TV Perfection: Warrior of Love Rainbowman Vol. 3

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Shogakukan's TV Perfection: Warrior of Love Rainbowman Vol. 3
Shogakukan's TV Perfection: Warrior of Love Rainbowman Vol. 3
Publisher Shogakukan
Publish date 19 March, 1983
Genre Reference
ISBN ISBN-10: 4091102638

Shogakukan's TV Perfection: Warrior of Love Rainbowman Vol. 3 (小学館テレビ名作 愛の戦士レインボーマン 第3,   Shōgakukan terebi meisaku ai no senshi reinbōman dai 3) is a 1983 children's informational book animated television series Warrior of Love Rainbowman. The third volume focuses on Rainbow Seven, the Die-Die Gang and its new deputy commander Major Heinz, and the first four Devil Mechas created for the series.


The book was published by Shogakukan on March 19th 1983, and sold for 300 yen.


1. What kind of hero is Rainbowman, the Warrior of Love? 愛の戦士レインボーマンとは、どんなヒーローですか? (p. 2)
2. What kind of abilities does Rainbowman have? レインボーマンになったとき、どんなぶきを使いますか? (p. 4)
3. How do the Seven Incarnations of Rainbowman fight? 七つに化身したレインボーマンは、どんな戦いをしますか? (p. 6)
3. If Rainbowman has a weakness, what is it? レインボーマンに弱点があるとすれば、なんですか? (p.8)
4. What sentence does Rainbowman say? レインボーマンは、どんなじゅ文をとなえますか? (p. 10)
5. What Does Rainbowman do when he fights a huge enemy? レインボーマンが巨大な敵と戦う時は、どうしますか? (p. 12)
6. How do you summon Rainbow Seven? どうやってレインボーセブンに、合身するのですか? (p. 14)
7. What weapons can Rainbow Seven use? レインボーセブンになると、どんなぶきが使えますか? (p. 16)
8. What is Rainbow Seven's finishing move? レインボーセブンがとどめにする必殺わざは、なんですか? (p. 18)
9. Even as Rainbow Seven, can you lose? レインボーセブンでも、負けるようなことはありませんか? (p. 20)
10. What kind of enemies is Rainbowman fighting? レインボーマンが戦う敵とは、なにものですか? (p. 22)
11. Who is in the terrifying Die-Die Gang? おそろしいシネシネ団には、どんな団員たちがいますか? (p. 24)
12. What strategy does the Die-Die Gang use to threaten Japan? シネシネ団は、どんな作戦で日本をおそいますか? (p. 26)
13. Does the Die-Die Gang perform surgeries on its members to make them stronger? シネシネ団は、団員を強くするため改造手術をするってホント? (p. 28)
14. What Kinds of giant robots does Rainbow Seven fight? レインボーセブンが戦う、シネシネ団の巨大ロボットはなに? (p. 30)
15. What powers do the Devil Mechas have? デビルメカには、どんな力がありますか? (P. 32)
16. What Devil Mechas have been created so far? 今までに、どんなデビルメカが、おくりこまれてきましたか? (p. 34)
17. Rainbow Seven's Great foes! Devil Mecha (Draudas) and others! レインボーセブン大決戦! デビルメカ 〈ドラウダス〉ほか。 (p. 36)
18. What is Takeshi Yamato's (Rainbowman's) biggest dream? ヤマトタケシ (レインボーマン)の夢は、なんですか? (p. 38)



  • With all of his episodes currently considered lost media, this book is to date the only record of Major Heinz and his background.


This is a list of references for Shogakukan's TV Perfection: Warrior of Love Rainbowman Vol. 3. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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