Topic on User talk:Astounding Beyond Belief

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Gamera's "human reviving"

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I remember my posting on Gamera's ability about "human reviving" was not accepted. If you don't mind, I would like you to know these, and may consider to be on the articles.

"Gamera presumably summoned mana to revive Ayana (and Tatsunari), and reactions by Asagi and Nagamine support this."

This have been mentioned on Wikipedia articles of Gamera and Gamera 3 (Japanese) .

"その後、綾奈は長峰の必死の心肺蘇生法とガメラの呼び寄せたマナによって事なきを得て、龍成も怪我もなく生還する。" (Gamera3)

"『3』では、人工呼吸でも目を覚まさなかった比良坂綾奈が、ガメラが咆哮した直後に目を覚まし、ほぼ同時に守部龍成も目を覚ましている。浅黄と長峰の反応から、ガメラが綾奈または龍成も含めた二人を蘇生していると思わしい描写がされている。" (Gamera)

This topic has been in various places such as these ( (posted in 2011), and I think the number of people to believe this theory isn't small (I recently watched a video by several Virtual YouTubers' reaction video to Gamera 3, and this theory was mentioned there, too both by the Youtubers and viewers).

About Asagi and Nagamine's reactions, when Ayana gained consciousness even though Nagamine's life support didn't work, Nagamine saw Gamera and said "could it be" (まさか), and Asagi smiled at Gamera (Asagi knew Gamera's extraordinal powers including her scars instantly disappeared in Gamera 1, Gamera's revival in Gamera 2).

Zillaman98 (talkcontribs)

Theories are not a source

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I think mentioning the possibility that Gamera revived Ayana is fine, but the use of mana veers too far into the realm of speculation.

DreamBrisdin (talkcontribs)

I see. Thanks a lot for consideration!