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Osaka  (大阪,   Ōsaka) is a major city located in the Kansai region of Japan.


Showa era

Godzilla Raids Again

Godzilla arrived on the shore of Osaka. While a blackout of all city lights was enforced, JSDF jets were sent to shoot flares from their planes to lead Godzilla away from the shore. Godzilla saw the flames, and, as Dr. Yamane predicted, started to leave.

Meanwhile, a prison truck was transporting dangerous criminals to another part of the country. All of the criminals, using body language, conveyed to each other that the cover of darkness caused by the city's blackout provided a great opportunity to escape from prison. The prisoners beat up the two policemen guarding them inside the truck, and ran away. A few of them found a gasoline truck, and used it to escape. After a chase with the local police, the truck crashed into an industrial oil refinery, starting a massive fire.

The fire, much brighter than the planes' flares, attracted Godzilla back to the shore of Osaka. A few minutes later, Anguirus swam to shore and attacked Godzilla. The two creatures fought an intense battle, while destroying several buildings, including the tuna cannery that Tsukioka and Kobayashi worked for. In the course of the battle, the remaining escaped criminals were drowned in the subway when it is flooded by the thrashing of the two monsters. Eventually, Godzilla bit into Anguirus's neck and threw him upside down into a moat near Osaka Castle. Godzilla then fired his atomic breath at Anguirus, setting him on fire, then left the city victorious with the JSDF in hot pursuit.

Gamera vs. Barugon

Gamera battles Barugon in Osaka in Gamera vs. Barugon

After Barugon emerged from the ship that had been carrying his egg and left Kobe in shambles, Barugon then advanced into Osaka as the JSDF attempted to subdue him using artillery and fighter jets. In response, Barugon froze a large area of the city surrounding Osaka Castle with his freezing mist, then and destroyed a detachment of missile launchers with his Rainbow Death Ray. Gamera was attracted to the heat and radiation emitted from Barugon's Death Ray and rushed across the skies to Osaka to battle the new monster. Although Gamera appeared to be getting the upper hand, Barugon soon froze Gamera using his freezing mist, seemingly killing him. However, several days later Gamera eventually began to thaw, and flew towards Lake Biwa to challenge Barugon once more.

Gamera vs. Jiger

Heisei era

Godzilla vs. Biollante

After defeating Biollante at Lake Ashi, Godzilla returned to the Pacific Ocean, with the JSDF desperately trying to track his movements. Based on Godzilla's trajectory, Sho Kuroki determined that Godzilla would surface at Iso Bay, and the Super X2 and a detachment of troops were sent to engage him there. However, Godzilla unexpectedly surfaced in Osaka Bay instead, catching the JSDF completely off guard. As the citizens were evacuated, Goro Gondo and Kasuhito Kirishima arrived at the Saradia Oil Corporation's Japanese headquarters in Osaka to retrieve the stolen Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria. After they successfully regained the ANEB, Gondo had his soldiers load it into their rockets and strategically positioned them in various skyscrapers while the Super X2 distracted Godzilla. Godzilla eventually destroyed the Super X2 with a blast of atomic breath, and continued to the city center. When he arrived, the commandos fired several ANEB-loaded rockets at Godzilla, successfully injecting him with the bacteria. Godzilla noticed Colonel Gondo in one of the buildings and approached him. Gondo turned around and fired another rocket directly into Godzilla's mouth. Godzilla retaliated by destroying the building and killing Gondo. Godzilla then continued through Osaka and eventually left the city limits as he approached the Wakasa Bay area.

Sinking of Japan

Osaka was among the cities on the main island of Honshu devastated by a sequence of massive earthquakes as part of the ongoing tectonic crisis. The city was shown to be completely submerged, having sunk into Osaka Bay from a combination of multiple tsunamis and land subsidence.

Millennium era

Godzilla vs. Megaguirus

After Godzilla attacked Tokyo in 1954, the Japanese government elected to redesignate Osaka as the nation's capital city. In 1966, Godzilla attacked the Tokai Nuclear Power Plant in Ibaraki Prefecture. The government then banned nuclear energy and switched to the cleaner plasma energy. All was well until 1996, when Godzilla attacked to feed on Osaka's plasma reactor. He wiped out several from a JSDF team, including their commander. Kiriko Tsujimori witnessed this and swore vengeance against Godzilla.

Countries Japan (HiroshimaNagasakiTokyo (ShinagawaGinza) • KobeOsakaNagoyaOkinawa (Cape Manzamo) • HokkaidoKyotoFukuoka) • China (Beijing) • Philippines (Manila) • New GuineaMarshall IslandsUnited States (New York CityAlaskaTexas) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • Italy (Venice) • GermanyRussia (Moscow) • Rolisica (New Kirk City)MuSelginaSeatopiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount AsoMount FujiAokigaharaPacific Ocean (Bikini AtollOdo IslandIwato IslandKamiko IslandFaro IslandMatango IslandInfant IslandSergio IslandLetchi IslandSollgel IslandMonster IslandMondo IslandOgasawara Islands • (Monsterland) • Japan TrenchTokyo BayOsaka BaySagami BaySuruga Bay) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaAntarctica) • MysteroidPlanet RPlanet PairaVenusMarsJupiterPlanet XMoonGorathTerraPlanet Fire GodDark Gaseous Nebula of the OrionM Space Hunter NebulaPlanet PeacelandPlanet GarogaPlanet BulgarBlack Hole Planet 3
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZATokyo TowerOsaka CastleSaikai BridgeHaneda AirportAtami CastleNagoya TV TowerNagoya CastleWakato BridgeKurobe DamArc de TriompheGodzilla TowerUnderground CaveAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOsakaHokkaido (Sapporo) • FukuokaNagoyaYokohama (Minato Mirai 21) • KyotoKobeKagoshimaBeppuKumamotoOkinawaOmaezakiSendaiAshikaga) • China (Hong Kong) • PhilippinesMarshall IslandsRussiaSaradiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount MiharaMount FujiAokigaharaLake AshiPacific Ocean (Tokyo BayBikini AtollLagos IslandBering SeaSea of OkhotskInfant IslandAdonoa IslandBaas IslandKowloon BaySuruga BayGodzillandGodzilla IslandMatango IslandBungo ChannelYakushimaNilai-Kanai Temple) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (Asia) • MarsJupiterMonster PlanetPlanet Torendeiru
Miscellaneous Ihama Nuclear Power PlantNational Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZAFukuoka TowerSapporo TV TowerNagoya CastleNagoya TV TowerYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeCosmo Clock 21Tokyo TowerKai Tak AirportTokyo Bay Aqua-LineTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Telecom CenterIkata Nuclear Power PlantHaneda AirportAriake ColiseumUnderworldAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOkinawaTokaiManazuruHokkaido (Nemuro) • OsakaYokohamaTateyama) • United States (New York CityArizona) • France (Paris) • Australia (Sydney) • New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) • China (Shanghai) • Canada
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Tokyo BayKiganjimaInfant IslandOgasawara Islands (MagonotéHimago Island) • Japan Trench) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel) • Mount MyokoLake IkedaMount FujiAokigaharaArea G
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaOceaniaAustraliaAntarctica) • GorathPlanet Fire God
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokai Nuclear Power PlantYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeSydney Opera HouseEiffel Tower
Countries Japan (Tokyo (KamataShinagawaGinza) • KamakuraMechagodzilla CityNigashio) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • GermanyUnited StatesIndiaMarshall Islands
Geographic points Mount FujiTanzawa PassPacific Ocean (Odo IslandTokyo BaySagami BayBikini AtollOgasawara IslandsBōsō Peninsula) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel)
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmerica) • Kepler-452bTau Ceti eMoon
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokyo StationSEIKO HOUSE GINZAAratrumOratioUnion Compound India
American films
Countries United States (New York CityHawaiiNevadaSan FranciscoBostonSedonaPhoenixHobokenWashington, D.C.PensacolaAlaska) • France (French PolynesiaMontagnac) • Marshall IslandsJamaicaPhilippinesJapan (JanjiraTokyo) • VietnamMexico (Isla de Mara) • Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) • Germany (Munich) • Russia (Moscow) • United Kingdom (LondonGibraltar) • Spain (Cadiz) • Italy (Rome) • BarbadosNorway (Kvitøya) • Sudan (Jebel Barkal) • Peru (Machu Pichu) • Egypt (Cairo) • China (Hong Kong) • South Korea
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Bikini AtollSkull IslandTasman Sea) • Arctic OceanYunnan RainforestMount FujiInfant IslandVictoria Peak
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaEuropeAsiaOceaniaAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Empire State BuildingWorld Trade CenterMadison Square GardenBrooklyn BridgeHonolulu International AirportGolden Gate BridgeYucca Mountain Nuclear Waste RepositoryFenway ParkApex CyberneticsColosseumGreat PyramidChrist the Redeemer
Printed media
Countries United States (San FranciscoSan DiegoLos AngelesNew York CityTexasWashington, D.C.SeattleLas VegasAlaskaChicago) • Japan (Tokyo) • GermanyBrazil (São Paulo) • France (Paris) • GreeceItaly (PompeiiRome) • Ghana (Accra) • India (Mumbai) • Turkey (Istanbul) • North KoreaSouth Korea (Seoul) • Russia (Moscow) • MexicoVietnamJamaicaPeruCanada (Vancouver)
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Monster IslandMonster IslandsInfant IslandMoansta IslandSatan AtollOgasawara IslandsBering Sea)
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaAsiaEuropeAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Alaskan PipelineGolden Gate BridgeGrand CanyonEiffel TowerChrist the RedeemerHellMultiverse


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