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Alternate names Grimagikoopa
Species literally baragon irl Dry Bones filthy ningen
Age 14
Height 5'3"
Relations the one i had with ur mum jk
Allies Pretty much everybody on this wiki
Enemies twig limbs yet another jk
First appearance Latest appearance
February 2nd 2010 right now lol
Design(s) My artstyle
How long have we been living in such an age? Perhaps it began when man first stepped out of the Garden of Eden. Try to think about that one more time.

Erika Shiragami (Godzilla vs. Biollante)

yes, i'm a person who exists on this website.

If you're wondering, I first knew about Godzilla from a very young age (i have no idea how i first heard of him) but i began to get interested into Godzilla stuff around 2021 - 23. i have an unhealthy obsession with Baragon and am prob this website's #1 Godzilland enthusiast.

when i'm not using the Wikizilla, i write really stupid stuff about fake countries and alt histories. i am ultra skilled in this one 3D animation software that is not Blender, however i just make fictional TV logos with it. i have ADHD and my mental health isn't that good,i never tell anybody on this wiki what exactly i go through on the regular internet tho. i haven't done anything really bad, my past on Discord and whatnot is just controversial.

if you're wondering, i am NOT a furry. only thing i am close to being is a scalie. i just really like fluffy lizards tho.

my Discord account is grimagikoopa, feel free to add me on there. Thanks.

My Favorite Kaiju

My Favorite Godzilla Designs



Rating Kaiju

These are just my personal opinions, free feel to execute me for them. sorted via the first movie the kaiju appeared in, and if there are multiple of them in one movie, via the kaiju's importance in the movie in general.

Toho and Monsterverse kaiju (WIP)

Kaiju My honest thoughts Rating
Godzilla what's not to like about this kaiju? for starters, he is incredibly iconic, the symbol of Japanese monster

movies in general. a lot of his designs also look pretty cool, and it's nice to see the storylines he goes

through and how his personality goes from evil, to caring, then back to evil and then back to caring.

in some movies tho, he can be a bit of a dickhead, and sometimes he just has unexplainable plot armor.

above all, Godzilla is a personal favorite of mine and is probably the most iconic film character of all time

Anguirus my second favorite kaiju. i really like him a lot, he's quite cute and i'm glad to see that a lot of times he

never backs down, he's a very courageous and strong fighter. i can feel bad for him sometimes, as he

seems to have awful luck. i originally considered him to be one of my favorite kaiju, but then i changed my

mind. he is still one of my favorites.

Rodan Rodan is quite cool, i personally like him as well. he isn't really one of my favorites but he's pretty nice. the

fire abilities that he has in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II suite him quite well. at first i thought he was an eagle,

but he makes sense being a Pteronanon. not to mention, he's also iconic

Meganulon honestly, these guys are just weird bugs, they do have some importance in a few movies but then again, i

don't really know what else to say about these guys. in the movie Rodan, they're big and threatening at first,

but then Rodan just completely overpowers them and the Meganula (???) turn into food. i like the Showa

design tho, it looks quite cute

Moguera he's just a big silly robot mole that... honestly doesn't do much either. in The Mysterians he looks pretty hilarious,

but i honestly prefer his design in that movie over the one in Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla. this guy does absolutely

nothing in Get Going! Godzilland, which is quite sad (possibly due to writing constrictions ig). honestly his abilites

are cool too, and i think he's the only kaiju to not ever roar. tbh i wonder what a Moguera roar would sound like

Varan at first, i never payed too much attention to this guy. but come on, i need to appreciate him. his design looks pretty

awesome, sure he doesn't have that much abilities, but still tho. his roar is iconic and used for various other kaiju.

but it's such a shame that he's so underused. he only appears in 2 movies (the last one being released 56 years ago)

and he was gonna have a third one, but him and Anguirus were scrapped from it. this guy needs more love. he could

be deadly to me since the back of his original suit is made out of peanuts, which i have an allergy to, but whatever

Mothra probably the second kaiju i've ever heard of. i mean, she's just a big giant fluffy moth with two small women psycically

linked to her, and that's already a good concept. she isn't one of my favorites but she's iconic too. also she is innocent

in like every single film she is in, AND SHE SAVED A PUPPY FROM DROWNING. her design in the MV looks hideous

and nothing like her tho (except for the larva maybe). i don't really know what else to say about her ig

King Kong probably the third kaiju (technically, monster) i've ever heard of. i'm putting him here because he is in both Toho movies

and the Monsterverse. i used to think this guy was really overused, but i like him too. he's extremely iconic like Godzilla,

altho he's featured in less films, but parodied a lot more. also this guy big fluffy (i'm not a furry istfg) too. not one of my

favorites but he's pretty good

Maguma hmmm... what can i say about this guy? he's incredibly underused at first, and a pretty obscure kaiju in his own right, but

he's just a massive walrus. sometimes i think about the big walrus in Pingu and i find it funny thinking that Maguma has

travelled to the Pingu universe to torment that penguin from a cartoon i watched a few times at a very young age. this guy

is okay imo

King Ghidorah big funny derg. okay that's not everything about him, but i really like him too. i love his Showa variant a lot more than

his other variants. he should've kept that big fluffy mane of hair. Heisei Ghidorah looks alr too, and you know what's

awesome? Mecha-King Ghidorah. i like Desghidorah too. his abilities are cool as well and he's pretty big and intimidating,

and he's really iconic too. one of my favorite pieces of Godzilla media is him in Get Going! Godzilland when he starts

rapping. one last thing: MV Ghidorah's heads are unfathomably tiny. TL;DR: Ghidorah is cool.

Manda this guy is a big stupid snake and he's cool. i honestly really like snakes and dragons so he's in my good books, altho

i like his Atragon design, him in Destroy All Monsters looks a lot more snake-like but he looks uglier, but arguably i think

his Millenium design is my favorite. he's pretty underrated too. yet again not one of my favorites but he's pretty close

Baragon ...this guy. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. as you probably already know by now, he's my favorite kaiju. for starters he looks

ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE, especially in Frankenstein vs. Baragon and in Godzilland. his abilities really suit him a lot,

too, and they should've kept his heat ray for Destroy All Monsters and GMK. speaking of DAM, i know this was due to

budget constraints but he should've attacked a city too. his GMK design is a bit overrated but he's pretty cute in that movie

too. also, that one video of his actor doing that really cute "raah!" roar warms my heart. in Frankenstein vs. Baragon, he is

pretty much innocent. he's just a big wild animal that needs to eat to survive, sure he tries to eat Sueko Togami, but what

would YOU do if you woke up from an accidental chemical explosion and got hungry and confused? this guy should've been

used in a LOT more things and Toho needs to appreciate him a lot more. above all, this is in my opinion Toho's best kaiju,


Frankenstein it's not just because he has beef with my favorite kaiju over unexplainable reasons... i just really don't like him in general.

he may be a mysterious character but he looks pretty ugly imo, and his roar sounds stupid. i don't hate him as much as i

used to but this guy is one of my least favorite (i don't have a particular most hated kaiju) kaiju... technically kaijin but whatever.

it's a shame what happened to his actor which is very tragic and i feel bad for him. imagine being nearly deaf at

13 - 17... couldn't imagine that. he has a chance for redemption, but still tho, this guy stinks (prob literally too). i don't hate his

many other interpertations from other things and franchises, they're cool, but i don't like this Frankenstein.

Ebirah wow, look, it's seafood as a kaiju! jokes aside tho, this guy is... okayish, he doesn't have that many abilities (which makes sense,

he's just a crustacean) and doesn't really do that much in Final Wars, but he unironically looks pretty tasty. i'd actually wonder

what he tastes like. otherwise, he's okay, i don't really have that much thoughts about him. he's really just a big crab. kinda cool too

Giant Condor imagine being this kaiju for a second. you are born, do Giant Condor childhood things, then go out and attack Godzilla for virtually

no real reason. then he cooks you and turns you into KFC. that is the life of the Giant Condor. he looks like Rodan after finding

the weed, however. anyways, this is a pretty stupid kaiju imo

Minilla god, UGH, AGHHGHADUGHDAGIOUHFJGXCIOADIOGJADSFIOGJADIO- ok i'm gonna stop. i really don't like Minilla.

for starters, he looks... REALLY GODDAMN UGLY. Newborn Minilla legit looks like a pile of mud, and when he grows up

he isn't that much better. sometimes i kinda feel like if you would poke Showa Minilla with a fingure he would

collapse into dust. FW Minilla looks like wet clay, tbh. Minilla can be EXTREMELY annoying and somewhat useless sometimes,

but not really. there are some heartwarming scenes with him and Godzilla, oh he also defeated Ghidorah at the end of

Destroy All Monsters, but still. i don't like Minilla that much. he's also pretty overrated tbh.

Kamacuras these guys are okay... they're an alright idea for a villian, and honestly i really like the Millenium design for these guys, but the Showa

design (including the Giant Praying Mantis) looks kinda stupid. i mean, it WAS the 1960s after all, and maybe there was a limited

budget, but maybe the suit designers could've tried a little bit harder ig. the Kamacurases (or whatever their plural name is) need

more abilities, too

Kumonga THE GIANT ENEMY SPIDER. but what do i think about this kaiju? Kumonga is alr, not a bad kaiju but he's not one of my favorites.

i honestly like his Showa and Millenium designs more than him in Godzilla Singular Point. also, he's a pretty cool guy. my brother would

be really scared of him because of his arachnophobia tho. he's also a pretty cool concept of a kaiju, even tho a giant spider is pretty

easy to think about making.

Gorosaurus NOE LUK WAT HOPENID!11!1!1!11!111!111 okay, to be honest, Gorosaurus is pretty cool. sure, he's just a giant dinosaur, but

i like his design too. he also uses my boi Varan's roar, which is also used by the only kaiju that has a 10/10 listing on this thing (until

2001, at least). also that Kangaroo Kick is ICONIC, i don't know what the French did to him tho. he's also pretty underused outside of

comics and whatnot, but still tho. he also needs an actual decent breath weapon. ChadGorosaurus is pretty annoying tho. above all,

i like Gorozavr ngl. he's not one of my favorites but he's high up there.

Gabara am i the only one who somewhat likes Gabara? he's pretty underrated, and i really like his design, it looks quite cute. i know he's

supposed to be a mutated amphibian but c'mon Toho, YOU SHOULD'VE GIVEN HIM A DANG TAIL, THAT WOULD PERFECT

HIS DESIGN. he's also kinda weak tho, but i really like his electrical abilities. why the f!ck can he vore people in Go! Greenman

tho, that's weird. he's not a perfect kaiju, but he's really cool. i have to say this tho: i go through a lot of bullying online, and he's a

pretty big bully to Minilla, so i can relate to Godzilla's deformed son here ig

Hedorah so you're telling me that LITERAL GARBAGE is a kaiju? at first i thought Hedorah was weird, but honestly, i really like him ngl. he has

such a cool design, especially in his debut movie. he's really suitable for such a trippy movie that was Godzilla vs. Hedorah, i'm pretty

sure he was made on LSD, just like the movie itself. he also has some pretty cool abilities, and his evolution process is really nice. i

personally prefer Perfect Stage Hedorah. Initial is just a tiny tadpole, Aquatic looks like a piece of crap with eyes, i honestly don't find

Landing Stage that cute and Flying Stage is just the same as his Aquatic stage. he should've been in more Godzilland stuff other than

the merchandise from 1984. also this guy big stinky. i really like Hedorah.

Gigan GIGAAAAAAAAAAN THE SPAAAAAAACE CHICKEEEEEEEEEEEEN: Gigan is such a nice kaiju imo, but he looks REALLY goofy

in the Showa era - in fact, the Showa era Gigan is by far my favorite interpertation of him. i really like the Gigan in Final Wars as well,

but the rivarly he has with Mothra is stupid; what beef do the two have against each other? he has a plentiful amount of abilities but is

pretty cowardly, but oh well. he's pretty iconic as well, and seeing him argue with King Ghidorah in Godzilla vs. Gigan was pretty funny

ngl. Gigan is honestly the best space chicken of all time. i know he's just a cybernetic dinosaur, which sounds even cooler, but still tho.

Megalon i'm kinda sad that a lot of people now only know him through the VRChat meme about him (I AM MEGALON!!!!!!!!), which is a funny

meme, but he deserves further attention then just that. he's cool like Gigan, and i really like his design, but he has just a few abilities,

and i feel like he could've gotten a lot more. he's a big coward tho, just like his best friend tho. one other, thing him and Gigan should

canonically be best buddies, they are prob already the best of friends anyways, but a genuine friendship between the two? it needs to

happen. i've always liked Megalon

Jet Jaguar this guy is my dad's favorite kaiju. in my opinion??? he's alright, i guess... not a bad kaiju at all but he isn't really that good. i actually

somewhat prefer Red Alone over him, and i feel really bad for RA's creator. this guy is also cloned like 10 million times in Godzilla Island

but whatever. his design? i honestly really don't know what to say. he's an alright kaiju, maybe he should be used in a bit more stuff.

one last thing though. wawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa

Mechagodzilla Showa Mechagodzilla is really nice tbh. i really like his many abilities and his design is not just "quite cool" but iconic. that roar is

absolutely earrape tho. for Heisei Mechagodzilla, he's quite cool too, i like his breath weapon, as well as some of his other abilities,

but i feel like his design's too smooth for a Mechagodzilla. RandoMekagoji (Godzilland Mechagodzilla) can just f!ck off imo, he's a

creep. Kiryu is by far my favorite MG design, he just looks more mechanical and dragon-like, he also has some pretty cool guns, and

prob the biggest tail out of all the MGs, him going beserk is such a cool scene. i dislike Anime Mechagodzilla, he has a lot of wasted

potential, RPO Mechagodzilla's design is quite cool but he doesn't really belong in the movie + book, MV Mechagodzilla's pretty cool

as well, i like his design and DAMN HE'S HEAVY, i prefer the other MGs tho. TL;DR: Most MGs are good imo.

8/10 in


King Caesar he's adorable... in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, at least. he looks like a big fluffy pupper in this one, however his design in Final Wars...

why does he have visible nipples? and why did they make him be made out of bricks who cares, he's cool and i like him. yet again,

he's not one of my favorites but i really like him a lot. he may be a bit of a coward tho, my main problem with him is his lack of abilities:

all he has is strength and an eye prism, as well as a breath weapon in Godzilla Island. also, i hate how he's ended up named after a

dang Roman king even though he's inspired by the Shisa, an Okinawan mythological figure. I might just call him King Shisha or, better

yet, Sárkánycsászár (the Hungarian language sounds beautiful imo, altho i'm not from Hungary).

Titanosaurus honestly, i'm beginning to like this kaiju more and more with each passing day. he has such a cool ass design, and i quite like his

docile personality, which is actually kinda rare in kaiju. i actually kinda feel bad for Titanosaurus, he should've just been left on his own.

his abilities are cool as well. but his roar is really weird. he's an okay guy. definetley not perfect, but he's not bad at all.


Images (wip at the moment)

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