User talk:Godrizza draws

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collage suggestions

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

recommend things for me to draw on a large canvas. when the canvas is full, i will upload it here.

MrPenguin (talkcontribs)

gumball mewing

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

A Venusian from issue 10 of Charlton Comic's Gorgo comic

MechZilla74 (talkcontribs)

I grew up with the underrated gem of a show that is Wolverine and the X-Men. I know it's not kaiju related but considering you drew that Spider-Man image I was hoping you could do Wolverine too.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Peguila with Yian Kut Ku sitting on its head.

ThatOneKaijuFan2011 (talkcontribs)

Little Godzilla sticking his head in the dirt

Cohozilla (talkcontribs)

Godzilla commenting on how small Cohozunas are (they're ~50 feet in height)

JohnGojira (talkcontribs)

Godzilla (Evolved) and Kong (with BEAST Glove) drinking from mugs that have "Critics' tears" written on them. Perhaps Skar King and Shimo can be as well.

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

^This is genius

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

Ultraman Rising (2024) with a tiny Ebirah biting his shoulder (this is one of the most random things I have said on this site 💀)

TherealHokmuto (talkcontribs)

Godzilla spraying bug spray on Vishnu

profile pic requests

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

request profile images here!

Cohozilla (talkcontribs)

Godzilla Ultima with a Horrorboros wrapped around him (kinda like Manda did in SP)

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

A shark (hex color #107b7d) with blue glasses eating a cheeseburger 🍔

Supa Mekagojiller (talkcontribs)

Mechagodzilla (Monsterverse) screaming into a microphone with Hatsune Miku in the Background in tears

OaxiKaiju (talkcontribs)

A northern cardinal-like kaiju with a palm hat and machetes sticking out of its wings.

OaxiKaiju (talkcontribs)

I made this horrible drawing in paint to give you an idea of it

The Lone Ranger (talkcontribs)

Gemstone Godzilla with a ranger hat

MrPenguin (talkcontribs)

asuka holding a lil penguin with a tuxedo and top hat

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

uhh idk smth to do w/ baragon

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

You are also an artist??? I hate that mole devil, you would do a better job at drawing them than me. Also practice is good for you

i don’t wanna give you a lecture or anything, but it’s just kinda weird.

OaxiKaiju (talkcontribs)

Okay, I guess I'll have to make my own profile picture, sorry to bother you.

EatenByShark6837isCool (talkcontribs)

OaxiKaiju, Godrizza was talking to BaragonwaSaikoda about how he didn't want to draw Baragon. He's already made a profile picture for you, it's in his User Wikipage.

OaxiKaiju (talkcontribs)

EatenByShark6837isCool, Oh, sorry

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)

oh sorry

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

I was talking to baragonwasaikoda.

The Godzilla Fandoms Rookie YTs new account (talkcontribs)

Bumblebee from transformers eating bullets

Titanus Kaiju Fan (talkcontribs)

Godzilla pissing on the moon as Kong looks in disgust.

Dang, you sure do have a lot of requests.

BaragonwaSaikoda (talkcontribs)


Titanus Kaiju Fan (talkcontribs)

Idk, I’m pretty sure it’s been down since today, since it was functioning well only yesterday.

ThatOneKaijuFan2011 (talkcontribs)

Accidently commented my suggestion on your comment section. I would like to have Evolved Godziller T-Posing on an iceberg

JohnZilla (talkcontribs)

a green godzilla

ThatOneKaijuFan2011 (talkcontribs)

Hey Godrizza. I don't mean to sound impatient but is my profile picture ready?

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

I can do it by the end of the day chief

ThatOneKaijuFan2011 (talkcontribs)

Okay :D

TherealHokmuto (talkcontribs)

I really don't know what to say but judging by the thread name alone I think you know what I'm saying

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

Yeah I do. A drawing of hokmuto?

TherealHokmuto (talkcontribs)


ThatOneKaijuFan2011 (talkcontribs)

Hey Godrizza, could I have a new Profile Pic?

If so, could I have one of Zilla Jr doing his atomic breath on Gamera?

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)



Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)


Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

It happened to all of us.

Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)

I have a theory, maybe it's not just "some error", I believe that this is how the comments are getting removed.

Astounding Beyond Belief (talkcontribs)
Ultraman rides a dragon cuz yes (talkcontribs)


Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

Are they fucking broken again I can’t believe it oh my god

Waiting until Godrizza draws Sargon

TherealHokmuto (talkcontribs)

Scorpion concept art for KotM thing funni

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)


TherealHokmuto (talkcontribs)
Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

this is just a really weird suggestions

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Nah, Godrizza puts a lot of the charcaters' personalities in his art, we've no clue what random concept art monster #7 is actually like.

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

it would be funny if i did though

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

True. I also think it'd be interesting to see your take on the GTS monsters if you ever had the time.

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

i would only draw a few since 75% are just "animal but big"

Keeri'ijra (talkcontribs)

Kinda true lol

Godrizza draws (talkcontribs)

It is done. Will add to gallery soon

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