Topic on User talk:Kaijuzill

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(Just checked on my Google Chrome and no, seems like only YouTube users can.)
(Just checked on my Google Chrome and no, seems like only YouTube users can.)

(For those who don't have YouTube accounts, this is what I said: "It wouldn't be the 1st time that he came back from the dead. He came back from a severed tail, back in Rebirth of Mothra 3. Plus, it's been hinted that he could regenerate from the severed wing, from the film's final battle.
(For those who don't have YouTube accounts, this is what I said:
"It wouldn't be the 1st time that he came back from the dead. He came back from a severed tail, back in Rebirth of Mothra 3. Plus, it's been hinted that he could regenerate from the severed wing, from the film's final battle.
They could probably use electricity and/or radiation to jumpstart his regeneration. Cuz it's possible that KG's still somewhat alive.
They could probably use electricity and/or radiation to jumpstart his regeneration. Cuz it's possible that KG's still somewhat alive.
In Dragon Ball, Marvel, and DC terms, he's basically a hybrid of Frieza (*bent on universal conquest, holds grudges against those who manage to defeat him, can survive practically anywhere, and once came back as a cyborg*), Cell (*has the DNA of Frieza, a couple of Saiyans, and Piccolo and can completely regrow from a mere cell*), Majin Buu (*world-ravager and can reform/regrow from bits of himself*), Deadpool, Lobo, and Doomsday.")
In Dragon Ball, Marvel, and DC terms, he's basically a hybrid of Frieza (*bent on universal conquest, holds grudges against those who manage to defeat him, can survive practically anywhere, and once came back as a cyborg*), Cell (*has the DNA of Frieza, a couple of Saiyans, and Piccolo and can completely regrow from a mere cell*), Majin Buu (*world-ravager and can reform/regrow from bits of himself*), Deadpool, Lobo, and Doomsday.")