User:Godrizza draws

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Godrizza draws

I am Godrizza. I make the arts and things. I have lots of friends!

art stuffs found here, or there ->

Godzilla designs and ranking

Goji design ranking, objectively right

#22-daisenso: they are boring and have nothing unique about them. Designs made before and after outclass it in every way.

#21-84: bald fatass who’s looking in two different directions.

#20-king: just vibes. Not really my thing

#19-musuku: the body is actually pretty alright, just the head is ugly

#18-tora: really cool dinosaur! However, also very unfaithful to the roots of the franchise.

#17-shin: just like king, does not appeal to my tastes.

#16-earth: legendary if he was tree. Unoriginal

#15-mire: sos wore it better. Awesome colors though

#14-heisei: if I did draw them out individually, they would all be in the same place. Just know that they got better as they went along.

#13-soshingeki: daisenso if he was good

#12-shodai: I would put the og in the lower half of the list.

#11-gyakushu: very nice and animalistic

#10-mosu: I like the flappy lips, very realistic. Also grompy

#9-rex: turns out, when I draw them better it makes me like the design a bit more.

#8-redsky: unnecessary change to the legendary design, but still nice. The face is where it shines.

#7-minus: looks better when hunched, but stands erect most of the film.

#6-legendary: garegoji is better than doughegoji. But yeah, really good as a “base” Godzilla design.

#5-gmk: the best of the “1954 reimagined” quartet

#4-final: I got an mms and it’s really fun, also a nice standard goji.

#3-sos: I like the scar. The scar is very cool

#2-gyura: communicates the idea of “demon god taking the form of a dinosaur” very well. Also hot

#1-megaro: probably the funniest looking. I love them, and hope I can get the mms soon.

Gorosaurus vs orga

Its here!

I forgot to color in Gorosaurus’ mouth in the 6th panel 💀

Baragon vs varan

Godzilla Rivals: VS the Gargantuas


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