Topic on User talk:Dagon=Kiryu

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This is for theories.

Dagon=Kiryu (talkcontribs)

I think Shimu will kill skar king as revenge

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

I think the Kong cast is from an injury in his first encounter with Skar King, which puts Kong out of commision allows the Skar King to reach the surface while Godzilla evolves. Those are the major plot points from what I think based on the trailer and lack of Kong's axe whenever we see him with the gauntlet.

Dagon=Kiryu (talkcontribs)

i agree

MrPenguin (talkcontribs)

here is how i think the first meeting between skar king and kong is gonna be: the mini Kong leads kong to a suspicious looking cavern. kong, skeptical and curious, he opens the gates to a whole kingdom of kong's. kong, in shock looks at the crowd of apes, happy and relieved to know that he is not the last of his kind. kong jumps down with the mini kong. a mysterious rumble is heard and the cave shakes. kong, confused looks for the origin of the sound. a huge, lanky kong jumps down from a cliff, scaring all but kong... the skar king

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

My theory is that towards the final battle Skar King is going to get jumped.

Dagon=Kiryu (talkcontribs)

This isn't just for gxk theories btw

Dagon=Kiryu (talkcontribs)

i think that godzilla minus two is gonna have anguirus get his ass kicked(again)