Topic on User talk:Scifogon

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MechZilla74 (talkcontribs)

Hello, you may have seen me around before. I have been thinking about this for awhile, and I have decided that I am going to make a Godzilla fan film using my figures (NECA, S.H. MonsterArts etc.). Seeing that you have made films yourself, I was wondering if you had any tips for beginners like me? I would appreciate it as I love the Godzilla series and really want to do something special for the upcoming 70th anniversary of the franchise.

Scifogon (talkcontribs)

Hello and thanks! It has been a while. I'm sorry about that, but I'm really not the kind to give any tips, as I'd need to put them into practice myself. All I can say is, if you intend to do it with stop-motion, wear dark clothing while animating and make sure that your phone/camera is very steady - be careful not to bump it as well (a mistake I've done too often) - I also have one personal tip for stop-motion...I've seen people use AI 60 fps effect (?)/motion blur in their animations more an, and sadly, well, looks horrible and will ruin the animation. This is a must avoid. However, when it comes to the fake motion blur some apps like CapCut proposes, that's ok...I guess. But use this with caution. Another tip I've seen that concerns mostly LEGO brickfilmers but may very well be for everyone is, build your set around the camera, not before. That way, you'll have the angles you want, and you won't have to put unnecessary offscreen stuff that will bother you while animating. I haven't been animating since last year...been busy with request after request, et cetera (personal problems). But after my biggest commission which I'm currently doing, I hope to be making a big stop-motion Godzilla fan film as well. Also, I have never animated with Godzilla figures - nor do I have any. But I wish you good luck. There are some tips on YouTube, if they can help:

MechZilla74 (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the help! Also, do you have any tips for making buildings? I have a few pretty cool ideas for city destruction scenes but I don't have any buildings to do them with. (I used to have those buildings that Playmates released a while back, but those were made of cardboard and didn't really hold up too well.)

Scifogon (talkcontribs)

All I can think of for this would be either PVC or actual cardboard (!). I did some buildings a year ago from plastic containers. But sorry, I can't give much help for that.

MechZilla74 (talkcontribs)

Thanks again, I will keep all of this in mind when I start production.