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Topic on User talk:MechZilla74
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Godzilla has been sent hurling through space by the humans. Traveling through the solar system at great speed. Eventually, Godzilla enters a black hole. He exits in near a cybernetic planet, where he crashes into Kaon, the Decepticon home base.
Soundwave stands guard outside of Kaon, and sees a massive rocket land near it. Soundwave tells Starscream to tell Megatron that they have visitors, and then Godzilla breaks free. Megatron asks "what is that?", then Shockwave tells him that he is an unidentified lifeform that must be destroyed.
(so, there’s a problem. I got a little confused, and kinda screwed up. Iacon is the Autobot city, and Kaon is a Decepticon city.)
Godzilla starts wrecking Kaon. The Decepticons try everything to defeat Godzilla, but they all fail. Godzilla leaves Kaon in ruins, and looks for a way off of Cybertron. Along the way, Godzilla finds Iacon, the Autobot home base. Enraged by his current status. Godzilla begins attacking Iacon.
Bumblebee sees Godzilla coming in the horizon, and tells Optimus that Grimlock is coming, but Optimus doesn't see his friend in that menacing silhouette. Soon, Arcee, Jazz, Wheeljack, and Cliffjumper are all on the scene, as Godzilla advances.
Cliffjumper infotms Optimus that it could be Tryptocon. The other Autobot agree as they ready for battle. The fire on the beast only for nothing to work. The silhouette gets closer and it becomes clear that it’s an organic being. Godzilla approaches an energy reserve and destroys, feasting on the Energon. Soon after, Godzilla steps away and falls underground through a crack on Cybertron’s surface. Bumblebee hopes that that’s the last they’ve seen of him, and Optimus assures him it’s not.
Back in Kaon, Starscream suggests that Megatron should team up the Autobots to stop Godzilla, but Megatron screams in his face, "NO!". Then Shockwave says that the secret weapon is finished, and that all they need to know is when to strike. Back in lacon, Bumblebee attempts to clean up the mess that Godzilla had created. But Optimus says that there's no time and that they need to look for the King of the Monsters.
A quake strikes Kaon, and Godzilla Bursts out of the ground! Megatron alerts everyone, and Soundwave gets the secret weapon. The secret weapon is a Sonic Wave Gun. It way intended for use on the Autobots, but this is an emergency situation.
The gun only has a mild effect on Godzilla, and instead seems to attract a different life form to Cybertron. Meanwhile, the Monster King is battling the Decepticons, and Starscream transfoms into a plane that Godzilla easily swats out of the sky.
The Decepticons transform and retreat. The Autobots arrive and start battling Godzilla. The Decepticons reluctantly help them. Godzilla over powwers them, and they retreat. At an underground bunker at Iacon, Shockwave and Wheeljack work on a new weapon to defeat Godzilla.
Meanwhile, in space..
Back on Cybertron,
Meanwhile in space...
A creature is headed for Cybertron, it's goals and identity are currently unknown, but it's coming fast. Back on Cybertron, Godzilla is walking around aimlessly in a baron wasteland, but then suddenly, "ATTACK!" it's Megatron, he decided not to help the Autobots and go out alone to fight Godzilla.
Megatron fires at Godzilla, however it does nothing. Godzilla whips Megatron with his tail, flinging him across the wasteland. Meanwhile at Iacon, the sensors pick up an unidentified flying object landing near the base. The team rushed out only to discover that it’s not Godzilla.
Gigan roars, and lands in lacon. the Autobots and Deceptions fire at the Cyborg, with no effect. He tears everything in sight, and is about to destroy Optimus Prime, until Godzilla blasts Gigan with his atomic breath, flinging the beast across lacon. Godzilla lets out a monstrous roar, when Gigan roars back. Now the Autobots and Decepticons must find out which side they'll choose.
They choose Godzilla’s knowing that Gigan is much more dangerous. As Gigan and Godzilla fight, Wheeljack and Shockwave finish the weapon. They call it the Orthogonal DiagonalizerA near dead Megatron crawls back to Iacon and begs for help. Meanwhile Godzilla and Gigan are having a brutal fight…
Gigan traps Godzilla in a wire, and slices him with his buzzsaw. Meanwhile, Ratchet tries to help Megatron. Godzilla blasts Gigan and sends him flying once again. Only for Gigan to ram into Godzilla, bringing the Monster King down. Then, an entire fleet of Autobots and Decepticons come to help Godzilla, blasting Gigan with everything they had.
Gigan shoots the Autobots down with his Scattered Light Beam. Godzilla gets up a fires his atomic breath at Gigan’s head, destroying it. The Autobots cheer as Godzilla roars. Although he defeated Gigan, Godzilla still posed a threat to Cybertron.
Wheeljack and Shockwave tell Optimus to fire the OD at Godzilla, it won't kill him, but will send him to random place in the galaxy. Bumblebee fires it on Optimus's command, after everyone was evactuated. And in the blink of on eye, Godzilla was gone. The remaining Autobots and Decepticons cheered, and all of Cybertron could wake up and live again.
On the planet of Endor, a Scout Trooper looks up in horror to see the looming doom above him.
“On the planet of Endor”
Well then, this should be fun!
It will be, also after 'Godzilla vs. Star Wars', here is a list of other crossovers we could do.
Godzilla vs. Batman 3: GvSW will explain how Godzilla gets back to earth, he returns to Gotham and fights Batman again, this will also have him get transported to the future for the next crossover.
Godzilla vs. Samurai Jack: After Godzilla is sent to the future, and must battle Jack and Aku, if you have HBO Max and haven't seen this show, you absolutely should, it's a masterpiece.
Sorry man, I can’t do the Samurai Jack crossover. I tried to get into it before, but the concept doesn’t really grab me. Sorry!
Okay, i might do alone, later on. As a story separated from this.
Also, what would you want as a story after BvG3.
Well, I have one concern. SWvG might not work because you have to have the right universe to cross over with Godzilla. Star Wars feels a bit too “fantastical” to work. After all a Lord of the Rings Godzilla crossover would feel weird, and I think Star Wars might feel the same way. I don’t know though, if you think it could work, we could try it!
I think we could make it work, just have to pick one corner of the SW universe and stick to it. Even if it doesn't have the classic characters like Luke and Leia.
I would totally do that, except I have one small suggestion. What if we made SWvG a separate universe . You see, I was trying to set up GvB3 with the ending of GoC.
Okay, we can do that, can you do an alternate ending and make it the canon one?
On the planet of Jupiter, Godzilla wakes up. He eyes lock on a NASA Space Shuttle.
Just so you know, i may be out of town tomorrow, so if we can make a story or not depwnds on how soon i get back.
This time, you should start the story!
In space, an odd-looking spacecraft is seen. Inside, a computer screen showing a scan of the current multiverse is shown, this is not our universe. A Zarab alien arrives on the scene, and asks how many universes "he" has travelled to so far. An unknown voice states that "he" has only traveled through two, but if "he" continues, something catastrophic could happen.
Meanwhile on Earth-DC...
Godzilla is sinking into the ocean, and enters an underwater portal that sends him to back to Earth-TF.
Godzilla emerges in the sea on Earth-TF. The Autobots immediately pick up on this with Teletraan 1. Optimus sends a group to investigate. The group consists of Wheeljack, Red Alert, Bumblebee, Grimlock, and Swoop. Meanwhile, the Decepticons also pick up on Godzilla’s signal.
A Mandalorian appears and alerts the others that Godzilla has appeared on Earth-TF, an Xilien presses an alarm and causes a siren to off on the ship. Three figures appear, a Zarab alien, a Transformer (neither an autobot or decepticon), and a symbiote. The five state that they need to alert the controller, and they go into pods to another world.
Meanwhile, on Earth-TF.....
(Crap, messed up)
(How so?)
The Autobots arrive at the docks. Wheeljack says says there is no sign of Godzilla, though Grimlock says something smells fishy. Suddenly, Godzilla bursts through the docks, attacking the Autobots.
(I’m wondering if we shouldn’t save the crossover side plot for the big crossover comic. This side plot might distract from the main plot because, in my opinion, this side plot is more exciting than the main plot.)
(1. I misread Decepticons so i thought i should continue the side plot. 2. Don't worry that'll be their last appearance for now, just wanted to do something to set up the big crossover.)
The Autobots fire everything they have at Godzilla. Wheeljack pulls out a Cybertronian Bazooka, which blasts Godzilla in the face. When the smoke clears, Godzilla was gone. Everyone knows he's not dead, especially after their last encounter with him. Red Alert finds an odd piece of metal in the rubble, Wheeljack states that they need to take it back to Optimus.
Wheeljack takes the metal to Optimus. Together they analyze the metal, they discover it’s Space Titanium. Unfamiliar with this metal, Wheeljack looks it up on Teletraan 1. He discovers that it comes from the Black Hole Planet 3.
(I would like to retcon something real quick. Can we add a Gorn (from Star Trek) to the crew of the spaceship?)
(Don't know much about Star Trek, but ok!)
Meanwhile, in the ocean....
Godzilla wakes up, and swims around looking for a place to stay. He then runs into a Decepticon warship, and attacks it. The Decepticons notice this, and begin to attack as well. Meanwhile a mysterious figure watches in the shadows.
(I’m a big Star Trek fan, so I’ll handle it. And besides, theres not much to them, they’re just big lizard people.)
The Decepticons send Devastator to attack Godzilla. During the battle, the other Godzilla from before appears and attacks the Autobots base,
Devastator throws Godzilla into the Autobot base, causing mass destruction. When the two Godzillas see each other, they begin to brawl.
The Autobots escape, and the Ark is destroyed. The fleeing Autobots run into the fleeing Decepticons. They question which Godzilla is the real one as they form a temporary alliance. The two Godzilla’s fight as they’re spine begin to glow. The Godzilla on the right fires a blue atomic breath, while the Godzilla on the left fires a yellow atomic breath. They engage in a Beam Lock. A huge explosion occurs, and Godzilla is knocked back. The other Godzilla is engulfed in fire, and when the fire clears, Mechagodzilla is revealed.
(Btw, I’m picturing Mechagodzilla in his RPO incarnation.)
Godzilla and the Transformers are confused and begin to attack Mechagodzilla, but to no avail. Mechagodzilla blasts his atomic breath at the Autobots and Decepticons, with it quickly changing from yellow to blue. This creature is made of a special type of Space Titanium, one that is made of nanometal, this machine will adapt to it's surroundings (ala Shin) and try to survive against these foes.
Mechagodzilla fires missiles from his shoulders at Godzilla, knocking him down Devastator attacks Mechagodzilla, only to be ripped in half and tossed aside. Grimlock sees this giant mechanical dinosaur and gets angry, ordering the Dinobots to attack the “imposter”. The Dinobots do little damage, although it allows time for Megatron tronsforms into a gun. Optimus aims it at Mechagodzilla’s chest. After firing a few times, Mechagodzilla is knocked back with a large hole in his chest, Optimus tries to fire again, but Megatron is out of ammo. Mechagodzilla uses his tail to knock Megatron out of Optimus hands. Mechagodzilla then flies off while the Transformers fire at him.
(Dang Devastator got Jazz'd)
Optimus and Megatron know he'll be back and return to their bases. The Decepticons mourn the loss of Devastator, Godzilla gets up, and swims away. The Autobots and Decepticons plan their next attack.
(Don’t worry Devastator will be back.)
Optimus knows that the Autobots alone cannot defeat Mechagodzilla, but they instead must combine forces. Megatron isn’t fond of the idea at first, but then he remember what happened last time. Megatron says he has an idea, but needs access to his Space Bridge to execute it. He says he also needs the Constructicons. Rachel prepares to repair Devastator, as a small team of Autobots and Decepticons prepare to regain control of the Space Bridge.
(on my profile I have a list all the current stories, tell me if you want to add any more!)
While the Constructicons make their way over to the Space Bridge, Godzilla is seen nearby, but is not headed their way.
Meanwhile, on a far away island.....
Godzilla arrives, and roars loudly, he knows that someone who can help is here on, he just doesn't know who. But then the ground begins to shake, followed by a familiar roar.
A mountain on the island exploded, and out bursts Rodan (Heisei). However, Godzilla knows this isn’t the same Rodan as he once fought. Godzilla steps forward to convince the beast to help him. Meanwhile, Wheeljack steps down to alert the Autobots guarding the Space Bridge of the situation. After an explaination, the guards let Wheeljack, Megatron, Optimus, Sideswipe, and Skywarp use the Space Bridge.
(I don’t want to add ant more right now, but I think we should change some of the titles.)
(What would you like to change them to?)
Back on the Island, Godzilla gets Rodan to help, and Rodan attempts to get Godzilla off the island so that they can fight MG
The Transformers enter a strange city, where all the metal has been sucked out of it. Wheeljack hypothesizes that Mechagodzilla had something to do with it.
(I want to change Batman Meets Godzilla back to the original title Batman: Wrath of Godzilla. Also Godzilla on Cybertron 2 is not a good title because Godzilla isn’t even on Cybertron in this one.)
The island shakes, and a monster roars as giant spikes start protruding from the ground. Anguirus emerges and converses with Godzilla. Anguirus allies with Godzilla and Rodan. And the three of them set off to defeat Mechagodzilla.
(Okay, changed them. Also, am I the only one who thinks of the G1 transition whenever we switch from Godzilla to the Transformers?)
The Autobots and Decepticons return with all the Space Titanium they could find, and use it to create power armor for Godzilla. Godzilla, Rodan, and Anguirus us arrive, and they all prepare for the final fight.
Meanwhile, in the wasteland...
Mechagodzilla is absorbing all the metal in sight, and has become Berserk.
(No, I think of it too.)
While they’re on their way out of the deserted Black Hole Planet 3 city, Optimus picks up a data tablet and reads it. It says that Mechanic Godzilla was originally built to assist the aliens in conquering the Earth, however Mechanic Godzilla became sentient and turned on the aliens. After Mechanic Godzilla’s rampage, parts of the Black Hole Planet 3 were no longer inhabitable. To get rid of the mechanical beast, the aliens encased him in a Space Titanium pod. They launched him into space where he eventually landed on Earth. As the Transformers prepare to enter the Space Bridge, an alien watches them from the shadows. He presses a button on his remote. When they arrive back, they begin construction on the Battle Armor. After Godzilla, Rodan, and Anguirus arrive, the Constructicons put the armor on Godzilla. Extra armor is made for Rodan and Anguirus.
Meanwhile, Berserk is attacking the city and absorbing its metal…
Berserk is absorbing all the metal in the city, becoming stronger and stronger. When the heroes arrive, Berserk has absorbed so much metal that he can change forms in seconds, much to the heroes surprise. They blast everything they have at the mechanical kaiju, but to no avail. Berserk begins to change forms, and he changes into a almost exact clone of Godzilla. The Transformers know that the only way to kill him, is to freeze him.
(He looks like this now. File:Concept Art - Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla - Kiryu 10.png)
Godzilla shoots lasers from turrets on his Battle Armor. Mechagodzilla retaliates by firing his Atomic Breath at the three Kaiju. The Transformers leave to figure out a way to freeze Mechagodzilla, however the Dinobots stay behind to help. The Transformers make they’re way to the Space Bridge, where they travel to Cybertron. Wheeljack attempts to repair the OD, and Megatron convinces Shockwave to help them freeze Mechagodzilla. Together, they develop a freezing maser cannon. Wheeljack returns with the “fixed” OD, although he says it’s unstable, and could send Godzilla to not just any planet, but any universe. The Transformers gather what else they need, and they head to the Space Bridge.
Meanwhile, Mechagodzilla is still fighting the three Kaiju. Their Battle Armor is becoming heavily damaged. The Dinobots are firing all they’ve got at Mechagodzilla, but to no avail. Rodan takes to the sky and attacks Mechagodzilla, however he shakes off the attack and fires missiles from his shoulders at Rodans chest, mortally wounding him. Anguirus lunges at Mechagodzilla only for Mechagodzilla to swat him aside. Enraged, Godzilla fires his Atomic Breath at Mechagodzilla.
(By the way, on my profile i have descriptions of the kaiju that appear in this series, let me know if there's anything that needs changing)
The Atomic Breath blasts through the nanometal monster, only for it to go through him. But, everyone notices that the nanomachines building up Mechagodzilla are finally dying out. Everyone blasts everything they have at the beast, and it works! Mechagodzilla falls to the ground supposedly dead, and everyone cheers. But suddenly, Mechagodzilla's sensors go off, and he lets a green mist out from his mouth into the sky. He was consuming the metal of Cybertron!
(Looks great, although I’d add Mechagodzilla’s alternate names, as well as his Mechanic Godzilla Form, which is pretty much just Fake Godzilla.)
Mechagodzilla absorbs not just the metal from Cybertron, but also the Energon and even some G-Cells! The Organizer G-1 from the G-Cells regenerates Mechagodzilla into a near perfect mechanical clone of Godzilla, although this clone has yellow eyes and yellow Atomic Breath. This new “Mechanic Godzilla” lets out a powerful roar. Megatron orders Soundwave to activate the freezing maser. Mechanic Godzilla is frozen in place, although they know this won’t hold him for long. Optimus quickly fires the OD at Mechanic Godzilla. The OD uses too much energy, and explodes knocking the Transformers back, and sending Mechanic Godzilla to a galaxy far, far away….
Feel free to write an epilogue, if you’d like!
(Story detail I left out, Rodan is in fact dead.)
Great ending! Here's the epiloge:
Godzilla gets blasted by the OD as well, and follows Mechanic Godzilla to Tatooine, where a certain Mandalorian sees the action.
“certain Mandalorian”
*starts cheering*
I swear my brain was blasting the theme while i was writing that. God i love that show.