Topic on User talk:Les

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Here's an excerpt from the final draft. Evidently the sequence was meant to be a lot longer and was cut down.

229     Gotengo, bridge (night)
Gordon: "What's happening?"
Miyuki: "It's absorbing Godzilla's power!"
Gordon: "Cover Godzilla!"
        Ozaki puts his hand on the Maser lever.
Miyuki: "Wait! That thing can absorb Godzilla's power. G-particles won't work. Shoot Godzilla!"
Ozaki:  "Godzilla?"
Miyuki: "Yes! Hurry!"
        Ozaki takes aim at Godzilla.
Komuro: "It's no use! The circuits are blown from the shock earlier. The Maser can't be fired."
        However, as Ozaki psychs himself up with his hand on the lever, the Maser begins to charge.
Ozaki:  "Aaaaaaaaah!"

230     Godzilla vs. Monster X (night)
        The Gotengo's Maser begins to charge.
        The charge reaches its peak and a G-Maser is fired.
        The G-Maser hits Godzilla.
        Godzilla's eyes glow white.
        Godzilla was powered up from being bathed in G-particles!
        Overloaded, sparks fly from Monster X's fangs.

I would have to look elsewhere in the script to see what a "G-particle" is, but it might've been an early name for M-base?