Unconfirmed "Acidic Flame Breath"
A jet of flame is shown during Zilla's attack on Sydney in Godzilla: Final Wars which was similar to TriStar Godzilla's power breath. It's a very widespread assertion that this is meant to be an attack called "acidic flame breath" and ALLEGEDLY a long-lost interview with director Ryuhei Kitamura explicitly called it that. But all evidence of this seems to have vanished.
Well, it doesn't make sense. He's clearly walking around the corner and not that level of height as the explosion. --Lamango (talk) 03:37, 15 May 2018 (UTC)
He could've raised his head off-camera. I'd say it's worth mentioning in Trivia as a possible callback to the power breath, unless we can source that Kitamura quote.--Astounding Beyond Belief (talk) 04:02, 15 May 2018 (UTC)
- For the gif I cut off an intermediary shot where 2 guys are screaming and looking up that lasts a couple of seconds. In the actual movie it doesn't cut like that, from the explosion to an immediately walking-around-the-corner Zilla. Titanollante ( talk | contribs )