Godzilla (Godzilla: The Half-Century War)

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Godzilla comic Incarnations
Godzilla (Godzilla: Legends #5)
Godzilla (Godzilla: The Half-Century War)
Godzilla (Godzilla: Cataclysm)
Godzilla trademark icon
Godzilla in Godzilla: The Half-Century War
Alternate names Big Guy
Subtitle(s) A King of All Monsters
Species Giant Radioactive Amphibious Reptile
Height Unknown[note 1]
Allies Mechagodzilla, New Mechagodzilla (initially)
Enemies Anguirus, Rodan, Battra, Megalon, Kumonga, Mothra, Ebirah, Hedorah, Mechagodzilla (initially), SpaceGodzilla, King Ghidorah, Gigan, New Mechagodzilla
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla: The Half-Century War #1 Godzilla: 70th Anniversary "The Half Century Bore"
...Sometimes I think that you ruined me, you big ugly bastard.

Ota Murakami (Godzilla: The Half-Century War issue 4)

Godzilla is a kaiju that appeared in the IDW Publishing comic book series Godzilla: The Half-Century War.

First appearing in 1954, this Godzilla would appear multiple times to attack humanity, coming into conflict with the A.M.F on many of these occasions, and battle other giant monsters with the most notable battles occurring in 1967, 1975, 1987 and 2002.


Main article: Godzilla#Name.

Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira (ゴジラ), comes from a combination of the Japanese approximation of "gorilla" (ゴリラ,   gorira), and kujira (クジラ), the Japanese word for "whale."


The design of Godzilla in Godzilla: The Half-Century War mostly resembles the KiryuGoji design but possesses a few differences. One trait unique to this Godzilla include taller, thicker, slightly slanted backward dorsal plates that almost bare a crystal like texture. Also, Godzilla’s snout is shorter and his face has a more aggressive appearance. His ears are slightly longer, but also significantly thinner. Additionally, his skin has a flatter, trimmed, less pointy texture, somewhat resembling the skin of the FinalGoji design. His eyes have pale lavender pupils, though in certain panels and covers, his eyes are completely white and pupil-less in a similar manner to the GMK Godzilla. His legs appear to have the same proportions as that of the MogeGoji design, though they are far more muscular, and his lower legs are as wide as his upper legs. His feet are relatively large and wide, akin to that of the ShodaiGoji and GyuraGoji designs.

Some of Godzilla’s traits are inconsistent throughout the comic series. His dorsal plates are occasionally straighter or more slanted backwards. His snout is occasionally elongated. In some panels, he appears to have a veiny keloid like texture wrapping around his lower body.


Godzilla is depicted as a force of nature in a similar manner to the other monsters in the series and appears to consider Japan his territory, gradually moving away from the area over the series. In the first three issues, he is portrayed as extremely dangerous and aggressive towards both humans and other giant monsters, and while this remains throughout the entire series, he takes on a more anti-heroic personality in the last two issues and is seen as the lesser of two evils in his battles against the extra-terrestrial monsters SpaceGodzilla, King Ghidorah and Gigan.


Godzilla's origins are unclear in the series outside of his first appearance in 1954 though he is mentioned to be irradiated. His origins remain unknown in 2002 with Ota Murakami stating that despite his theories and reasonings, Godzilla is "a bigger puzzle than one man can ever understand in a lifetime."


Godzilla: The Half-Century War

"Japan, 1954"

Godzilla suddenly appears in Shinagawa, Tokyo and begins destroying the city, with lieutenant Ota Murakami, Kentaro Yoshihara and other members of their platoon being sent into Tokyo though they were only told to expect "bad weather". As the platoon were travelling in their tanks, Godzilla's atomic breath suddenly destroyed a building directly in front of them. Murakami called for the tanks to brake and ready their weapons as Godzilla appeared in front of them and roared loudly, sending debris from the ruined buildings towards the platoon. The tanks opened fire in response but only succeeded in irritating Godzilla who retaliated with his atomic breath, wiping out most of the tanks though Murakami and Yoshihara were able to escape in time. His enemies defeated, Godzilla continued his rampage and headed downtown. While chasing a crowd of civilians attempting to evacuate, Godzilla was attacked once again by Murakami and Yoshihara, who had repaired the damage dealt to their tank by Godzilla. Godzilla fired his atomic breath in response but missed the duo and then knocked over a skyscraper in an attempt to destroy them but missed them once again. Enraged, Godzilla chased the pair through Tokyo, crushing many buildings in the process. As he charged a final atomic breath to try and kill them, he was hit by an artillery barrage fired by the JSDF. With Tokyo devastated, Godzilla returned to the sea.

A few days after, a secret weapon was used against Godzilla, the creator of the weapon killing himself at the same time. The monster king reappears a few months later and wreaks havoc in the Pacific Ocean, with the A.M.F being formed in response though it is unknown if it is the same Godzilla that attacked Tokyo or a different one.

"Vietnam, 1967"

After 13 years of sticking to his territory of Japan, Godzilla suddenly changed his course and rampaged throughout Taiwan, the coast of China and Vietnam. Despite the A.M.F.s best efforts, they were completely incapable of even gaining Godzilla's attention who moved through Vietnam with an apparent goal in mind. While Godzilla continued his journey the A.M.F. and General Carson planned an attempt to destroy Godzilla with American firepower and Doc Randall's Maser Cannons. More TBA

"Ghana, 1975"

Godzilla was one of the many kaiju who rampaged in Accra, Ghana after Dr. Deverich activated the Psionic Transmitter and attracted the monsters to the city. While Godzilla battled the other monsters (Rodan, Battra, Megalon, Kumonga, Mothra, Ebirah and Hedorah), the A.M.F. argued amongst each other about the best course of action until Colonel Schooler noticed that the power station was active and had its lights on, showing that it was inhabited despite the rampaging monsters. Godzilla was one of the many monsters the A.M.F. had to avoid in order to reach the power station. More TBA.

"Bombay, 1987"


"2002: The End of the World"


Godzilla: 70th Anniversary

"The Half Century Bore"



Physical capabilities

While this incarnation of Godzilla uses physical attacks less than some other incarnations of the character, he is still seen using his tail, claws and raw strength in various issues. Examples of this include him charging through various buildings and using his tail to knock over a skyscraper in issue 1 and issue 3, throwing Anguirus with his arms and tail in issue 2, and tricking King Ghidorah into attacking Gigan in issue 5.

Atomic breath

Godzilla is capable of firing an atomic breath in a similar manner to other incarnations of the character. This attack is easily capable of destroying both buildings and vehicles, and also causing massive explosions. He also uses it as his main weapon against other giant monsters as seen when he attempts to kill Anguirus in Vietnam, his various battles in Ghana, when he kills SpaceGodzilla in India and when he battles King Ghidorah and Gigan in Antarctica.


This Godzilla retains the iconic amphibious nature of the character. His capabilities are hindered neither by land nor water.


Godzilla demonstrates at least some degree of intelligence as seen when he knocks over a skyscraper in an attempt to destroy the forces attacking him in Tokyo, when he strategizes with the second Mechagodzilla against King Ghidorah and Gigan in his battle in Antarctica and when he tricks King Ghidorah into hitting Gigan.


Godzilla demonstrates resistance against the attacks of M4A3E8 Sherman Tanks and Maser Cannons, and is also shown to have escaped the black hole fired from the Dimension Tide. However, he appears to be more vulnerable to the attacks of other giant monsters, as seen in his battles against Anguirus, SpaceGodzilla, King Ghidorah and Gigan.


While very powerful, Godzilla demonstrates a few weaknesses. His eyes appear to be a weak spot as seen when he is hit by Maser Cannons in issue 2. Like the other kaiju, he is unable to resist the effect of the Psionic Transmitter.




While most comic incarnations of the character are depicted with onomatopoeia to express roaring or other natural sounds, this comic gives Godzilla a blurred speech bubble meant to represent his roar. The speech bubble was created by tracing the oscilloscope image of his cinematic roar and then adding vague lettering to it.[1]


  1. Ota Murakami refers to him as "a hundred and fifty feet of walking 'bad weather'" in issue 1 but the inside cover of the hardcover edition of Godzilla: The Half-Century War estimates that Godzilla is around 100m tall.


This is a list of references for Titanozilla2023/Sandbox/Godzilla (Godzilla: The Half-Century War). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Stokoe, James (2015). Godzilla: The Half-Century War (Hardcover Edition). IDW Publishing.


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