Topic on User talk:Astounding Beyond Belief

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MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)
Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Those don't sound like exact matches; could've been derived from the same animals though

MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)

[ 2005 ] But it's the exact sound, it's not a derived, hear closely, I'm not crazy seriously

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I disagree.

MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)

I'm not saying the full roar was used, hear closely the very ending of it, you'll notice a sound that was used in 2021, trust me

MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)

They used a short version in GvK

Kaijuzill (talkcontribs)
This post was hidden by Kaijuzill (history)

yeah I heard it, why don't you call beyond belief to come and listen to it?

MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)

I did show it to him, but he doesn't seem to agree

Kaijuzill (talkcontribs)

I mean, I presumably think its a recycled version of the 2005 roar

Kaijuzill (talkcontribs)

I agreed what you said, it was the same

MechaniKongZilla (talkcontribs)

ABB disagree

Kaijuzill (talkcontribs)
