User:MosuFan2005/wiki/Brawl Stars

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Brawl Stars
Brawl Stars logo
Developer Supercell
Publisher Supercell
Platforms Android, iOS, iPadOS
Genre Multiplayer online battle arena, Hero shooter

Brawl Stars is a mobile multiplayer online game developed by Supercell.

The game collaborated with the Godzilla franchise in 2024 with the Godzilla City Smash event, lasting from April 29 to May 20. Several kaiju-themed skins were added alongside a whole new game mode and some short animated promotional videos on YouTube.


Godzilla City Smash






Godzilla event announcement
Cinematic trailer
Mothra cinematic short
Mecha-King Ghidorah cinematic short
Event tutorial video


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Era Icon - Godzilla.png
Era Icon - Mothra.png
Era Icon - Mecha-King Ghidorah.png
Era Icon - MechaGodzilla (Heisei).png