The Movie Monster Game (1986)

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The Movie Monster Game
The Movie Monster Game box art
Developer Epyx
Publisher Epyx
Platforms Apple II, Commodore 64;
Evercade family (re-release)
Languages English
Genre Strategy

The Movie Monster Game is a 1986 computer game developed by Epyx for the Apple II and Commodore 64. It was re-released in 2022 as part of THEC64 Collection 1 cartridge for Evercade consoles.[1]


After the title screen, the player chooses their monster, location, and mode, then a skip-able cut scene starts showing the opening of a crowded cinema. It shows a few of Epyx's other games before "presenting their feature presentation". The game starts and the player must complete the objective. Instead of an HP Bar, there is an "Endurance Bar". In the Destroy Landmark and Search modes, the player has a "Proximity Bar", which fills up when the player gets closer to the object being searched for. In the Search mission the Proximity bar only appears for a few seconds when the young monster cries out.

The game offers a variety of scenarios, playable monsters, and cities to demolish (complete with famous landmarks, such as the Tokyo Tower). The monsters are based on popular movie monsters such as:

There are six cities to choose from:

There are five modes to play:

  • Escape - Get out of the city.
  • Lunch - Devour as much as you can.
  • Search - Search for the monster's kidnapped offspring.
  • Destroy Landmark - Search for and destroy a particular landmark from the city.
  • Berserk - Destroy as much of the city as possible.


Instruction manual


"Lizzardo" on the title screen of The Movie Monster Game's Evercade re-release
  • The game's Evercade re-release changes Godzilla's name to "Lizzardo" and removes his dorsal fins from the title screen, likely indicating a loss of the character's rights. However, his sprite and moveset are unchanged.


This is a list of references for The Movie Monster Game. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. "THEC64 Collection 1". Evercade. Retrieved 15 September 2024.
  2. Godzilla Movie Monster Game Instruction Manual.jpeg


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