Gyaos (GAMERA -Rebirth-)
Gyaos incarnations | |||||||
- Emiko Melchiorri: “Could I ask you to tell me something?”
- Boco: “Tell you what?”
- James Tazaki: “About that gigantic bird that attacked you. Gyaos.”
- Boco: “Gyaos?”
- ― Emiko, James and Boco after Gamera fought Gyaos (Above Tokyo)
Gyaos (ギャオス is a winged Gyaosu)kaiju who first appeared in the 2023 Netflix Original anime series GAMERA -Rebirth-.
Awakened by the Eustace Foundation in a mining base in New Guinea, flocks of Gyaos wreaked havoc across the Philippines before journeying to Tokyo, Japan, growing rapidly in size by consuming humans. After the military successfully killed several, a much larger Gyaos appeared and began eradicating their forces. Fortunately, Gamera arrived to confront the monsters, incinerating and crushing the remaining flock before confronting the giant Gyaos. In the ensuing confrontation, Gamera brutalized Gyaos and destroyed it with a flame bullet. The threat of the Gyaos would not end there, however, as the Eustace Foundation had created a variant Gyaos known as S-Gyaos (エスギャオス, which quickly grew exponentially by devouring the carcass of Esu Gyaosu)Viras. The JSDF attempted to stave off the S-Gyaos as Gamera was being revived, though Gamera recovered and engaged his foe. After a difficult battle, Gamera used the Flame Sphere to annihilate the mutant monster, ending the threat of the Gyaos for good.
A new form of Gyaos is introduced in this series called the S-Gyaos (エスギャオス, with the "S" standing for "Special Mutation". Esu Gyaosu)[1]
Basic concepts of Gyaos's design in GAMERA -Rebirth- were partially based on those of the Heisei trilogy and the 2015 short film GAMERA, including a guiding principle to make them akin to traditional images of dragons.[4] Like the 2015 design, their elongated tongues were inspired by vipers.[4][5] The concept of a large individual accompanied by swarms of smaller individuals is also akin to the 2015 short film. This incarnation of Gyaos presumably possesses "fanged suckers" on the soles of its feet to support its movements, a quality it shares with the redesigned Zigra. The series' other kaiju had this trait as well at one time, but the concept was scaled back.[6]
Gyaos in the 2015 short film
Concept art of Gyaos in GAMERA -Rebirth-
In GAMERA -Rebirth-, Gyaos' design is similar to the one seen in the 2015 short film GAMERA, with notable changes, along with designs for juveniles and much larger adults. They have a brighter red coloration, with the areas along the ears, ridges above the eyes, the spikes on their back and tail colored a lavender. They possess long and lolling tongues like the 2015 short film design, but have a spear-like tip to them. Their eyes are similar to the 2015 short film design, but the sclera glow a dark red color; the eyes of the juveniles are larger and more bulbous than the adults. They possesses fanged suckers on soles of its feet similar to the version of Zigra featured in the anime.
S-Gyaos, the mutant variation of the Gyaos, has various differences from other Gyaos; in addition to his greater size, he has a bulkier torso, but thinner neck and more slender legs. He is a deeper hue of red than the regular Gyaos, with orange splotches and striations across his body. The spines on his back and tail are flakier and orange in color. His ears are different in shape, comprised of a translucent membrane between two spine-like appendages. His wings are notably ragged, with holes in the wings similar to tear damaged. Perhaps the most bizarre feature that sets him apart from the other Gyaos is that he possesses paired sets of three eyes position in a triangular pattern on the sides of his face. As an infant, the S-Gyaos' size and body shape is similar to an infant Gyaos', and he lacks the orange patterns along its body.
100,000 years prior to the events of GAMERA -Rebirth-, Gyaos were created by the Eustace Foundation's predecessors to help carry out the purification of humanity, a plan to wipe out the majority of the human population. After Gyaos eggs were later discovered in 1989 at a drilling site in New Guinea, they hatched and murdered staff of the Eustace Foundation. Later, a swarm of the monsters attacked the Philippines before heading to Japan.[7]
- GAMERA -Rebirth- (TV 2023)
GAMERA -Rebirth-
"Above Tokyo"
As several Eustace Foundation employees lowered themselves into the mining base in New Guinea, they came across many clutches of Gyaos eggs, each arranged on a different rock that jutted from the ground. As one worker walked towards a clutch, a Gyaos hatchling began to move, and suddenly there was a high pitched buzz and screaming from across the room, causing the Foundation member to look away. The baby Gyaos uses its Ultrasonic Scalpel to cut off the man's arm, and several others joined it as it landed on top of him and began to feast. The Gyaos hatchlings started to fly up through the shaft from which the people came, escaping into the daylight.
The Gyaos swarm proceeded to attack multiple villages in the Philippines over the course of the next few days, alerting both civilians and the U.S. army to their presence.
The Gyaos later arrived in Tokyo, eating people at night, such as when a pair of Gyaos ambushed a duo of police officers in a dark alley, slicing them up with their beams and consuming their bodies.
Boco, Junichi, and Joe, along with Brody and his friends, raced to the top of a building after witnessing a large fire and a jet flying low and streaking towards it. Two U.S. military jet fighters arrived in time to see many Gyaos feeding on people and destroying the city. They opened fire at a couple of Gyaos grabbing people out of a building, knocking one to the streets below, where it quickly recovered and began chasing people. Noticing this, another Gyaos clung to a building, charged its Ultrasonic Scalpel, and sliced one of the planes' noses off as it flew by, causing it to crash in an explosion. Then the Gyaos flew at the other jet, latching on to its front and sending it hurtling to the ground as more of the creatures continued devouring people. Two Gyaos suddenly looked up from tearing apart a human and stared towards the group of kids, lifting off the ground and flying in that direction as military reinforcements soared overhead. The newly deployed aircraft arrived on the scene, loosing many missiles at the Gyaos, killing several. A much larger Ultrasonic Scalpel blasted down from the sky, destroying two jets and slicing a building in half as a massive Gyaos descended, crushing another jet between its talons. The rest engaged with it and it unleashed more beams at them as the children watched from the building top. One of the Gyaos landed on the roof behind them, and Brody with his friends ran down the stairs while Boco, Joe, and Junichi ran away, the Gyaos giving chase and attempting to grab them with its spear tongue. The tongue hit a generator, electrocuting the kaiju and buying enough time for the three to escape.
All of the military aircraft were destroyed as another object was reported to be flying towards the Gyaos from Sagami Bay.

The trio reached the bottom of the external stairs only to be met with a second Gyaos, forcing them to flee into the building with the Gyaos shoving its way through the doors. The three tried to sneak away as the monster stalked through the arcade, but two of the machines activated from the damaged generator, creating noise and alerting the Gyaos. The kids tried to run, but the first Gyaos had freed itself and arrived at the door, trapping them in with the other. The Gyaos inside flipped over a table as the first Gyaos squeezed through the doors, cornering them against a support pillar as a blue glow filled the room from outside. Suddenly, a blast from outside threw the Gyaos and machines back across the room, pinning them under debris. The kids stumbled outside and watched as Gamera rose and fired a flame bullet at a flock of the creatures flying towards them, vaporizing many in one shot. He crushed the small Gyaos and grabbed them out of the air, sustaining minimal damage as they fired their Ultrasonic Scalpels. Behind the kids, the two Gyaos started to regain consciousness and break free, prompting them to start running again. Boco saw Brody and his group of friends hiding in a small alley, with one of the now freed Gyaos noticing them and following. The creature overlooked Brody due to a shard of glass in its eye, but a Gyaos head from the nearby battle smacked into the ground in front of him, making him scream and causing the Gyaos to turn around and notice them. However, Boco and his friends began to throw their explosive eggs before it could harm the other kids, who ran away and left the now unconscious Brody behind. Boco, Junichi, and Joe picked up Brody and started carrying him away, but the Gyaos got to its feet and chased them. Noticing this, Gamera stomped on the small kaiju, popping its head off. The Gyaos swarm had been finished off, but then the largest Gyaos blasted Gamera with its Ultrasonic Scalpel before Gamera returned fire with three shots, the third hitting Gyaos's wing. The flying monster swooped down, dodging another blast and circling back towards Gamera, charging its beam. It was interrupted by yet another fireball which incinerated its leg. Gyaos finally reached Gamera, sinking its claws into his shoulder while pulling him around and firing its Ultrasonic Scalpel at point-blank range. Gamera smacked Gyaos to the ground, stepped on its neck, and grabbed its intact wing and leg with each arm, pulling with extreme force. Gyaos was able to break free of its adversary, beginning to fly away, but Gamera yanked it back again before leaping and stomping on Gyaos's back. Gyaos attempted to counterattack with its energy weapon, but Gamera seized its head, piercing its eye with his thumb-claw. He slammed its head into the ground before grabbing it by the neck and hurling it over his shoulder. Gamera finished off Gyaos with a single direct hit from a flame bullet.
"Childhood's End"
It was revealed that three months prior, the Eustace Foundation had perfected a variant of the Gyaos, which would come to be referred to as the S-Gyaos.
Three months later, this infant S-Gyaos emerged from within the body of the freshly deceased Viras following the latter’s defeat by Gamera, and proceeded to devour Emiko Melchiorri. The Gyaos continued to feed on the rest of Viras’s carcass, rapidly growing to a massive size exceeding that of the large Gyaos. With that, this ugly duckling Gyaos went to pursue the children and Gamera, but was unable to take flight; however, he instead swam to the island where Gamera was being revived.
The JSDF engaged the S-Gyaos, but the Gyaos eliminated the ships and tanks that were fending him off using highly powered attacks. His opposition gone, the S-Gyaos made his way inland, pursuing Boco, who was leading the S-Gyaos away from Gamera. Just as the S-Gyaos prepared to devour Boco when the latter was cornered on a cliff, a fireball struck the S-Gyaos from behind. Gamera emerged to save Boco, and continued to loose more fireballs at Gyaos, before the two exchanged roars. The S-Gyaos fired Ultrasonic Scalpels, but Gamera deflected the attacks using his shell, before producing an electromagnetic pulse. S-Gyaos was stunned briefly, and Gamera prepared to finish off the mutant Gyaos with a fireball attack. However, the S-Gyaos regained consciousness, and shot his tongue right into Gamera’s mouth, injecting an RNA virus continuously into Gamera. However, Captain Sasaki and the U.S. Air Force fired upon S-Gyaos, causing him to release his tongue. Gamera was now freed, and the guardian kaiju took flight, before rapidly spinning in his shell, producing a glowing sphere. S-Gyaos fired Ultrasonic Scalpels in a futile attempt to stop Gamera, but the beam reflected off of the sphere. Gamera descended upon the S-Gyaos, burning the monstrous creature and killing him once and for all.
Like all previous incarnations, Gyaos are capable of flight, although S-Gyaos lacked this ability.
Ultrasonic Scalpel
Gyaos can fire their signature Ultrasonic Scalpel (超音波メス beams from their mouths, which, unlike previous incarnations, has a red-violet coloration. These beams are incredibly powerful, being able to slice the front of a Chōonpa Mesu)McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle in half and cut into Gamera's hide.
S-Gyaos appears to possess a stronger form of the beam, as it was shown to easily decimate and explode everything in its path.
Much like the other villainous kaiju, Gyaos can instantly grow and regenerate by feeding on humans, especially children, and the flesh of other kaiju. S-Gyaos grew to large heights after eating Viras' carcass. The GAMERA -Rebirth- novelization notes that smaller individuals can regenerate by eating just one person, while eating ten victims can double their size in a few hours.[8]
Amphibious capabilities
S-Gyaos is able to swim at great distances.
The large Gyaos emits a poisonous gas after dying.
Tongue spear
Gyaos possess a long, spear-like tongue that they can launch from their mouths. The tongues can pierce and hook to different surfaces effectively.
S-Gyaos has the ability to inject RNA viruses into other Kaiju using its spear-like tongue. Once Gamera was injected with these viruses, they caused him to return to his original genetic configuration and allowed the Eustace Foundation leaders to take brief control of him.
S-Gyaos injecting Gamera with RNA viruses via his tongue spear
S-Gyaos is capable of corrupting other Kaiju via injection of RNA viruses using its speared tongue.
Intelligence and perception
The GAMERA -Rebirth- novelization states that Gyaos can instantly sense and prepare to evade dangerous projectiles such as missiles and Gamera's fireballs even before they are actually used. Smaller individuals are aware that they will be eventually devoured by the largest Gyaos, so each is keen to feed on as many humans as possible to grow and survive. On the other hand, they are also extremely sadistic, drawing out their pursuit of humans to savor their fear.[9]
The Gyaos also demonstrate perceptiveness in the manga adaptation, sensing Gamera's arrival.
Two Gyaos sensing Gamera in the manga adaptation
Gyaos were shown to shrug off machine gun fire. According to the GAMERA -Rebirth- novelization, Gyaos and the other Kaiju can create a thin, invisible energy shield on the surface of their bodies to neutralize conventional attacks. The larger an individual becomes, the stronger the shield becomes.[10]
The juvenile Gyaos are very fragile, as many were destroyed by missiles fired from F-15s, and were both easily crushed by Gamera and annihilated by a Fireball. The larger Gyaos was physically outmatched by Gamera, and also easily dispatched by a fireball.
Video games
- Godzilla Battle Line (2021; added in 2023) - Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows
- Ao Oni Online (2018; added in 2023) - Android and iOS
Godzilla Battle Line

- Stars: ★★★★
- Energy cost: 3
- Attack speed: 2.6 seconds
- Target: Leader/Ground/Aerial/Facility
- Movement speed: 75
- Search range: 50
- Reach:
- Sub-adults: 50
- Adults: 65
On Deployment |
Gyaos in Skull Island
Gyaos in Hollow Earth
Ao Oni Online
In the Ao Oni Online x GAMERA -Rebirth- collaboration event, the player can encounter the "demon" Gyaos within the limited collaboration maps.
Gyaos in Ao Oni Online
- GAMERA -Rebirth- code thyrsos chapter 1 (2023)
- GAMERA -Rebirth- (2023-)
Gyaos reuse screeches emitted by the Heisei incarnation.
- Gyaos is the second kaiju in the Gamera franchise franchise to originate in New Guinea, after Barugon in Gamera vs. Barugon. Gyaos previously appeared in the Philippines in the prologue of Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris, though only a corpse was shown.
- S-Gyaos's tongue spear attack in GAMERA -Rebirth- is similar to that of Zedus and especially Garasharp, as the latter absorbed Gamera's thermal energy by inserting her tongue into his mouth. The attack of S-Gyaos on Gamera is also similar to Zedus attacking the injured Toto in a facility in Nagoya in Gamera the Brave.
- At 3,600 metric tons, S-Gyaos is the heaviest kaiju in the Gamera franchise, beating out the Legion Plant by 600 metric tons.
- S-Gyaos is also one of the longest kaiju in the Gamera franchise, with a length of 340 meters, but is significantly shorter than Iris' tentacle length of nearly 2 kilometers.
This is a list of references for Gyaos (GAMERA -Rebirth-). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
- Sasaki, Gaku, ed. (29 January 2024). GAMERA -Rebirth- Official Setting Materials Collection. Kadokawa. ISBN 978-4-04-113841-0.
- Seshita, Hiroyuki; Jin (25 August 2023). Novel: GAMERA -Rebirth- (Part 1). Kadokawa. ISBN 9784041139950.
- Noguchi, Tomokazu, ed. (29 December 2015). Uchusen. No. 151. Hobby Japan.
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