Forum - 5 Kaijus that could join to the Legendary Godzilla Universe

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Overview > Monster Discussions > Other Monsters > 5 Kaijus that could join to the Legendary Godzilla Universe

With King Kong joining the universe many of us got exited! But we want more! Here's 5 monsters that could join to the universe!

5. Gamera

Although putting a giant powerful turtle on the universe could be ridiculous it's still a good idea! Just imagine a american Gamera movie. They can make a trilogy and maybe later Godzilla Vs Gamera

4. Dogora

This is not a very known kaiju, people won't agree making a Dogora movie but maybe a cameo appearance on any Godzilla universe movie.

3. Clover

Sounds like a possibily, but many fans always wanted to see a fight between Clover and Godzilla.

2. Space Amoeba monsters (Gezora, Kamoebas and Ganimes)

Kamoebas may have a cameo appearance in Godzilla Tokyo S.O.S but we need also a crossover of this!

1. Pacific Rim (Jaegers and Kaijus)

Pacific Rim is also made by Legendary, but the BIG question is... Is Pacific Rim going to be in the Godzilla Universe?

Posted by Radionatix on 4 September 2016 at 03:34.
Edited by Titanollante (administrator) on 4 September 2016 at 17:13.

No, "Pacific Rim 3" is NOT going to contain Godzilla. Whoever told you that, whoever said that 'rumor'--don't ever believe a single word they say, ever again. That's such a blatant lie it's unbelievable how false it is.

Posted by Titanollante (administrator) on 4 September 2016 at 17:15.

Very good your opinion! But where did you hear the rumor about Godzilla being on Pacific Rim 3???

Posted by Punigako on 4 September 2016 at 19:53.

I'm not saying it's true but maybe this is fake

Posted by Radionatix on 4 September 2016 at 19:56.

That isn't at all a suggestion that Godzilla would be in Pacific Rim 3. As usual that's just a quote from a filmmaker musing at the possibility of a crossover and the media treating it like it's been confirmed. That was from an interview a long time ago where Del Toro said he would love to see Godzilla make an appearance in a Pacific Rim sequel. He didn't act like it was going to happen, he was just saying he would love something like that hypothetically happening.

The notorious rumor site KDramaStars (I have no idea why anyone even acknowledges anything that site says) posted a story a few months ago stating that MechaGodzilla would be confirmed for Godzilla 2 and that a Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover would be confirmed during SDCC 2015. Clearly that didn't happen, but I remember tons of fans and websites stating it was confirmed for the longest time.

Posted by The King of the Monsters (administrator) on 4 September 2016 at 20:04.

Varan Reptilicus Dogora Giant Sea Serpent Doppelgänger Demon

Posted by MosuFan2005 on 24 October 2016 at 07:33.

5. Never going to happen. 4.Too obscure to even be considered. 3. HAHAHAHAHHA. Not gonna happen. 2. Refer to my comment about Dogora. 1. This has cropped up quite a bit in the fandom latley, and it's starting to bug me. Godzilla and Pacific Rim are NOT going to cross over. They aren't making Godzilla 3. Godzilla 3 is the new Godzilla vs King Kong.

Posted by CdrWikizilla on 23 November 2016 at 17:32.

Gorosaurus. Kong Skull Island anyone? Cameo? Also, maybe Ebirah and other similar monsters as cameos. Anguirus has a chance, maybe in Skull Island as a cameo, but I would not bet on it.

Posted by Godzilla vs Gipsy Danger on 20 December 2016 at 22:34.

@Godzilla vs Gypsy Danger That would be cool, but I feel like Legendary would have annoucned it if they had those monsters or plan to use those monsters.

Posted by CdrWikizilla on 14 January 2017 at 19:48.

1. A pacific Rim Crossover film Is not an unrealistic concept. It only seems likely after all the other Monsterverse and Pacific Rim Stories, characters and Kaiju are established through the future films first. That will take at least another 4-6 years. Then when both Franchises are at their peak in interest and income from us fans they will do an insane crossover to do a final cash in on the franchises. Thats Just my speculation of course.

2. Is unlikely. I feel that Legendary is going down a more "realistic" path when it comes to their Monsterverse. So Kaiju like Ganimes & Gezora (a giant freaking squid and lobster) are just too a matter of fact most of the Kaiju from the Kirusaga (and few from Showa) series are unlikely candidates because they're all so goofy.(My opinion of course)

3. An interesting match up solely because of their size and nature. They are almost 1.1 with each other in regards to their height and length contrary to popular belief. (Godzilla H-355ft L-550ft - Though his size is very inconsistent throughout the 2014 film and honestly looks way larger than Legendary has told us. He looks to be closer to 600ft in some scenes! | Clover H-350ft L-DEFINITELY NOT 1200 Metres like every source suggests! Just ridiculous. But the visual effects studio did a good job at keeping his size consistent. I have my system of making sure) A side note - IF Clover is really a baby like JJ.Abrams and his Conceptual artist Neville Page stated, then Godzilla would have something to worry about! xD - The physique of them is interesting as well. Godzilla is cumbersome and muscular while Clover is lanky and fluid but anyway to the point. This match up is absolutely a no go. Each studio has their own thing going for them. We have the Cloververse and Monsterverse and they're great how they are on their own there is no need for a crossover and as is cool as it would be to many fans I genuinely would not want to see them fight.

4. Dogora is a gorgeous Kaiju but again keeping with Legendary's "realistic" standards he's a no go. He's an impractical opponent to any Earth born Kaiju. Unless they want a direct introduction to an Alien type Kaiju in the future then it's a possibility. If they do involve him I hope they make it as gorgeous as the original just maybe more majestic though.

5. YES! If Legendary ever get's to introduce Gamera then it's game over - I will be so excited! Gamera's aesthetic is so cool. I can imagine how amazing his standalone movie would be from Legendary. Thanks for reading and sorry if I offended anyone with my opinions on some of the Kaiju. :/

Posted by Spectracon on 15 March 2017 at 07:41.

Posted by Spectracon on 15 March 2017 at 07:41.

»I feel that Legendary is going down a more "realistic" path when it comes to their Monsterverse. So Kaiju like Ganimes & Gezora (a giant freaking squid and lobster) are just too a matter of fact most of the Kaiju from the Kirusaga (and few from Showa) series are unlikely candidates because they're all so goofy. «

So a giant squid and a giant lobster are unrealistic but a golden dragon with no arms, two tails and three heads is? Legendary are pretty much ditching the realism now. In fact, they ditched the realism the moment two giant parasite kaiju with weird flashing light-bulb-esque eyes showed up.

Posted by TheYellowShyGuy on 15 March 2017 at 08:12.
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