Dark Gaseous Nebula of the Orion

The Dark Gaseous Nebula of the Orion (オリオン座の暗黒ガス雲(馬の首), better known as the Horsehead Nebula Orionza no Ankoku Gasuun Uma no Kubi) (馬頭星雲 or Barnard 33, is a cloud of dust and gas resembling a horse's head which resides in the Orion constellation, and is an example of a Batō Seiun)dark nebula, as the large quantities of dust within it obscures the light of objects behind it to observers on Earth. It is the proposed home of the monster Hedorah in the 1971 Godzilla film Godzilla vs. Hedorah.
Showa era
Godzilla vs. Hedorah
An impenetrable cloud of gases located in the Orion constellation, the Dark Gaseous Nebula presumably harbored countless numbers of Hedorah's species, who may have fed on the chemicals that composed the cloud. A comet passed through the Nebula, carrying a Hedorah to Earth, where it began to grow and evolve by feeding on the planet's man-made pollutants.
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