you really wanted to be thorough - but if it's that old, safe to say it originally came from Wikipedia.

Ani Mate, the One-Headed Human (talkcontribs)

Gojipeida seems to have first added a section about the lawsuit at 01:14, 27 May 2014, it is a near identical copy of the paragraph being used on Wikipedia at the time. The Wikipedia paragraph did indeed exist beforehand as it is seen on a revision made at 06:43, 12 May 2014, a few days earlier than when it was first added to Gojipedia.

On a completely unrelated note, I noticed that Chris McFeely (who’s more known for his stuff on Transformers) also contributed to the Wikipedia page. As someone who watches his videos, I found this pretty neat. No idea why I’m telling you this but here we are.

Ani Mate, the One-Headed Human (talkcontribs)

Pretty funny how my question about using a potential source for one of the pages became us talking about plagiarism and me checking the histories of 3 different sites to see who took from who.

Not complaining though, I actually quite enjoyed researching it.