Rodan (Godzilla in Hell)

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Rodan trademark icon
Rodan in Godzilla in Hell
Alternate names Demon Rodan, Great Winged Demon
Species Giant Pterosaur-like demon

Giant Pterosaur-like reptile (Initially)

Enemies Godzilla
First appearance Godzilla in Hell #2

Rodan is a giant monster that appears in IDW Publishing's 2016 comic book series, Godzilla in Hell. Rodan was an enemy from Godzilla's far distant past who would eventually reacquaint with the Monster King and engage him in battle amidst Hell itself, only to be swiftly and brutally defeated.


Rodan's Japanese name, Radon, is a truncation of "Pteranodon." It may also have been chosen to suggest radiation. The name was changed to "Rodan" in English-speaking markets, possibly to avoid confusion with the element Radon. Toho eventually trademarked the name "Rodan," making it the monster's official English name.


Rodan's design in the comic is identical to his showa design, albeit with the colors of the original. The one trait unique to this design is his glowing, fire-colored, pupil-less eyes that emphasize his demonic nature in Hell.


Rodan's origins in Godzilla in Hell are unknown aside from being an inhabitant of Hell who had once fought Godzilla in Life, eventually being for unknown reasons prior to the events of the comic. When Godzilla entered a particular place of existence within Hell, Rodan became the first in a line of Godzilla's enemies to reengage in battle with Godzilla before being ultimately defeated.


Rodan shows no character traits or personality other than being another old enemy of Godzilla's that faces the Monster King in Hell.




(More TBA)


Rodan is capable of flying at incredible speeds and proved fast enough to dodge a blast of Godzilla’s atomic breath.


Rodan was knocked down by a powerful blow from Godzilla's tail, tumbling down on the nearby ruined city. Godzilla left the downed Rodan in victory.






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