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A map of Hokkaido

Hokkaido (北海道,   Hokkaidō) is one of the prefectures of Japan. It is one of Japan's largest islands, and constitutes the largest and northernmost of all of Japan's prefectures. It is featured in several Godzilla films.


Showa era

Godzilla Raids Again

After Godzilla defeats Anguirus and devastates Osaka, Shoichi Tsukioka and Koji Kobayashi travel to their company's Hokkaido branch to find work. Shortly after settling in, they notice that Godzilla has attacked the company's fishing boats as he headed north along the coast of Japan.

King Kong vs. Godzilla

During his southward approach to Japan after his escape from the iceberg, Godzilla is assumed by the authorities to have destroyed the ship Shinsei Maru No. 2 en route to the Port of Hakodate in the waters off Hokkaido.

Heisei era

Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah

Godzilla blasts King Ghidorah's middle head off in Hokkaido in Godzilla vs. King Ghidroah

After defeating King Ghidorah for the first time, Godzilla travels most of the length of Japan to Sapporo, Hokkaido's main city. There, he goes on a rampage, tearing down Sapporo Tower and sending people scattering. The JSDF arrive with a squadron of MBT-MB92s, but Godzilla soon destroys them, and heads for the sea to travel back to Tokyo.

Gamera 2: Attack of Legion

A meteor shower occurred across Northern Japan, with an especially large meteor falling near Lake Shikotsu, causing a strange aura to appear in the skies. The Legion arrived on Earth in this meteor and traveled across Hokkaido, raiding a brewery and the fiber optic cables of NTT Hokkaido's network as they approached Sapporo. Later, they violently took over the subways of the city, attacking a train and killing many of its passengers. Soon after, they erected a Plant, which erupted from the ground below. As the JSDF planned to destroy the Legion Plant, it was discovered that the Plant would allow the Legion to colonize other worlds by launching a pod into space, producing an explosion that would obliterate everything and everyone in a six-mile radius of it. However, Gamera arrived in Sapporo in time to stop the launch of the pod and destroyed the Legion Plant. Enraged, the Soldier Legion attacked and swarmed Gamera, wounding him across his body and overwhelming him. Luckily, an exposed transformer lured a large group of the Soldier Legion away, killing them and allowing Gamera to return to the ocean and dispose of the rest of the Soldier Legion attacking him.

Shortly after, the Mother Legion erupted from the ground below and flew off.

Rebirth of Mothra

A logging company working in a Hokkaido forest removed the seal containing the alien monster Desghidorah. The evil fairy Belvera soon stole the seal and used it to awaken the monster, who began to burn the forest and absorb its energy. Mothra soon arrived to stop him, but she was in a weakened state after laying Mothra Leo's egg. Soon after, Leo soon hatched and came to his mother's defense. In the end, they had to retreat, with Mothra carrying Leo out to sea. She died from her injuries, sinking into the depths.

While Mothra Leo spun a cocoon, Desghidorah sprouted wings and took to the skies. After emerging in his imago form, Leo returned to Hokkaido to face the dragon. This time, the moth had a clear advantage. After sealing Desghidorah back into the Earth, Leo restored the ravaged forest to its original state.

Millennium era

Godzilla Final Wars

Gigan still mummified

The mummified corpse of Gigan is found by Earth Defense Force scientists in a cave in Hokkaido.

Countries Japan (HiroshimaNagasakiTokyo (ShinagawaGinza) • KobeOsakaNagoyaOkinawa (Cape Manzamo) • HokkaidoKyotoFukuoka) • China (Beijing) • Philippines (Manila) • New GuineaMarshall IslandsUnited States (New York CityAlaskaTexas) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • Italy (Venice) • GermanyRussia (Moscow) • Rolisica (New Kirk City)MuSelginaSeatopiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount AsoMount FujiAokigaharaPacific Ocean (Bikini AtollOdo IslandIwato IslandKamiko IslandFaro IslandMatango IslandInfant IslandSergio IslandLetchi IslandSollgel IslandMonster IslandMondo IslandOgasawara Islands • (Monsterland) • Japan TrenchTokyo BayOsaka BaySagami BaySuruga Bay) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaAntarctica) • MysteroidPlanet RPlanet PairaVenusMarsJupiterPlanet XMoonGorathTerraPlanet Fire GodDark Gaseous Nebula of the OrionM Space Hunter NebulaPlanet PeacelandPlanet GarogaPlanet BulgarBlack Hole Planet 3
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZATokyo TowerOsaka CastleSaikai BridgeHaneda AirportAtami CastleNagoya TV TowerNagoya CastleWakato BridgeKurobe DamArc de TriompheGodzilla TowerUnderground CaveAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOsakaHokkaido (Sapporo) • FukuokaNagoyaYokohama (Minato Mirai 21) • KyotoKobeKagoshimaBeppuKumamotoOkinawaOmaezakiSendaiAshikaga) • China (Hong Kong) • PhilippinesMarshall IslandsRussiaSaradiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount MiharaMount FujiAokigaharaLake AshiPacific Ocean (Tokyo BayBikini AtollLagos IslandBering SeaSea of OkhotskInfant IslandAdonoa IslandBaas IslandKowloon BaySuruga BayGodzillandGodzilla IslandMatango IslandBungo ChannelYakushimaNilai-Kanai Temple) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (Asia) • MarsJupiterMonster PlanetPlanet Torendiru
Miscellaneous Ihama Nuclear Power PlantNational Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZAFukuoka TowerSapporo TV TowerNagoya CastleNagoya TV TowerYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeCosmo Clock 21Tokyo TowerKai Tak AirportTokyo Bay Aqua-LineTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Telecom CenterIkata Nuclear Power PlantHaneda AirportAriake ColiseumUnderworldAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOkinawaTokaiManazuruHokkaido (Nemuro) • OsakaYokohamaTateyama) • United States (New York CityArizona) • France (Paris) • Australia (Sydney) • New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) • China (Shanghai)
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Tokyo BayKiganjimaInfant IslandOgasawara Islands (MagonotéHimago Island) • Japan Trench) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel) • Mount MyokoLake IkedaMount FujiAokigaharaArea G
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaOceaniaAustraliaAntarctica) • GorathPlanet Fire God
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokai Nuclear Power PlantYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeSydney Opera HouseEiffel Tower
Countries Japan (Tokyo (KamataShinagawaGinza) • KamakuraMechagodzilla CityNigashio) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • GermanyUnited StatesIndiaMarshall Islands
Geographic points Mount FujiTanzawa PassPacific Ocean (Odo IslandTokyo BaySagami BayBikini AtollOgasawara IslandsBōsō Peninsula) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel)
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmerica) • Kepler-452bTau Ceti eMoon
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokyo StationSEIKO HOUSE GINZAAratrumOratioUnion Compound India
American films
Countries United States (New York CityHawaiiNevadaSan FranciscoBostonSedonaPhoenixHobokenWashington, D.C.PensacolaAlaska) • France (French PolynesiaMontagnac) • Marshall IslandsJamaicaPhilippinesJapan (JanjiraTokyo) • VietnamMexico (Isla de Mara) • Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) • Germany (Munich) • Russia (Moscow) • United Kingdom (LondonGibraltar) • Spain (Cadiz) • Italy (Rome) • BarbadosNorway (Kvitøya) • Sudan (Jebel Barkal) • Peru (Machu Pichu) • Egypt (Cairo) • China (Hong Kong) • South Korea
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Bikini AtollSkull IslandTasman Sea) • Arctic OceanYunnan RainforestMount FujiInfant IslandVictoria Peak
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaEuropeAsiaOceaniaAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Empire State BuildingWorld Trade CenterMadison Square GardenBrooklyn BridgeHonolulu International AirportGolden Gate BridgeYucca Mountain Nuclear Waste RepositoryFenway ParkApex CyberneticsColosseumGreat PyramidChrist the Redeemer
Printed media
Countries United States (San FranciscoSan DiegoLos AngelesNew York CityTexasWashington, D.C.SeattleLas VegasAlaskaChicago) • Japan (Tokyo) • GermanyBrazil (São Paulo) • France (Paris) • GreeceItaly (PompeiiRome) • Ghana (Accra) • India (Mumbai) • Turkey (Istanbul) • North KoreaSouth Korea (Seoul) • Russia (Moscow) • MexicoVietnamJamaicaPeru
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Monster IslandMonster IslandsInfant IslandMoansta IslandSatan AtollOgasawara IslandsBering Sea)
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaAsiaEuropeAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Alaskan PipelineGolden Gate BridgeGrand CanyonEiffel TowerChrist the RedeemerHellMultiverse


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