
From Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia
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[[File:New WZ pfp.jpg|330px|スペースゴジラ]]
Subtitle(s) Man of Mediocrity
Species Human
Nationality American
Age 16
Gender Male
Aliases Liam McGuire, TCF1138, LM1138, Best Bros
First appearance Action: The Movie (2016)
Latest appearance The "room tour" Tour (2024)

Hi, I exist.

Affiliated "companies"

  • Best Bros Comix (comics, movies)
  • 500th Boxury Bread (movies) (defunct?)
  • BlackBox Pictures (movies) (defunct)

Relevant Movie Collection

Fan Projects

Godzilla "Special Editions"

Fan-edits of Godzilla Raids Again, Mothra vs. Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster, Destroy All Monsters, Godzilla vs. Hedorah, The Return of Godzilla.

They will all follow, more or less, the same plotline they started out with, but with redone visual effects (to varying extents) and new sound mixes.

The edits will range from almost necessary, to fairly nitpicky.

I am not saying that all of these movies are bad, I just want to do my own take on the movies.

Later on, I will reveal a tentative change list for all of the films listed above.

(UPDATE 4/13/2022: good laptop fried, still need to learn some of the techniques.)

(UPDATE 9/24/2022: new laptop acquired, might be underway soon.)

I have now officially decided on the names for each edit.

Godzilla Raids Again: Iwato Island Edition

Mothra vs. Godzilla: Happy Enterprises Edition

Godzilla vs. Monster Zero: Planet X Edition (will also have alternate version with Invasion of Astro-Monster title card)

Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster: Red Bamboo Edition (will have alternate version with Ebirah, Horror of the Deep title card)

Destroy All Monsters: Fire Dragon Edition

Godzilla vs. Hedorah: Return the Sun Edition (will have alternate version with Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster title card)

The Return of Godzilla: Mount Mihara Edition (will have alternate Godzilla 1985 cut)

GRA will have 90% of the monster shots redone with CG, or at least be slowed down a bit.

MvG will have Frontier missle scene re-inserted, and will have some of the jankier composite shots redone

GvMZ will have recomposited Planet X and other space shots.

GvTSM will have Godzilla's Kong-y moments removed

DAM will have Baragon actually attack Paris, and Manda will now attack London on-screen.

GvH will be a bit less nauseating to watch

The RoG cybot will be digitally replaced with a head that matches the 84Goji suit.

Still thinking about the rest.

UPDATE 7/9/2023: Finally got a proper PC, going to test this stiff by remastering Cozzilla, and making a few little animated Godzilla renders inside of Blender. Also going to Cozzill-ify Godzilla Raids Again

Cool posters (some may be irrelevant to WikiZilla)

Photoshop Jobs

Vital facts about me

I had to build a new shelf not long ago for my movies.

DeviantArt: TCF1138 (I don't do much more than DVD covers, low effort memes and some movie posters.)

YouTube: Best Bros (the one with the blue background and yellow BB for profile picture)

I only just recently started using Blu-Ray.

(soon to be) Inventor of world's first office chair-based racing game

Social skills crumbled during pandemic

Still waiting for a friend of mine to bring his superglue and fix my Godzilla (1994) figure. (broken in March 2021)

I have a blue screen just lying around with nothing to use it for.

Vital facts for you

Never buy Atlantic brand media shelves

Just because you're at a pizza place, doesn't mean you HAVE to order a pizza.

I do not recommend El Monterey breakfast burritos. I think the tortilla tastes like cardboard.

Cereal is overrated.

There is no reason to not like the '98 Godzilla unless you're trying to watch it as a Godzilla movie. (Take the title with a grain of salt.)

Lenovo N23 Chromebooks can barely compute 1 + 1.

Don't waste your money on a collector's edition of a movie you don't like unless it's the only available copy.

It's fun to yell at people in Spanish when they have no clue what you're saying.

If you water water, it grows.

Tuedsay is Soylent Green Day.


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