Topic on User talk:Astounding Beyond Belief

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citing/source issue

El spigre (talkcontribs)

Hey ABB I was wondering if you could help me with an issue i'm having with using one of the sources on Spyler's page. It's the fact about how he was the one controlling Wargilgar which is already mentioned on Wargilgar's page, so I thought it would only make sense to also note that on Spyler's page. But something ended up not working so I just undid my edit, when you have the time could you possibly fix that for me? Thanks if you can

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Fixed! The trouble was that there were two sources with the same ref name - citing the same book, but with different page numbers.

El spigre (talkcontribs)

ah so that's what it was, thanks for helping out dude

El spigre (talkcontribs)

st wanted to thank you again for helping out with the writing with the terror-beasts. sorry if some of the sentences I had wrote were a bit too long/run-on. that seems to be my biggest flaw with writing as I have trouble knowing where to put commas or end the sentence itself. Also, it seems like Zone Junior is the only one from the show without a page. I'm not too sure how to make pages or sandboxes yet so maybe you or someone else can make a barebones one just to start off and of course edits can be made at a later time. thank you again ABB for helping outu

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Of course! You'll see an option to create a page if you run a search for something that doesn't have a page yet. As for commas and periods, try thinking about how you'd read the sentences out loud. Commas for short pauses, periods for longer pauses.

El spigre (talkcontribs)

thanks for the help with the Sandbox I appreciate it. Also thank you for the tip as well, I'm gonna try to incorporate that in my writing from now on.

El spigre (talkcontribs)

im also noticing that in addition to akira not having a page, most of the episodes don't either and the ones that do are very bare and just barely qualify as a "page"

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Yeah, there's a lot to do for Zone Fighter. It hasn't helped that the series wasn't translated for most of Wikizilla's history. But if you want to turn that around, there are fansubs on

El spigre (talkcontribs)

i'll definitely try to add what I can, but it seems like it would be a pretty hard job for just one person yknow? i'll probably start with taking screenshots from episode 1 if i do work on the episode pages

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I'll certainly help where I can, although patrolling and working on pages for newer works keeps me pretty busy.

El spigre (talkcontribs)

alright thanks man, do you think i should make a post asking for help with the episode pages just in case? i'll get started on the 1st episode today im just not sure whether or not to make a thread asking for help with it.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

I don't think you have to - people will chime in when they see it show up in Recent Changes.

El spigre (talkcontribs)

ok, thanks for clarification

El spigre (talkcontribs)

oh yeah do you mind if the subtitles are part of the screenshots? since well the only place to really get footage from ZF is the fansub

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Subtitles in screenshots are definitely not ideal. But if you give me timestamps, I can take screenshots using my own files.

El spigre (talkcontribs)

ive gotten started on the screenshots portion of the task, each episode starts with the same sparkle for the intro so ive added that to each episodes page. as for your offer on taking screenshots i appreciate that, my only real question with that is im a bit confused as to what you mean by timestamps? like whenever I take screenshots I usually focus on the kaiju scenes but i would assume you would like some of the humans/aliens as well.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

A timestamp is a specific timecode - for instance, if there was a shot of a monster you wanted captured from 16 minutes, 32 seconds into an episode, you would write it as 16:32.

El spigre (talkcontribs)

alright thank you that clears things up. ok i think a good place to start is the intro sequence, shots I think should be accounted fro are 0:04, 0:08, 0:10, 0:13, 0:22, 0:25/26 (whatever is clearest of Planet Garoga), 0:30, 0:32, 0:34, 0:35 (when Planet Peaceland is destroyed if possible), 0:42, 1:01, 1:05, 1:09, and 1:11

El spigre (talkcontribs)

those can just go in the screenshots section of the zone fighter (series) page, when you have the time to do it of course

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)

Will do!

El spigre (talkcontribs)

thanks ABB, really appreciate the help!