Publish date
April 2021AU, CA June 15, 2021 (worldwide), August 31, 2022 (Windows PC)
Android, iOS, Windows[1]
English, Japanese
Real-time strategy, gacha
Godzilla Battle Line (ゴジラバトルライン, Gojira Batoru Rain), referred to as GojiBato (ゴジバト) for short, is a free-to-play mobile game developed by Now Production for Android and iOS in which players duel with teams of kaiju and superweapons in three-minute matches. TOHO Games initially published it in Australia and Canada in April 2021, with a worldwide release following on June 15.[2]
Take on the world! 3-minute monster all-star battles! All the popular monsters and weapons from the Godzilla series are ready for battle! Build your own team of the strongest monsters and fight against players from all over the world in real time! Get ready for fun but intense 3-minute battles![3]
Players duel each other in Ranked, Fair, and Friend Matches with teams of eight Battle Pieces. One Battle Piece on each team serves as the Leader, while the rest cost varying amounts of Energy from a slowly-refilling meter (with a cap of 10 Energy) to deploy onto the playing field. Players can choose from four Battle Pieces at a time to summon when it suits them. Leaders remain stationary on opposite ends of the arena, and their HP must typically be reduced to zero to win the match. The following Battle Pieces can be Leaders: Bagan, Battra, Biollante, Desghidorah, Destoroyah (Perfect Form), EVA-01, Fire Rodan, Gamera, Gigan 1972, Gigan Rex, Godzilla 1989, Godzilla(Wakasa Bay ver.), Godzilla 1999, Godzilla 2001, Godzilla (2003), Godzilla 2004, Godzilla 2016, Godzilla 2021, Godzilla(Godzilla The Ride ver.), Godzilla Ultima, Godzilla 2023, Godzilla(EVOLVED ver.), Hedorah, Jet Jaguar β, King Ghidorah 2001, King Ghidorah 2019, Kiryu, Kong 2021, Masked Rider, Mothra 1992, M.O.G.U.E.R.A., Mechagodzilla 1974, Mechagodzilla 1993, Mechagodzilla(counter-Godzilla Super Heavy Mass Nanometal Decisive Battle Weapon), Mechagodzilla 2021, Mecha-King Ghidorah, Orga, Rainbow Mothra, SpaceGodzilla, Super Mechagodzilla, and Ultraman. They will attack approaching enemy units automatically, and the player can also choose to use and aim their special moves, which cost energy to use, require a cooldown period before they can be used again, and provide certain bonuses to their team. If neither Leader is killed within the time limit, the match proceeds into overtime, with the Leaders slowly moving closer to the middle of the stage and the players' Energy meters refilling faster. If Overtime ends with both Leaders still standing, the player whose Leader has the most health will be declared the winner.
Battle Pieces who cannot become Leaders fall into several categories:
- Individual units: Anguirus, Godzilla 1991, Super Godzilla, Burning Godzilla 1995, Burning Godzilla 2019, B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, EVA-00, EVA-02, EVA-08, Giant Octopus, Gigan 2004, Godzilla 1954, Godzilla(Tokyo ver.), Godzilla Earth, Chibi Godzilla, Godzilla(EVOLVED Rio de Janeiro ver.), Jet Jaguar 1973, King Caesar, Megaguirus, Minilla, Moguera, Mothra Leo, Rodan 1964, Rodan 2019, Super X, SpaceGodzilla(Fukuoka ver.), Neronga, Mefilas, Kumo Augument, Mothra 2019, Mothra 2024, Aqua Mothra, Megalon, Destoroyah(Ariake ver.), Kiryu Kai(Heavy Arms Type), Godzilla(Ginza ver.), Monster X, 10th Angel, 4th Angel, Biollante(Wakasa Bay ver.), Kong(B.E.A.S.T. GLOVE ver.), Skar King, Shimo, SKAR KING x SHIMO, Shinden, Gamera(Flying form), Guiron, King Ghidorah(Antarctic Awakening ver.), King Ghidorah(Godzilla The Ride ver.), Ghidorah 2018, Hedorah 2004, Godzilla(Tokyo Final Battle ver.), Gotengo, Gamera 1967, Gyaos 1967, Varan and Ebirah. All Battle Pieces capable of becoming Leaders also fall into this category. Some of these Battle Pieces can evolve into more powerful forms if they can survive on the field for long enough or are killed: Mothra and Battra into their Imago forms, Biollante into her Plant Beast form, Hedorah into its Mature Stage, Godzilla Terrestris into Godzilla Ultima, Rodan 1993 into Fire Rodan, Jet Jaguar 1973 into his giant form, King Ghidorah into Mecha-King Ghidorah (from Season 12 onward), Godzilla 2016 into his third and fourth forms, Destoroyah (Aggregate) into his Flying and Perfect forms, Type-3 Kiryu into Modified Type-3 Kiryu (from Season 18 onward), EVA-02 into The Beast, Monster X into Keizer Ghidorah, the Millennian UFO into Orga, and Godzilla (2002) into his scarred 2003 form.
- Swarms: Battra and Mothra, Chibi Mechagodzilla and Chibi Godzilla, Destoroyah (Larva), Dorats, Gyaos 2023, Kamacuras, Kamacuras Swarm, and MBAW-93. These Battle Pieces are comprised of two or more units with their own health bars. Their numbers allow them to deal damage quickly, but their low health makes them vulnerable to single-use weapons.
- Single-use effects: Dimension Tide, Freezing Sonde, KIDS, Missile Strike, The Psychic Chorus, Unmanned Train Bomb. These Battle Pieces do not appear as units, but can be aimed at set areas on the field. All effects deal damage to enemy units apart from the Psychic Chorus and KIDS. The Psychic Chorus heals the player's own units in the area, and KIDS teleports the player's units to a position farther ahead in the stage.
- Stationary: Air Base, Energy Refueling Base, Markelite Cannon, MBAW-93 Unit Base, Zetton, Godzilla(Ginza ver.), Godzilla Tower. All of these units except Godzilla(Ginza ver.) will only remain on the field for a set amount of time, unless they are destroyed first. The Air Base and MBAW-93 Unit Base continually spawn units, the Markalite Cannon, Zetton, and Godzilla Tower attack enemy units in range, and the Energy Refueling Base increases the rate at which the player regains Energy.
The game will continually cycle through different types of Arenas throughout the day, changing every three hours. Features of these Arenas include obstacles such as buildings, bridges, or bones that certain Battle Pieces will prioritize attacking or be forced to navigate around; water which will slow down most terrestrial units; and 3rd Forces, Battle Pieces who will periodically wander around the middle of the map attacking all units, and will ally themselves with the first player to deal sufficient damage to them.
Winning a Ranked Match will ordinarily yield four different rewards simultaneously for use outside of matches: G-tokens, Expedition Maps, Trophies, and Godzilla Pass points.
- G-Tokens are the primary currency of Godzilla Battle Line, required to strengthen Battle Pieces. To level up each Battle Piece and raise its stats, the player must expend copies of it they have acquired, an action that is only possible via spending G-tokens. Battle Pieces can be leveled up to a maximum of Level 40 (or Level 30 for four-star Battle Pieces), with each upgrade requiring a greater amount of G-tokens. By leveling up Battle Pieces and acquiring new Battle Pieces, the player will also increase their Player Rank, which will further enhance their team Leader's stats; they will only ever face other players of the same Player Rank in Ranked Matches, though friends can arrange Friend Matches against one other regardless of rank, which will not yield rewards of any kind.
- Expedition Maps are lootboxes which the player can open to obtain Battle Piece copies and G-tokens, and are by far the most common source of Battle Pieces in the game. There are several types of maps, with those that yield more types of units and/or more powerful units taking more time to complete, from a minimum of 3 hours to a maximum of 24 hours. Players can shorten an expedition time by 1 hour by watching an ad, with a cap of 3 ads every 12 hours, or can complete an expedition immediately by spending G-stones, a premium currency that is otherwise almost exclusively used for various items in the Shop. However, maps acquired outside of Ranked Match rewards, such as through Missions, the Godzilla Pass, or the Shop, yield their contents instantly. The player can store up to six Expedition Maps at a time, and can schedule (one automatically begins as another finishes) up to six expeditions per week. Once the six-map capacity has been reached, further maps won through Ranked Matches will be converted into additional G-tokens, Godzilla Pass points, or lesser amounts of Battle Pieces.
- Trophies are obtained exclusively through winning Ranked Matches, and work toward increasing the player's Arena Rank and Leaderboard spot for the current Season, a period of approximately one month. Winning consecutive Ranked Matches will activate a Winning Streak bonus, earning more Trophies per win.
- Players begin in the Normal League, in which the Arena Rank will rise by one upon accumulating a certain number of Trophies. Reaching an Arena Rank for the first time ever (until Rank 36) will yield a reward, most commonly G-stones as well as Expedition Maps, and reaching specific Arena Ranks will unlock new Battle Pieces to be obtainable in future Expedition Maps earned.
- Upon reaching Arena Rank 36, the player will advance to the Legendary League, in which reaching an Arena Rank for the first time per Season will yield a reward, but losing Ranked Matches will now make the player lose Trophies. As with climbing the ranks, losing enough Trophies will lower the player's Arena Rank by one unless the player is at Rank 36, as they can never be demoted from the Legendary League after entering it.
- At the end of a Season, players will receive a Season Reward, determined by their Arena Rank, which may consist of G-tokens, G-stones, Expedition Maps, Icons (profile pictures displayed before matches and on Leaderboards), and/or Titles (small descriptions always displayed alongside Icons).
- When the new Season begins, Legendary League players will drop down 5 Arena Ranks from their rank at the end of the previous Season (lower limit of Rank 36), with their number of Trophies reset to fit this rank; Legendary League players who did not play at all during the previous season will be dropped to Arena Rank 36. Conversely, when the new Season starts, Normal League players will retain their Trophy count and Arena Rank from the end of the previous season.
- Godzilla Pass points work toward advancing the player's Grade on the Godzilla Pass, a system that yields an additional set of rewards every Season. Godzilla Pass points are earned exclusively by participating in Ranked Matches, though winning battles nets a greater amount of points. Every 10 points earned will increase the player's Grade by one and unlock a reward - most commonly Expedition Maps, as well as Battle Pieces, G-tokens, or Stickers, used during battle to send brief messages to opponents. G-stones can also be used to immediately unlock the next Grade and its reward. There are 50 Grades, though a Grade cap is enforced for all players, starting at Grade 2 at the beginning of the Season and raising by two Grades every day. Once the player reaches Grade 50 and unlocks all rewards, a Bonus Bank becomes available, accumulating 300 G-tokens for every 35 Godzilla Pass points earned (up to a maximum of 15,000 G-tokens), which the player can obtain at the end of the Season. Grades, their rewards, and all Godzilla Pass points are reset once the Season ends, offering fresh rewards to be earned for the new Season.
Players can unlock many additional rewards by completing Missions, various tasks to be completed both inside and outside of battle. Missions may comprise of logging into the game, winning Ranked Matches using particular Battle Pieces, playing on certain Arenas, using a Leader's special move, acquiring or leveling up Battle Pieces, completing expeditions, purchasing shop items, and many more. They yield rewards in the form of G-tokens, G-stones, Battle Pieces, Expedition Maps, Icons, or Titles. There are four categories of Missions: Daily, Weekly, Achievement, and Special.
- Daily Missions, typically five at a time, will be available for completion for 24 hours before resetting. If not to a player's liking, an incomplete Mission can be re-rolled and replaced by a new Mission by watching an ad, with a limit of 5 re-rolls per day.
- Weekly Missions, typically seven at a time, will be available for completion for 7 days before resetting. Incomplete Missions can also be re-rolled by watching ads, with a limit of 10 re-rolls per week.
- Achievements are the only permanent fixture of Missions, and can be earned at any time, never resetting or disappearing. Completing an Achievement will often unlock a similar but more difficult Mission with a greater reward. While there are several Achievements for general game functions, each Battle Piece has its own set of corresponding Achievements as well. For an expansive (but incomplete) list of Achievements, click here.
- Special Missions are specific to event periods, and will reset at the end of an event. Their requisite tasks are more relevant to the ongoing event, and will often yield high rewards, including new and/or powerful Battle Pieces as well as exclusive Icons and Titles only available until the Missions are reset.
All categories save for Achievements will display how much time remains before their Missions are reset. Previously completed Missions and their rewards can also be viewed in a Reward History until Missions are reset, with the exception of Achievements, whose previously completed Missions can always be viewed.
The Shop is also available for players to acquire items that will advance their in-game progress. With the exception of items in the Daily Sale and one free (by watching an ad) Normal Expedition Map per day, everything in the Shop is purchased with G-stones or real money. The Daily Sale offers one free item (may be G-tokens, G-stones, or an Expedition Map), as well as individual Battle Piece copies that can be bought with G-tokens, with up to four pieces available at a time depending on Player Rank. As with Daily/Weekly Missions, the contents of the Daily Sale can be re-rolled by watching an ad, with a limit of 5 re-rolls per day. In the overall Shop, G-tokens and Expedition Maps can be purchased with G-stones, and G-stones can be purchased with real money. Recommended Expedition Maps and various Limited Time Sales can also be purchased with G-stones or real money, and may offer a chance at, or a certainty to acquire, various rewards and/or Battle Pieces, often event-related and sometimes exclusive. A constant fixture of the shop is the Premium Godzilla Pass, a companion to the standard Godzilla Pass bought with real money and lasting until the end of the current Season. It offers additional substantial rewards for unlocking Grades in the Godzilla Pass, as well as an unlimited amount of scheduling for Expedition Maps, a second free item in the Daily Sale, increasing the number of free Normal Expedition Maps to three per day, and other minor rewards.
All-Star Battle is a single-player mode where players battle through waves of enemies using all of their Battle Pieces to win. Each event assigns the player a specific Leader which cannot be changed. If the player has not collected a given Battle Piece, it is still available to use as a level one rental. By completing missions and waves, players will earn Event Points which can be used to buy many rewards relating to the kaiju the event focuses on, including four-star Battle Pieces.
The game also has three Free Battle modes which do not yield any rewards. Friend Matches allow friends to face each other by exchanging a room code, with an option to balance the levels of each player's Battle Pieces. Fair Matches fix Battle Piece levels against random players, while Training Matches offer up AI opponents.
Studio Mode is a battle mode where players choose a Star from a selection of kaiju for cinema-themed battles, called Showdowns, with other Stars that an opponent has selected. There is an eight-hour wait for the Showdowns, but there are up to three shortcuts available to reduce the time by intervals of two hours, and G-stones can be used to skip the eight hours entirely. The awards are G-Tokens and Star Points, which can be infused to different Battle Pieces to enhance their abilities, along with increased collection of G-Tokens and Star Points. The Star Points can also unlock skins that can be applied to Battle Pieces.
The beta-testing season prior to the worldwide launch of the game, which began in April 2021, was called Thunderous Roar.[4]
- The King of Monsters Awakens (June 2021)
- Opposing Titans (July 2021)
- Battle for Mankind! (August 2021)
- Birth of a New Era (September 2021)
- Champion of the Sky (October 2021)
- Fear Absolute Zero (November 2021)
- Seconds to Meltdown (December 2021)
- The Legend Returns (January 2022)
- World Domination (February 2022)
- Distant Life-Form (March 2022)
- Justice Pals (April 2022)
- Rebirth of the Cyborg Dragon (May 2022)
- A giant cryptid appears! (June 2022)
- Visitor from the Planet of Light (July 2022)
- A Perfectly Formed Threat (August 2022)
- Earth's Greatest Threat (September 2022)
- Operation: Final Wars (October 2022)
- Godzilla vs. Evangelion (November 2022)
- The Smog Monster Raids Again (December 2022)
- Mecha Monster Mayhem (January 2023)
- Monster of Vengeance (February 2023)
- Godzilla X Eva: Tokyo Battle (March 2023)
- Godzilla vs. SHIN MASKED RIDER (April 2023)
- Invader from Outer Space (May 2023)
- May the Mightiest Monster Win! (June 2023)
- The Keizer Descends (July 2023)
- A New Era of Destruction (August 2023)
- The Decisive Battle: Godzilla vs. GAMERA -Rebirth- (September 2023)
- Rainbow Adventure (October 2023)
- Humankind's Superweapon (November 2023)
- Roar of Doom (December 2023)
- Grotesque Invader (January 2024)
- Defeat SpaceGodzilla! (February 2024)
- Golden Guardian Monster (March 2024)
- The Mightiest Duo! (April 2024)
- Rivalry of the G-Cells (May 2024)
- Godzilla x Kong: Battle Evolve (June 2024)
- Shadow in the Sky: Gamera Returns! (July 2024)
- A Thrilling, Unprecedented Battle! (August 2024)
- Phantom Super Heavy Mass Decisive Battle Weapon (September 2024)
- The Final Battle of Hedorah (October 2024)
- Monster Super Battle: Godzilla vs. Gamera (November 2024)
- Burning decisive battle: Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (December 2024)
- Godzilla x Kong: Glacial Roar (January 2025)
- Twin Monsters of Infant Island (February 2025)
- Super Godzilla vs. Bagan: Revived Decisive Battle (March 2025)
All-Star Battle Events
- Technicolor Guardian (Mothra 1992 leader, September 2021)
- Catastrophic Tomorrow (Jet Jaguar β leader, October 2021)
- The Immortal Bionic Monster (Biollante leader, November 2021)
- The Descent of The Ultimate Battle Creature (SpaceGodzilla leader, December 2021)
- Alert! Cyborg Threat (Gigan 1972 leader, January 2022)
- The Dark Destruction Beast (Battra leader, February 2022)
- MFS-3 Kiryu Activate! (Kiryu leader, March 2022)
- Singular Emergence (Jet Jaguar β leader, April 2022)
- Nemesis from the Future (Mecha-King Ghidorah leader, May 2022)
- The Looming Giant (Godzilla 1989 leader, June 2022)
- Godzilla Assault Battle (Godzilla 2016 leader, July 2022)
- Pteranodon's Revival (Fire Rodan leader, August 2022)
- The emissary from the Planet of Light (Ultraman leader, September 2022)
- Abnormal Evolving Threat (Destoroyah leader, October 2022)
- 4th Angel Descends (EVA-01 leader, November 2022)
- The Skulking Smog Monster (Hedorah leader, December 2022)
- The Ultimate Showdown Returns (Godzilla 2021 leader, January 2023)
- Evil Emerges (Mechagodzilla 2021 leader, February 2023)
- Decisive All-Star Battle (EVA-01 leader, March 2023)
- MASKED RIDER Arrives! (Kamen Rider leader, April 2023)
- Battle Origins (Godzilla Ultima leader, May 2023)
- Kong Ascends (Kong leader, June 2023)
- Combat-Ready Monsters (Godzilla 2004 leader, July 2023)
- Struggle for Survival (Godzilla 2001 leader, August 2023)
- Gamera: The Child's Guardian (Gamera leader, September 2023)
- Invasion of the Super Space Demon Beast (Desghidorah leader, October 2023)
- The Ultimate Anti-Godzilla Weapon (Mechagodzilla 1993 leader, November 2023)
- Chaos into Despair (Godzilla 2023 leader, December 2023)
- Sparking Organizer G1 (Godzilla 1999 leader, January 2024)
- Destruction from Outer Space (SpaceGodzilla leader, February 2024)
- Raining Acidic Sap (Biollante leader, March 2024)
- Brilliant Slash: Variable Slicer (Destoroyah leader, April 2024)
- Rainbow Scales of Protection (Rainbow Mothra leader, May 2024)
- SUPER-EVOLVED KING OF THE MONSTERS (Godzilla 2024 leader, June 2024)
- Fight, Our Great Monster! (Gamera 2023 leader, July 2024)
- Crisis! Giant Monster Ultimate Battle (Godzilla(Godzilla The Ride ver.) leader, August 2024)
- Humanity's Last Hope Activates (Mechagodzilla(counter-Godzilla Super Heavy Mass Nanometal Decisive Battle Weapon) leader, September 2024)
- The Dark Destruction Beast (Battra leader, October 2024)
- Invasion Alert! The One-Eyed Red Invader (Gigan Rex leader, November 2024)
- The Awakened Golden Dragon Seeks Its Throne (King Ghidorah 2019 leader, December 2024)
- Fight as One! Dawn of a New Era (Godzilla 2024 leader, January 2025)
- The Ultimate Combination! Super Mechagodzilla Mobilizes! (Super Mechagodzilla leader, February 2025)
- The Malevolent Final Boss! (Bagan leader, March 2025)
- Main article: Godzilla Battle Line/Credits.
Monsters and heroes
- Godzilla (1989; 1989 Wakasa Bay ver.*; Terrestris, Ultima; 2021*; 1995*; 1954*; 1954 Tokyo ver.*; Earth*; 2016 forms 2, 3, and 4*; 2004*; 2004 Tokyo Final Battle ver.*; 2001*; 1999*; 2023*; 2023 Ginza ver.*; 2002/2003*; 2024 Evolved ver.*; 2021 Godzilla The Ride ver.*; 2019 Burning Godzilla*; 2024 Evolved Rio de Janeiro ver.*; 1991*)
- Mothra (Larva 1992, Imago 1992, 2019*, 2024*)
- Mothra Leo (Imago*, Rainbow*, Aqua*)
- King Ghidorah (1991, 2019*, 2001*; 2021 Godzilla The Ride ver.*; 2018*, 2019 Antarctic Awakening ver.*)
- Desghidorah*
- Mecha-King Ghidorah*
- Mechagodzilla (1993, Super Mechagodzilla*, 2002*, 2003*, 2021*, 1974/Fake Godzilla*, 2003 Heavy Arms Type*, 2018*)
- Rodan (1964, 1993*, 2019*)
- Anguirus (1955)
- King Kong (2021*, 2024*)
- Skar King*
- Shimo*
- Great Apes*
- Minilla (1967)
- Destoroyah (Aggregate swarm, Aggregate*, Flying*, Perfect*, Ariake ver.*)
- Biollante (Flower Beast, Plant Beast, Wakasa Bay Battle ver.*)
- Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah*
- Hedorah (1971; Flying Stage, Perfect Stage; 2004*)
- Jet Jaguar (2021 β*, 1973*)
- SpaceGodzilla (SpaceGodzilla, SpaceGodzilla Fukuoka Battle ver.*)
- Gigan (1972, 2004*)
- Gigan Rex*
- Gigan Miles*
- Battra (Larva, Imago)
- King Caesar (1974)
- Megalon*
- Giant Octopus (1962)*
- Kamacuras (1967)
- Moguera (1957, 1994*)
- Orga*
- Megaguirus
- Dorats*
- Varan (1958)*
- Ebirah*
- Ultraman (2022)*
- Neronga (2022)*
- Zetton (2022)*
- Mefilas (2022)*
- Evangelion Unit-00 (2009)*
- Evangelion Unit-01 (2009)*
- Evangelion Unit-02 (2009)*
- Evangelion Unit-08β (2012)*
- Fourth Angel*
- Tenth Angel*
- Kamen Rider (2023)*
- Kumo Augment-01*
- Chibi Godzilla*
- Chibi Mechagodzilla*
- Super Godzilla*
- Bagan*
- Gamera (2023*, 2023 Flying Form*, 1967*)
- Gyaos (2023*, 1967*)
- Guiron (2023)*
- Kamen Rider 2 (Diorama Objects)
- Triceratops (skull, environmental asset)
- Kong's parent (skeleton, environmental asset)[note 1]
- Manda (mentioned)
- Kumonga (mentioned)
- Dagahra (mentioned)
- Barem (mentioned)
- Godzilla Junior (mentioned)
- Baragon (mentioned)
- Godzillasaurus (mentioned)
- Meganulon/Meganula (mentioned)
Weapons, vehicles, and races
- Main article: Godzilla Battle Line/Gallery.
Worldwide release trailer
All-Star Battle Event: Technicolor Guardian trailer
All-Star Battle Event: Catastrophic Tomorrow trailer
Second GAMERA -Rebirth- collaboration announcement
Live streams
September 24, 2021, featuring Yume Miyamoto and Shoya Ishige
Subtitled and archived video of the September 24's live stream
May 28, 2022, featuring Shinji Higuchi, Satoru Matsuo, Shoya Ishige and Yohei Azakami
August 29, 2022, featuring Shoya Ishige and Yohei Azakami
August 29, 2022, featuring Shoya Ishige
September 1, 2023, featuring Shoya Ishige
The 1st Godzilla Battle Champion Festival
August 27, 2024; featuring Hiroyuki Seshita and Shoya Ishige
- Yumiko Shaku reprised her role as Lieutenant Akane Yashiro for this game, while Rie Kugimiya again voiced Jet Jaguar 2021.
- As of game update, SpaceGodzilla's name is stylized in standard casing as "Spacegodzilla," the Aggregate Destoroyah are referred to as "Destoroyah (Larva)," Kamacuras' name is misspelled as "Kamacurus," and Keizer Ghidorah's name is misspelled as "Kaizer Ghidorah."
- Godzilla Battle Line marks the first appearances of King Kong, Ultraman, Neronga, Mefilas, Zetton, Evangelion Unit-01, the Fourth Angel, Evangelion Unit-00, Evangelion Unit-02, Evangelion Unit-08, Tenth Angel, Kamen Rider, Gamera, Gyaos, and Guiron in a Godzilla game, outside of the crossover games Battle Soccer: Champion of the Field, Battle Baseball, and City Shrouded in Shadow for Ultraman; Battle Soccer: Champion of the Field and Battle Baseball for Mefilas and Zetton; the Empire DCX slot machine Monsterverse for King Kong; Monster Strike, Kai-Ri-Sei Million Arthur, and City Shrouded in Shadow for EVA-00, EVA-01, and EVA-02; and City Shrouded in Shadow for Gamera and Gyaos. Neronga, Mefilas, and Zetton also represent the first physical appearances of Ultra Series kaiju in Godzilla media.
- It also marks the first crossover between King Kong and Ultraman, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Kamen Rider, and/or Gamera, as well as the first meeting between Godzilla and Gamera since a puppet show performed at the 1996 Hero Festival by Atelier Koganemushi (the group which would go on to produce Godziban), which also featured Ultraman and Kamen Rider.[6] Although Gamera and Godzilla appeared in City Shrouded in Shadow, the two monsters are present in separate levels in the game's story.
- Toho Kingdom's 2022 April Fools' Day prank inadvertently predicted that Ultraman would become a unit in the game as the result of a collaboration with Shin Ultraman.[7]
- The Giant Octopus was introduced in the game on August 8, 2022, coinciding with World Octopus Day.[8] Godzilla Battle Line is only the kaiju's second video game appearance, after Godzilla: Heart-Pounding Monster Island!! for the Sega Pico.
- Godzilla Battle Line refers to Mothra Leo as Mosura Reo (モスラレオ) in Japanese; the character is more commonly known as "New Mothra" (新モスラ, Shin Mosura) in Japan.
- Jet Jaguar β's hands are gold in this game instead of black like in Godzilla Singular Point.
- Jia is mentioned in Kong's in-game biography, though misspelled as "Gia."
- An early screenshot of the game shows the United Nations Godzilla Countermeasure Center as a playable unit.
- Originally, both Mothra Leo and Anguirus were likely intended to be Leader units, evidenced by the Leader portraits of them accessible in Studio Mode. Anguirus' silhouette can also be glimpsed in the animation that plays before each match.
- This is the only Godzilla video game to feature Godzilla Earth. He was previously a part of an event collaboration in the mobile game Eternal Linkage.
- Many of the stickers available in this game are captioned with references to various films or other media.
- A sticker showing Rodan leaning to the side in Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster says, "He's right," referencing his agreeing with Godzilla's sentiment that humans always bully him.
- A sticker of Kiryu says, "The Battle of the Century!," which was the tagline that appeared on the cover art for Columbia TriStar's North American DVD release of Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla.
- Another sticker of Kiryu which says, "Give me power!" repeats a line spoken by Akane Yashiro to Kiryu during the climactic battle of Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla.
- Yet another sticker of Kiryu says, "Sayonara", which is part of Kiryu's final message to Yoshito Chujo in Godzilla: Tokyo SOS.
- A sticker of the Super X3 says, "Nothing left for next year?," referencing a quote by Sho Kuroki from Godzilla vs. Destoroyah.
- A sticker of Little says, "Self-restraint!," a lesson which the character tries to impart to Gigan in Godziban.
- A sticker of King Ghidorah says, "Deliver us a glorious demise!," a quote spoken by Metphies while summoning Ghidorah in GODZILLA: The Planet Eater.
- A sticker of Godzilla 2001 says, "Who will survive?", part of the tagline for Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.
- A sticker of Rei Ayanami says, "I will protect you," referencing a quote she said to Shinji Ikari as they prepared to battle the Sixth Angel in Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone.
- Some of the stickers in this game contain cropped artwork from IDW Publishing's 2012-2013 comic series Godzilla.
- The Energy Refueling Base is the only unit in the game that does not originate from a specific film. However, it resembles the Blast Bombs from Godzilla 2000: Millennium, and footage of Godzilla attacking a nuclear plant in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II is used as a backdrop in the unit's menu.
- Desghidorah is the only unit that cannot be found via expedition maps; he must be obtained through special offers or the All-Star Battle Mode prize exchange.
- Moguera, the Kamacuras Swarm, Zetton and Ghidorah 2018 are the only monsters that cannot be selected as Stars in Studio Mode. However, Zetton is available as a diorama piece and Ghidorah is featured in a customizable background.
- Godzilla 2021's victory animation references the "Call to Arms" scene from Godzilla: King of the Monsters.
- Kong's alternate victory animation (for Victory Pose B) references the scene in Godzilla vs. Kong where he picks up the axe from inside the throne room and beats his chest.
- Mechagodzilla 2021 is the only character in the game to have completely original roars, rather than roars from the film it appeared in.
- Skar King and Shimo's appearances in the Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire collaboration mark the first instance of Monsterverse-original monsters being playable in a Godzilla video game.
- Godzilla Terrestris/Godzilla Ultima, Jet Jaguar β, Kong (2021), and Godzilla (2021) are the only pieces introduced through collaborations that use gifs as footage in their menu backdrops. Later pieces introduced through collaborations, such as the Shin Japan Heroes Universe and later Monsterverse collaborations, would use still images in the backdrops of the piece's menus.
- During the seasons Godzilla vs. Evangelion and Godzilla X Eva: Tokyo Battle, the background music for the Tokyo stage was "Bataille Decisive" from Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone instead of the typical "Tokyo Area." In the All-Star Battle Events accompanying the previously mentioned seasons, The 4th Angel Descends and Decisive All-Star Battle respectively, "Bataille Decisive" was also used in place of the typical background music for All-Star Battles.
External links
- ↑ The game's Skull Island map, based on the boneyard in Kong: Skull Island which contained the skeletons of Kong's parents, contains only one Kong skeleton, leaving its identity ambiguous.
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