Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee

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Credits for Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
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Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee soundtrack

Atari Godzilla games
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Godzilla: Domination!
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
North American GameCube box art
European GameCube box art
Japanese GameCube box art
Developer Pipeworks
Publisher Atari
Publish date October 15, 2002GC, NA
Nov 15, 2002GC, PAL
Dec 12, 2002 (GC, JP)
April 15, 2003(Xbox, NA)
Platforms Nintendo GameCube
Microsoft Xbox
Languages English
Genre Action, Fighting
Legendary Monsters. Epic Battles.

— Tagline

Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (ゴジラ怪獣大乱闘,   Gojira Kaijū Dairantō, lit. Godzilla Monster Melee) is a fighting game for the GameCube and Xbox developed by Pipeworks and published by Atari. The GameCube version was released in North America on October 15, 2002, with the Xbox version following on April 15, 2003.

Destroy All Monsters Melee was marketed alongside a handheld Godzilla fighting game published by Atari for the Game Boy Advance, Godzilla: Domination!. It was followed by a sequel, Godzilla: Save the Earth, in 2004.

Technical specifications

GameCube version

  • Video Modes Supported | Progressive Scan (480p)
  • Sound Capabilities | Dolby Pro Logic II
  • Number of Players: Offline | 1-4 players
  • Number of Players: Simultaneous | 2-4 players
  • Multiplayer Game Modes | Free-for-all / One-on-one, Team
  • Notes | Memory Card - 4 Blocks

Xbox version

  • Video Modes Supported | Progressive Scan (480p)
  • Sound Capabilities | Dolby Digital
  • Number of Players: Offline | 1-4 players
  • Miscellaneous Attributes | Xbox 360 Compatible
  • Xbox/Windows Live | Content Download


GameCube version

  • ESRB Rating: Teen (Descriptors: Violence)
  • VET/SFB Rating: 11 (Square)
  • CERO Rating: All Ages
  • USK Rating: 12
  • OFLC (Australia) Rating: G8+
  • ELSPA Rating: 11+
  • aDeSe Rating: TP
  • SELL Rating: TP

Xbox version

  • ESRB Rating: Teen (Descriptors: Game Experience May Change During Online Play, Violence)
  • USK Rating: 12
  • OFLC (Australia) Rating: G8+


The story begins when the Vortaak send a transmission to Earth, declaring that they have taken control of all of Earth's strongest monsters. They demand that the Earth surrenders, displaying their power by using the monsters to attack various cities across the globe. But one monster breaks free of the Vortaak's mind control, escaping Monster Island and engaging in battle with the other monsters. After defeating them all, the Vortaak teleport it to their Mothership in order to kill it with their greatest weapon: Mechagodzilla (Mecha-King Ghidorah if the player chose Mechagodzilla). After winning, the monster is teleported back to Earth, and the Vortaak retreat, warning that they will one day return...



Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee features a total of 12 playable monsters; 3 that are available from the start and 9 that must unlocked by repeatedly playing through Adventure Mode.

The underlines denote unlockable monsters. Asterisks denote the method required for unlocking that monster.


  • Hedorah - Appears randomly. If Hedorah flies over a monster, their energy regeneration will slow down. It can be forced to leave prematurely if hit by a beam.
  • Military - The military spawn and whittle away at the players' health. They attack whichever monster has destroyed more of the city. They can be turned off with a cheat code.
  • Mothra - Can be summoned through the purple Mothra AirStrike power-up. Once summoned, Mothra attacks opponents of whoever summoned it with her antenna beams. She can be forced to leave prematurely if hit by a beam. Mothra later went on to become a playable character in the sequels.
  • Vortaak - The Vortaak are the main enemy of the game. Their UFOs come down into the action and drop off power-ups.


  • Baragon - Baragon was planned to be an exclusive monster in the PlayStation 2 version of the game, but was scrapped along with that version of the game. According to developer Simon Strange, Baragon was "about 70%" complete when he was scrapped,[1] with audio files and Baragon's fire breath remaining in the game's files. Baragon would go on to appear in Pipeworks' next Godzilla titles.
  • Godzilla 1954 - The original Godzilla was discussed for inclusion in the game, but was never a serious consideration. A long-standing rumor claimed that he was scrapped from the game because two Godzillas were already in the game; however, this was not the case.[2] However, this Godzilla eventually appeared in the Wii version of Godzilla: Unleashed.
  • Jet Jaguar - Atari asked to include Jet Jaguar in the game, but Toho denied the request. Jet Jaguar would go on to be featured in the sequels to the game.
  • Kiryu (does not appear in the North American GameCube version) - Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla wasn't released outside of Japan yet, so Kiryu was cut from the North American GameCube release of the game in favor of the Heisei Mechagodzilla. However, Kiryu replaced the Heisei Mechagodzilla in the Japanese version of the game, and was later featured in the North American Xbox release of the game as "Mechagodzilla 3," along with the Heisei Mechagodzilla, who was now called "Mechagodzilla 2." Kiryu would later be featured in both sequels to this game.
  • SpaceGodzilla - SpaceGodzilla was not included in the game, though he appeared in the sequels.[citation needed]



Here are the basic controls for the game.

Control Move
Control Stick or D-Pad Movement around the battlefield.
C Stick Move monster's head (manually aim beam weapon).
L Crouch/Run. If the player is moving, holding this button will make the monster run; if standing still, holding this button will make the monster crouch.
R Jump/Fly/Auto-Target. If the player is not firing a beam weapon, the monster will jump; if firing a beam weapon, the monster's beam will auto-target a flying enemy. Rodan, Mechagodzilla, King Ghidorah and Mecha-King Ghidorah can fly if the button is held down.
Z Fire beam weapon as long as there is energy in the energy bar. Hold to charge, and release to fire.
Z (quick tap) Fire secondary energy weapon.
A Punch.
B Kick.
X Fierce attack.
Y Block.
A + B Grab. Picks up enemy, building, train car, or other throwable object.
A (while holding enemy or object) Throw.
B (while holding enemy) Special throw 1.
X (while holding enemy) Special throw 2.
A + X Roar/Rage. If monster is raging (has picked up a Rage power-up), this executes a devastating Rage attack. If not, it triggers a roar.
B + X Taunt.
B or X (when down) Getup attack.
L + R Special abilities: Teleport (Gigan) or Burrow (Megalon).


  • Move (Control Stick or D-Pad) - Your monster automatically faces the nearest monster opponent, so all movement is in relation to your enemy's location.
  • Run/Duck (L) - Ducking makes high attacks whiff over your head. The run button is critical for getting somewhere in a hurry, and it makes your monster move without regard to the location of your enemy. You can't grab anything or use energy weapons while running.
  • Jump/Fly (R) - Press and release to jump, or hold to fly (if the monster is able to fly). This can be used to jump right over obstacles.


  • HP - All monsters begin with 300 hit points, and most attacks do 5-30 points of damage.
  • Blocking (Y, Y + L) - There are two forms of blocking: regular and "duck" blocking. Regular blocking (Y) nullifies any physical attack except those that hit your feet. You can walk around while blocking. Duck blocking (L + Y) negates low attacks. You can be grabbed while blocking.
  • Secondary Defensive Moves - Crouching (L) can make head-level attacks miss. You can also crouch block behind buildings. Another defensive technique is interruption: if your opponent is carrying a building or charging a beam attack, you could quickly fire your beam attack at him. Running away is also sometimes the most valuable option—no beam weapon reaches across the entire screen, and you could jump away from the trajectory of a building to avoid it.
  • Knockback and Reactions - When hit by attacks, aside from damage, knockback is triggered. There are five types of knockback: Light, Stagger, Knockdown, SuperKnockdown, and Null, plus the status effect of Stun.
    • Light knockback only afflicts you slightly and momentarily. It's triggered by weak attacks or attacks you resist slightly. If an enemy is flying or doing a finishing move, light attacks cause no knockback.
    • Stagger knockback sends you back a few steps but you're still standing. While in Rage, Stagger attacks normally become Knockdown attacks.
    • Knockdown attacks send you to the ground and you have to lie down for a bit before you can get back up. While in Rage, Knockdown attacks normally become SuperKnockdown attacks.
    • SuperKnockdown causes you to be launched into the air flying several hundred meters away. It is only caused when you're hit by a Rage attack or when you're hit by a strong attack you are very vulnerable to.
    • Null occurs when you are hit by a weak attack you are highly resistant to, causing very little damage and no reaction.
    • Stun refers to all attacks that make a monster unable to attack for an amount of time. It can be caused by freeze tanks, Megalon's Napalm, Mecha-King Ghidorah's Tasers, Orga's Paralyzing Goo, or having your foot smashed by a low attack. Monsters can also become tired after carrying an opponent for too long, and Megalon can also become tired after failing to grab someone with Burrow.


  • Physical Attacks - These are the fundamental attacks every monster has.
    • Punch (A) - This basic jab, punch, or claw swipe doesn't do much damage but it's quick to execute and is good for starting a string of attacks.
    • Kick (B) - This is another basic attack.
    • Fierce Attack (X) - These can be almost anything and are unique to every monster. They're slower to initiate but do more damage and knockback.
    • Rage Attack (A+X) - If you grabbed a Rage power-up, you can initiate a very powerful attack that affects a spherical range around you. Using it brings you out of rage status.
  • Beam/Breath Weapons (Z) - Each monster has a mid-to-long range energy-based attack, which takes the form of a beam or breath weapon. These attacks use energy but their range and versatility often outweigh the cost, and are critical parts of any fighter's strategy. Most of the time, the beam automatically targets the nearest enemy, but you can switch the aim with the C Stick, and can auto-aim aim at airborne enemies while holding down the R button. Most monsters also have a very good secondary fire which can be used by tapping the Z button. Note that when charging or firing a beam, you can't move or block.
  • Air Attacks - When in the air as a result of jumping, monsters can press the X or A buttons to perform an air attack. Flying monsters can also use their beam weapons in the air by pressing Z.
  • Rear Attacks - Some monsters can attack enemies who are directly behind them with their tails or other such things.
  • Getup Attacks - If knocked down on the ground, monsters can roll around in a single direction by using the Control Stick or D-pad and/or perform getup attacks with the B or X buttons.
  • Attack Height - Each attacks one of three areas: the head, feet, or body. Regular blocking negates head and body attacks, and duck blocking nullifies body and foot attacks. Overhead attacks may hit any of the three areas, and uppercuts may hit either the head or body.
  • Damage Types - There are three types of damage: blunt attacks, which create a blue flash when they connect; edged attacks, which have a yellow effect flash; and energy-based attacks, which have no effect flash. Some monsters take more damage from one kind of attack than another. Red and white flashes correspond to SuperKnockdown and blocked attacks, respectively.
Vulnerability Rating Damage Taken (percentage of normal value)
Very Resistant 79% or less, possible null reaction
Resistant 80-91%
Slightly Resistant 90-99%
Normal 100%
Slightly Vulnerable 101-110%
Vulnerable 111-120%
Very Vulnerable 121% or more, possible amplified reaction


Every once in a while, power-ups fall from the silver UFO that hovers about the battlefield.

  • Atari - This power-up, a glowing Atari logo, can occasionally be found hidden in a building (only in the Medium or Hard difficulty settings). Collecting the symbol unlocks one item in the Gallery mode.
  • Energy - This power-up looks like a yellow lightning bolt. It restores your energy bar completely, and causes your energy bar to refill four times faster for 25 seconds after picking it up (though only for beam weapons - energy lost to special moves such as flying still recharge at the standard rate).
  • Health - This power-up looks like a glowing green cross, and restores 45 hit points (15%).
  • Hedorah - Hedorah appears randomly without the need to be summoned through a power-up. It flies around the stage for a while, and anyone who is found below its pollution exhaust trail will have their energy recharge slowed down. Hedorah can be forced to leave early if hit with a beam weapon.
  • Mothra AirStrike - The purple Mothra AirStrike power-up can be collected to summon Mothra, who will target your enemies with her antenna beams. She can be forced to leave early if hit with a beam weapon.
  • Rage - This multi-colored power-up enrages your monster for 25 seconds. Enraged monsters inflict 20 percent more damage and are more likely to knock an enemy down. Plus, they can use their Rage attack, which once used ends their enraged state immediately. Note however, that being frozen by a freeze tank takes you out of Rage prematurely.


  • Adventure: Fight your way through the story and defeat the Vortaak.
  • Destruction: Destroy as much as possible. Whoever has the most points wins. (Hint: you can pick up buildings and throw them out of the arena.) Destruction mode is multiplayer only in the GameCube version of the game, while a single player option is available in the Xbox version.
  • Gallery: Look at gallery items you've unlocked through collecting Atari power-ups while playing through the Adventure mode in Normal or Hard difficulties.
  • Melee: Up to 4 players can fight.
  • Survival: Fight other monsters until you're defeated. Your health is replenished only slightly between matches and you have a time limit to defeat the monster before you lose.
  • Team Battle: A melee with up to 4 players fighting in teams of up to 3.
  • Versus: A 1-on-1 fight between two players or one player and a computer.


  • Boxing Arena (1 map only) [Xbox version only]
    • Boxing Arena
  • London
    • London - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Rodan. Full map.
    • London 2 - Industrial area only.
    • London 3 - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Megalon. Commercial area only.
  • Los Angeles
    • Los Angeles - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Destoroyah. Full map.
    • Los Angeles 2 - Downtown area only.
    • Los Angeles 3 - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Gigan. Airport area only.
  • Monster Island (1 map only)
    • Monster Island - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Rodan.
  • Osaka
    • Osaka - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Destoroyah. Full map.
    • East Osaka - Industrial area only.
    • West Osaka - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Godzilla 2000. Osaka Castle area only.
  • San Francisco
    • San Francisco - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Mechagodzilla*. Full map.
    • North San Francisco - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Anguirus. Downtown area only.
    • East San Francisco - Water and nearby coast area only.
  • Seattle
    • Seattle - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Mecha-King Ghidorah. Full map.
    • North Seattle - Downtown area only.
    • South Seattle - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with King Ghidorah. Sports arena area only.
  • Tokyo
    • Tokyo - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Mecha-King Ghidorah. Full map.
    • Tokyo 2 - Downtown area only.
    • Tokyo 3 - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Godzilla 90's. Train Station area only.
  • Vortaak Home World (1 map only) [Xbox version only]
    • Vortaak Home World - The Vortaak home world features volcanoes, spaceship launchers, installation-protection missiles, and many alien buildings.
  • Vortaak Mothership (1 map only)
    • Mothership - Unlocked by playing through Adventure with Mechagodzilla*.

Downloadable content

A DLC arena "Thrashburg" was temporarily available for additional download from Xbox Live for the Xbox version of the game. However, since the original Xbox Live has since shut down, there is no longer any way to download this map.

    • Thrashburg 1- A industrial complex themed level, with a body of water to the side.
    • Thrashburg 2 - A large grass field surrounded by tall buildings, similar to Godzilla: Save The Earth's New York City / Manhattan map.
    • Thrashburg 3- A bridge now connects the previous two arenas

All Thrashburg arenas have a day and night option.


To enter cheat codes, first press and hold the L, B, and R buttons in that order, and release them in the order B, R, L. Use the D-pad to choose numbers and press A to move to the next number. Here is a list of cheat codes:

Code Effect
567980 Play game in Black & White mode.
661334 Play game in Technicolor mode.
760611 Player is granted 12 continues in Adventure Mode.
986875 Player one is one-third normal size.
971934 Player two is one-third normal size.
895636 Player three is one-third normal size.
795735 Player four is one-third normal size.
205791 Players one and three are one-third normal size.
864040 Players two and four are one-third normal size.
174204 All players are one-third normal size.
843901 Player one is damage-proof.
706149 Player two is damage-proof.
188522 Player three is damage-proof.
286552 Player four is damage-proof.
505634 All players damage-proof.
511012 Player one deals 4x damage.
815480 Player two deals 4x damage.
212454 Player three deals 4x damage.
698206 Player four deals 4x damage.
817683 All players deal 4x damage.
492877 Health regenerates (at roughly 1/4 the speed of energy).
756287 All buildings and objects become throwable.
112122 All buildings become indestructible.
826460 Player 1 is invisible.
459113 Player 2 is invisible.
316022 All monsters are invisible.
650867 Energy doesn't regenerate over time.
649640 Player one is always in Rage.
122224 Player two is always in Rage.
548053 Player three is always in Rage.
451242 Player four is always in Rage.
308929 Military deals 4x damage.
256806 Turn the Military On or Off.
135984 Player indicators always On (P1, P2, etc).
677251 Super energy (constant full energy bar) for player one.
435976 Super energy (constant full energy bar) for player two.
603696 Super energy (constant full energy bar) for player three.
291680 Super energy (constant full energy bar) for player four.
820403 No levels have Hedorah.
913963 All levels have Hedorah.
562142 No health power-ups.
134615 No Mothra power-ups.
413403 No energy power-ups.
119702 No rage power-ups.
172879 No Mothra, energy, or rage power-ups.
433004 No health, Mothra, or rage power-ups.
395142 No health, Mothra, or energy power-ups.
779886 No health, Mothra, energy, or rage power-ups.
841720 No freeze tanks.
225133 Unlock Godzilla 2000.
612633 Unlock Gigan.
877467 Unlock King Ghidorah.
104332 Unlock Rodan.
537084 Unlock Destoroyah.
557456 Unlock Mecha-King Ghidorah.
131008 Unlock Mechagodzilla.
202412 Unlock Orga.
696924 Unlock all monsters except Orga.
110307 Unlock all monsters.
997590 Unlock Monster Island.
814456 Unlock Mothership.
480148 Unlock all cities.
427248 Unlock all gallery art.
426274 Unlock all monsters, cities, and gallery art.
443253 No status HUD (messages do show however).
097401 Display version of game and exact time of completion in the Options.
176542 Shows the credits.


Main article: Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee/Gallery.


Main article: Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee/Videos.


  • This game was originally a GameCube exclusive, but was later on released for Xbox as well.
  • The Xbox version is playable on the Xbox 360 via backwards compatibility.
  • In the North American GameCube version of the game, the Heisei Mechagodzilla is featured as the only version of Mechagodzilla, though his powers and role in the story more closely resemble the Showa Mechagodzilla. In the Japanese version of the game, the Heisei Mechagodzilla was replaced with Kiryu, the new Mechagodzilla from the recently released Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla. The North American Xbox release later included both the Heisei Mechagodzilla and Kiryu, giving them the names "Mechagodzilla 2" and "Mechagodzilla 3."
  • Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee was the first Godzilla video game to allow for 4-player gameplay.
  • The Japanese GameCube version of this game was designed on top of the North American original. As a result, it is possible to access the English version from a Japanese disc by using a region swap disc like the FreeLoader or by patching the region code.[3][4] However, this will render Japanese-exclusive content like Mechagodzilla 3 inaccessible.  

External links


This is a list of references for Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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Era Icon - Toho.png
Era Icon - Atari.png
Era Icon - Godzilla.png
Era Icon - Anguirus.png
Era Icon - Megalon.png
Era Icon - Rodan.png
Era Icon - King Ghidorah.png
Era Icon - Gigan.png
Era Icon - Mecha-King Ghidorah.png
Era Icon - Destoroyah.png
Era Icon - MechaGodzilla (Heisei).png
Era Icon - Orga.png
Era Icon - Mothra.png
Era Icon - Hedorah.png