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A Skullcrawler in Kong: Skull Island
The Skull Devil in Kong: Skull Island
Number 10 in Godzilla vs. Kong. This image has been brightened.
Alternate names Skull Crawler, Skull-crawler, Crawler, big lizard things, devils, Dino MonsterLAN, Baby,[1] Skull Devil, Skulldevil,[2] Ramarak, The Big One, Momma,[1] Number 10, Halakrah[3], Alpha Skullcrawler,[4] Skullspawn, Skull Spawn
Cranium Reptant,
Titanus Cranium Reptant (Skull Devil)[5]
Species Giant, hypervorous, two-legged salamander[6]
Height 12-95 feetKSI[7][8][note 1] /
3.65-28.95 meters[9]
Length 35-194 feetKSI[10][note 2]
Weight 40-100 tonsKSI[7][8][9]
Forms Young/Skull Spawn, adult, Alpha/Skull Devil, revived AlphaJLvGvK
Place(s) of emergence Skull Island; Apex Cybernetics Hong Kong headquartersGvK, Siren IslesGxKTC
Allies Other Skullcrawlers, MechagodzillaJLvGvK
Conceived of by Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Written by Max Borenstein, John Gatins,
Dan Gilroy, Derek Connolly
Designed by Zach Berger, Simon LeeKSI;
Jung-Ha KimSI[11]
First appearance Latest appearance
Kong's god on the island, but the devils live below us.

Hank Marlow (Kong: Skull Island)

Skullcrawlers are giant two-legged amphibian monsters who first appeared in the 2017 Legendary Pictures film Kong: Skull Island.

Insatiable carnivorous monsters that dwell deep beneath the surface of Skull Island, the Skullcrawlers were responsible for wiping out the majority of Kong's species long ago, and frequently menaced the other creatures living on the island as well. The orphaned Kong took it upon himself to keep the Skullcrawlers' population in check and defend the island's other residents from their savagery. In 1973, the Monarch expedition to Skull Island unwittingly drew numerous Skullcrawlers to the surface, which in turn drew the ire of Kong toward the humans who had inadvertently started the crisis. Though Kong was able to handle most of the subterranean creatures, he was eventually faced with a colossal 95-foot-tall Titan Skullcrawler, known as an Alpha Skullcrawler or, informally, Skull Devil. Kong engaged in a brutal struggle with the Skull Devil, and with the aid of his newfound human allies was finally able to triumph over the horrific creature. In 2024, Apex Cybernetics used captured Skullcrawlers, including one even larger than the Skull Devil, to test Mechagodzilla's capabilities.

The Skull Devil's skull was later transported to the DC Universe through the Toyman's use of the Dreamstone, and dropped into the Lazarus Pit to resurrect the beast. Though even more massive and powerful than before, the Devil was killed once again through the combined effort of Kong, Godzilla, and the Justice League.


In the official novelization of Godzilla vs. Kong, the true name of the Skullcrawlers is the Halakrah or “persistent enemy” in the Iwi language. Because the native Iwis would not say their name for this species out loud, Hank Marlow came up with the name "Skullcrawlers" to describe them, on the grounds that it "[sounded] neat." He refers to the largest Skullcrawler as simply "the Big One" in the film itself, but in the novelization, he calls it the Skull Devil. It is also called "Skull Devil" in The Art and Making of Kong: Skull Island and the opening credits of Godzilla vs. Kong, as well as various merchandise. However, Monarch canonically designates these Titan-sized Skullcrawlers as Alpha Skullcrawlers.[4] Legendary copyrighted the name "Ramarak the Skullcrawler" and other variations of this name, possibly a rejected name for the Skull Devil, in December 2015.[12] Ramarak has caught on as a popular name for the Skull Devil among fans, though it has yet to appear in any official media. The opening credits of Godzilla vs. Kong indicate that Monarch gave the Skull Devil the Titan classification Titanus Cranium Reptant. The gigantic Skullcrawler who appears in Godzilla vs. Kong is simply called Number 10 by Apex Cybernetics CEO Walter Simmons. The Skullcrawlers' cryptozoological classification, Cranium Reptant, comes from cranium, meaning "skull," and the Latin word reptant, meaning "crawl."

Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts initially wanted to call the Skullcrawlers "MacArthur", in the same way that a pet dog might have a human name.[13] Hank Marlow would explain the name by saying, "He's like General MacArthur - you can't stop him." Other names considered were "the Mac" and "the Dweller." John C. Reilly felt that "Skullcrawler" was ridiculous and didn't want to say it, leading to an improvised exchange between Marlow, Conrad, and Weaver about the name.[14]

The spelling of the Skullcrawlers' name is not entirely consistent. While most official sources tend to spell the creatures' name as a single word, the official novelization and art book for the film spell it as two. In the comic Skull Island: The Birth of Kong, the creatures' name is spelled as two words when spoken by the characters but is spelled as a single word in the Monarch superspecies profile included in the second issue. Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - The Official Movie Novelization spells it as one word, but does not capitalize it. The HBO Max subtitles for Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla vs. Kong spell the creatures' names with a hyphen. The Skull Devil's name is also sometimes spelled as "Skull-Devil".

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong writer Brian Buccellato has referred to the revived Skull Devil in the comic as Skullspawn,[15] though this is never established in the comic itself. A similar term, Skull Spawn, is used in the video game Kong: Survivor Instinct to refer to juvenile Skullcrawlers, with the body of their Monarch Log even misspelling it as "Skullspawn." However, the same Log also establishes that Skull Spawn's formal designation from Monarch is simply Skullcrawler (young).


According to designer Zach Berger, director Jordan Vogt-Roberts did not initially have any specific vision for the villain monster of Kong: Skull Island and simply told the designers to create "something distinct and different" and not use dinosaurs in any way so as not to compete with Peter Jackson's King Kong. One early concept for the villain monster was a giant amphibious sea serpent inspired by Vietnamese dragons. One idea that Berger pitched was a "sawtooth" monster with saw-shaped protrusions around its mouth. Vogt-Roberts expressed admiration for the design of the monster from the Korean film The Host, and the designers ultimately decided to incorporate the two-legged aspect of its design into their design process. Eventually, Jordan Vogt-Roberts' attention was brought to the Two-Legged Lizard that briefly appeared in the 1933 film, and the designers decided to attempt to update that creature's design. Other influences included Sachiel from Neon Genesis Evangelion, No-Face from Spirited Away, and Cubone from Pokémon.[16] Some designs very heavily resembled the original creature, while others gave it a different, almost snake-like head. Berger gave credit to Simon Lee for taking the Two-Legged Lizard concept and creating something close to the final design of the Skullcrawlers.[17]


Skullcrawlers are large serpentine creatures with only two long forelimbs and no hind limbs. Several aspects of their appearance are noticeably skeletal, particularly their backs and their heads. Their heads closely resemble those of mosasaurs, particularly Tylosaurus. Additionally, the Skullcrawlers have four digits in total on each hand, with the thumb being the smallest digit and the rest of the digits being larger and of the same size. The head of the Skullcrawler is predominantly grey and white in coloration, with the monster's eyes being situated behind two round eye socket-like depressions on the sides of their head. Their pupils are horizontal slits, like those of a goat.

The Skullcrawlers in Kong: Skull Island range in size from 12 to 95 feet tall, though Number 10, the gigantic Skullcrawler featured in Godzilla vs. Kong, is much larger. The smaller Skullcrawlers can fit inside of the eye sockets of the skulls of Kong's species. The largest Skullcrawler seen in the film, the Skull Devil, is almost as tall as Kong himself and possesses distinct spikes on its elbows and a more pronounced, sand-colored transparent ridge running down its spine, along with a wide, flat, crest-like structure on its scalp and a more rounded, crocodilian snout in contrast to the smaller Skullcrawlers' pointed, Tylosaurus-shaped snouts. Close-ups of the creature's face reveal pale green eyes. In the tie-in comic Skull Island: The Birth of Kong, several full-size Skullcrawlers are seen in flashbacks, and they too possess the distinct elbow spikes of the Skull Devil. Number 10 bears a strong resemblance to the Skull Devil, although it has a unique yellow outer "skull" with a blotch of red on top and additional yellow and red highlights on its elbows and back. Both Number 10 and the Skull Devil possess a thorny tail.

In Kong: Skull Island - The Official Movie Novelization, the Skullcrawlers have gills, with the Skull Devil also possessing a "cruel ivory barb" on the tip of its tail.[18]

The Skullcrawler featured in Skull Island resembles the Skull Devil but with jagged, backwards-facing spikes and sand-colored skin patterns running down its spine. Its head resembles the pointed, mosasaur-like snouts of the smaller Skullcrawlers, but it appears to have a more pointed scalp crest than either the Skull Devil or Number 10. The tip of its tail possesses the same thorny spikes that the Skull Devil and Number 10 do, but the entirety of the tip is a bone white color. Like the Skull Devil, this Skullcrawler possesses green eyes, although a darker shade.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, the revived Skull Devil is much larger and bulkier than before, with a ribbed chest, shoulder spikes, and back spikes. It stands even taller than the fully-grown Kong, though the extent of the Devil's size varies between panels. The smaller Skullcrawlers accompanying it resemble its original form in Kong: Skull Island.

The Skullcrawlers which appear in Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers, as well as the Alpha Skullcrawler featured in its opening cutscene, are identical to the Skull Devil. However, the Alpha featured in the Skullcrawler Swarm event looks closer to Number 10; she has a splotch of red on the top of her head which connects to a red strip running down the entire length of her back, red splotches over top her elbow spikes, and red tail barbs. Unlike Number 10, the rest of her back and the tip of her snout are the typical bone-white rather than bright yellow.


The Skullcrawlers are violent and savage creatures that appear to attack and kill anything in sight. Monarch describes them as "hypervores" due to their insatiable appetites, and classifies them more broadly as "destroyers,"[10][19] along with King Ghidorah, Rodan, Scylla, Camazotz, MUTO Prime, Tiamat, and Mechagodzilla. Though most Skullcrawlers seem to act primarily on instinct, the Skull Devil demonstrated some intelligence when it swatted Earl Cole away with its tail before his grenades could detonate. It also displayed a sense of maliciousness, taking its time to kill Kong and licking his face while he was restrained by an anchor's chain. According to The Art and Making of Kong: Skull Island, Skullcrawlers are an invasive species to Skull Island, and live entirely underground, only surfacing to feed.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, the Skull Devil and its adolescent brethren became mind-controlled pawns of the League of Assassins, invading Metropolis during a battle between Earth's heroes and the Legion of Doom. Although the League was not formally allied with the Legion, the Skullcrawlers exclusively targeted the superheroes and their Titan allies.


According to Hank Marlow, Skullcrawlers terrorized Skull Island for thousands of years, forcing the native Iwi tribe to build a huge wall outside of their village to keep them out. To the Iwis' surprise, the giant apes that they once feared began fighting the Skullcrawlers, eventually driving them all underground. The Skullcrawlers remained primarily underground until the seismic charges dropped by the Monarch expedition to the island in 1973 began drawing them back to the surface.

Both Godzilla vs. Kong: The Official Movie Novelization and Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers state that the Skullcrawlers evolved from a lineage of non-amniote basal reptilomorphs, with the former adding that they possibly originated from the Hollow Earth. The Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure states that the Skullcrawlers fall under the "sub-division" of Salamandra,[6] suggesting that they are actually amphibians despite their reptilian appearance.



Kong: Skull Island

A Skullcrawler looming over a freshly-killed Sker Buffalo in Kong: Skull Island

Voracious and violent creatures, the Skullcrawlers once terrorized Skull Island, forcing the native Iwi tribe to cower in fear behind a massive wall. Eventually, the giant apes of the island began fighting back against the Skullcrawlers, thinning their numbers and forcing the remaining ones to retreat underground. Before they were defeated, the Skullcrawlers were able to wipe out most of the giant apes, leaving only one surviving member, Kong, whose duty it became to prevent the Skullcrawlers from ever returning.

In 1973, the Monarch-led expedition to Skull Island began dropping seismic charges onto the island's terrain, allegedly to map the island. These charges brought several Skullcrawlers back to the surface, much to the anger of Kong, who brought down all of the expedition's helicopters. Kong came upon the carcass of a Sker Buffalo, which had been freshly killed by a Skullcrawler. The Skullcrawler was joined by another member of its kind and attacked Kong, who was able to quickly dispatch the smaller creatures. The survivors of the Monarch expedition eventually regrouped and passed through a huge crater littered with skeletons. As they passed through the boneyard, they were attacked by a Skullcrawler, which was responsible for killing Chapman, the soldier they were all searching for. The Skullcrawler killed several of the humans, including Bill Randa, and was eventually killed when Mason Weaver used a lighter to ignite an explosive gas pocket as the creature passed by it, blowing it apart.

An Alpha Skullcrawler known as the "Skull Devil" in Kong: Skull Island

Later that night, when Lt. Colonel Packard and his men ambushed Kong in the swamp, a gigantic 95-foot Alpha Skullcrawler, known as the Skull Devil or simply "the Big One," emerged from the water. The beast attacked the wounded Kong, who had just killed Packard, but the humans were able to escape. By sunrise, the humans were attempting to rendezvous with Houston Brooks and Lin San, who were commanding the boat the Grey Fox. However, they were set upon by the giant Skullcrawler. One soldier, Earl Cole, attempted to sacrifice himself by detonating two grenades in front of the Skull Devil, but the beast simply smacked him away with its tail. Kong soon arrived and smashed a boulder into the Skull Devil’s face, buying time for the humans to escape.

Kong grappled with the Skull Devil, but the beast overpowered him and nearly clamped its jaws upon his throat. Kong kept up the fight, even breaking a tree across the Skull Devil’s face, but the monster was too powerful and knocked Kong into an old shipwreck, where he became entangled in its anchor chain. Weaver got to a vantage point and fired a flare into the Skull Devil’s eye, enraging it. Kong broke free of the chain and converted it into a makeshift flail, with the boat's propeller at the end, and attacked the Skull Devil again. This time, Kong gained the upper hand and slammed it into the same hill Weaver was standing on, causing her to fall into the water below. He then cut through the Skull Devil’s flesh with the propeller. Kong seemingly finished the beast when he slashed the Skull Devil’s throat with the propeller, causing it to fall limp to the ground. Kong took the moment to pull Weaver from the water, but as soon as he had her in hand the Skull Devil rose back to its feet and bit down on Kong's free arm. Kong fought back and tried to keep Weaver away from the Skull Devil’s mouth, but the creature used its prehensile tongue to pull Kong's hand, with Weaver held in it, down its throat. Kong desperately pulled his hand free of the beast's gullet, tearing out its innards and killing it instantly.

Godzilla vs. Kong

The Skullcrawler designated "Number 10" in Godzilla vs. Kong

Apex Cybernetics bred Skullcrawlers to serve as test subjects for the machine they hoped would dethrone Godzilla: Mechagodzilla. Bernie Hayes, Madison Russell, and Josh Valentine, a trio of infiltrators hoping to expose Apex, found themselves on a transport to Hong Kong with several of the beasts' eggs. Inside Apex's headquarters, they found a test chamber where CEO Walter Simmons released one gigantic Skullcrawler, codenamed "Number 10," as the mech awaited it. The Skullcrawler immediately set its sights on the trio. It lunged at Madison as she dropped prone, but never reached her. Mechagodzilla seized it, held it by its arms, and sliced it in half with its Proton Scream before powering down.

Skull Island

"You're Not a King, You're Just a Stupid Animal"
A Skullcrawler in Skull Island

Following Monarch's 1973 expedition to Skull Island, but before Kong's battle with the Kraken, a Skullcrawler chased a Skull Islander girl through the forest and backed her against a cliff face. Just before it could pounce, however, she smiled and Kong sprang their trap. He attacked from behind, driving a sharpened tree stump through both its upper and lower jaws, which quickly killed it.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

The carcass of a Skullcrawler in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

In 1973, as Bill Randa's bag of confidential material was swept away by the waters around Skull Island, a dead Skullcrawler could be seen onshore.

Decades later in 2015, an image of the Skull Devil was among the files which were decrypted from one of Randa's tapes by May Olowe-Hewitt.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

In 2027, Bernie Hayes showed Dr. Ilene Andrews a timeline of major Titan-related events that he made while visiting Monarch's research library in Barbados. He drew a red circle around the name "Skull Crawlers."


Physical capabilities

The Skullcrawlers are strong enough to prey on Sker Buffalo, as shown in Kong: Skull Island when Kong found one feasting on a carcass. Later on, the individual encountered by the Monarch expedition displayed incredible strength and swiftness, performing a 90-degree turn in a split-second and slamming its tail on the ground forcefully. It additionally shattered a Trikonicorn skull by ramming its head into it.

An Alpha Skullcrawler in Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers is strong enough to stay locked in battle with Godzilla, and occasionally stuns him with a ram.

Prehensile tongue

A Skullcrawler using its prehensile tongue to eat its prey

Skullcrawlers possess prehensile triple-forked tongues that can dart from their mouths to wrap around, constrict, or grab prey. Their aim is precise enough to grab a falling soldier in mid-air. The Skull Devil used its tongue to restrain Kong's arm during their fight.

Prehensile tail

The Skull Devil used its prehensile tail to constrict itself around Kong, and was also able to throw Kong with ease using its tail. The smaller Skullcrawlers were able to use their tails as clubs, as demonstrated when one attacked by slamming its tail onto the ground when it confronted the soldiers who were trying to pass through the boneyard.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, the revived Skull Devil's tail is much larger than before, and it employs it as a bludgeon against Kong.

An Alpha Skullcrawler in Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers floors Godzilla with tail-whips. Skullcrawlers are also able to use the ability Tail Whip, which can stun all enemies on the opposing team for one turn.


The Skullcrawler that confronted the Monarch expedition in Kong: Skull Island was unfazed by small arms fire, even a short burst from a .50-caliber Browning M2HB. A sustained blast from an M9-7 flamethrower caused it pain but did not leave any visible injuries. One of the individuals encountered by Kong earlier in the film survived a backhand from the giant ape prior to being crushed underfoot.

The Skull Devil was more than a physical match for Kong, and it was stated by Hank Marlow to be the beast who killed his parents. The twin .50-caliber Browning M2 aircraft machine guns mounted on the Grey Fox were able to make it bleed, though they did not significantly injure it. The Skull Devil endured a barrage of attacks during its final fight with Kong, mostly notable a boulder and an enormous tree slamming into its face, the ship propeller becoming lodged in its back, being slammed face-first into a mountain, losing one of its eyes to a flare pellet fired by Mason Weaver, and even having its throat slit prior to Kong tearing its innards out.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, the revived Skull Devil handled blows from Behemoth, an adult Kong, and Beast Boy in Kong form. An Alpha Skullcrawler in Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers endures blows from Godzilla's tail.

Vocal mimicry

In Kong: Skull Island - The Official Movie Novelization, the Skullcrawlers could mimic human speech, with one luring Gunpei Ikari to his death by imitating the voice of a child.


Number 10 being bisected by Mechagodzilla's Proton Scream

The smaller Skullcrawlers posed little threat to Kong, as two of them were taken out swiftly when they attempted to attack him. Sharp melee weapons, such as Hank Marlow's katana, can slice through the skin of the creatures. Mason Weaver killed one by using James Conrad's lighter to ignite the gas coming from a vent directly beneath it.

The Skull Devil was blinded in one eye after Mason Weaver fired a flare gun at it. Kong's makeshift flail embedded the Skull Devil's back when it was thrown, and it was used to slit the beast's throat, causing it to fall limp to the ground momentarily. When the beast used its prehensile tongue to pull Kong's hand, with Weaver held in it, down its throat, Kong mustered all of his strength to pull his hand free of the Skull Devil's gullet, disemboweling it. Mechagodzilla killed Number 10, a giant Skullcrawler, before it could land a hit, grabbing the beast by its arms and splitting it in half with the Proton Scream at 40% power.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, the revived Skull Devil, though stronger than before, had its tail cut off by Kong using a Green Lantern construct of his battle axe. It was also temporarily knocked down by Behemoth ramming it with his tusks. After being weakened by Godzilla and Superman, it was ultimately killed by the axe construct. Other Skullcrawlers in the comic were killed by Mechagodzilla's Proton Scream, as well as the axe construct; Supergirl's heat vision; and Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, which she used to snap one's neck.

An Alpha Skullcrawler in Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers is defeated by Godzilla with a point-blank blast of atomic breath to her face.

Video games

PUBG Mobile

A Skullcrawler in PUBG Mobile

Players can battle Skullcrawlers in the game's Titan Strikes mode. Godzilla and Kong will attack and kill them if their paths cross.

Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers

An Alpha Skullcrawler in Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers

In the continuity of Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers, at some point following the events of 2024, Skullcrawlers along numerous other Superspecies suddenly begin to appear around the world. With the sudden emergence of an island chain designated as the Siren Isles, the countless creatures take residence on the islands.

As the player first gets settled with their outpost, they witness as Godzilla confronts an unprecedentedly large Alpha Skullcrawler. Following the alpha Titan's swift triumph, the player battles against other Skullcrawlers on story missions, wilderness missions, raids, and the weekly Skullcrawler swarm event. By collecting 10 Skullcrawler shards, the player can add a Skullcrawler to their roster of ORCA-M-controlled Superspecies.

Tabletop games


Kong: Skull Island - The Official Movie Novelization

This telling removes Kong's battle with the two smaller Skullcrawlers and adds a scene where Packard watches him trigger a rock slide to seal a Skullcrawler burrow. During the humans' battle with a Skullcrawler in the boneyard, Lin San notices that the monster has gills, suggesting they could get off the island and terrorize the rest of the world without Kong to contain them. The largest of the monsters, only called "the Big One" by Marlow in the film, is identified as the Skull Devil. Capt. Earl Cole's sacrificial grenade attack against it is successful, although it is only briefly stunned. In its final battle against Kong, it nearly kills him with a "cruel ivory barb" on the tip of its tail.[18] For his finishing blow, he throws a punch so far into its throat that it crushes its innards.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization

The Skullcrawlers were awakened along with the Titans roused by King Ghidorah's call to "hunt together." Kong, who rejected the call, prepared to battle the creatures once more.

Godzilla vs. Kong: The Official Movie Novelization

While traveling inside an Apex Cybernetics tram car surrounding by Skullcrawler eggs, Bernie Hayes theorizes that the company is planning to build a remote-control army of the monsters.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - The Official Movie Novelization

Bernie Hayes recalled his close encounter with a Skullcrawler while hoping to film an interesting-looking Hollow Earth monster from further away.


Skull Island: The Birth of Kong

Skullcrawlers battling members of Kong's species in Skull Island: The Birth of Kong

Millions of years ago, the Skullcrawlers arrived on Skull Island, where they engaged in a protracted war with the indigenous tribe of giant apes, eventually leaving only two survivors, Kong's parents. When the Iwi tribe arrived on the island, they found Kong's parents continuing to wage war with the Skullcrawlers. Kong's mother became pregnant with Kong, and when she went into labor she was attacked by a pack of huge Skullcrawlers, intent on wiping out Kong's species once and for all. Kong's father tried fighting the creatures off while his mate gave birth, after which she hid her newborn son inside a cave. The Skullcrawlers then brutally slaughtered both of Kong's parents while the horrified infant watched from inside the cave.

By 1996, Skullcrawlers still inhabited Skull Island but preferred to remain underground or near the Bone Yard, the location where Kong's parents were killed. Since Kong had killed the Skull Devil, seemingly the last remaining full-size Skullcrawler, the Skullcrawlers that did still live on the island were small and immature, their numbers and growth kept under control by Kong.

Kingdom Kong

In 2021, Kong killed a Skullcrawler with spiked elbows. Watching Kong holding the carcass on a monitor, Houston Brooks pondered whether the ape Titan had thrown Skull Island out of balance and would be better off returning to the Hollow Earth.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong

The revived Skull Devil with smaller Skullcrawlers in Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #6

During a battle between the Justice League and the Legion of Doom, the Toyman accidentally activated the Mother Box, transporting him and the rest of the villains to Skull Island in the Monsterverse. The Legion was quickly confronted by a large Skullcrawler, who was in turn attacked by Kong. They fled to a nearby facility as Captain Cold built an ice wall between them and the battling monsters. An astonished Gorilla Grodd remained behind, trying to telepathically communicate with Kong as the Titan killed the Skullcrawler by slamming its head into the ice wall. At some point, the League of Assassins obtained the skull belonging to the deceased Skull Devil,[20] resurrecting it by dropping it into an enormous Lazarus Pit. With a new form, the Skull Devil would later appear alongside several smaller Skullcrawlers during the battle between the Justice League and Lex Luthor's Mechagodzilla-led Titan army.


Main article: Skullcrawler/Gallery.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese スカル・クローラー Sukaru Kurōrā Skull Crawler
China and Taiwan Flags.png Mandarin Chinese 骷髅爬虫
Kūlóu páchóng
Skeleton Crawler
Flagicon Brazil.png Brazilian Portuguese Criatura da Caveira Skull Creature
Flagicon Serbia.png Serbian Лобањопузач Lobanjopuzač
Ђаво Лобање Đavo Lobanje
Skull Crawler
Devil of Skull


The Skullcrawlers' roars was influenced by sea lions, squirrels, and dying rabbits.[21] One of their roars can be heard in the 2022 Marvel Cinematic Universe film Thor: Love and Thunder.[22]

Skullcrawler roars in Kong: Skull Island
Skullcrawler roars in
Godzilla vs. Kong
Skullcrawler roars in
Skull Island (series)


Wikizilla: YouTube Kaiju Profile: Skullcrawlers


  • The Skullcrawlers and Skull Devil, at least in their role in Kong: Skull Island, are reminiscent of the Deathrunners and Gaw from the novel Kong: King of Skull Island. Like the Deathrunners, the Skullcrawlers are insatiable carnivores that force the natives of Skull Island to hide behind a wall and are responsible for killing Kong's parents. Just like in the novel, Kong earns his status as the island's god by killing the Skullcrawlers and saving the island from their reign of terror.
  • The opening credits of Godzilla vs. Kong plagiarize a piece of Skullcrawler fanart by DeviantArt user Ramul.[23][24] A Chinese MonsterVerse celebration poster also plagiarized Skullcrawler fanart by Twitter user @endorosu [25][26]
  • The photograph of the Skull Devil in Bill Randa's files in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters seemingly contradicts the events of Kong: Skull Island, as Randa was killed by a smaller Skullcrawler prior to anyone on the expedition seeing the Skull Devil.


  1. Although a majority of sources state that the Skullcrawlers are 12-95 feet tall, ILM visual effects supervisor Jeff White described them as 40 to 80 feet tall in the Kong: Skull Island home video featurette "Summoning a God".
  2. Although the Skullcrawlers' Creature Profile states that they are 35 to 194 feet long, ILM visual effects supervisor Jeff White described them as 100 to 200 feet long in the Kong: Skull Island home video featurette "Summoning a God".


This is a list of references for Skullcrawler. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Artistmesh (29 August 2017). "Behind the Magic: Making of Kong Skull Island". YouTube.
  2. 361566625 1489310538474060 4089640186575904473 n.jpg
  3. Novel Screenshot 2.jpeg
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Trent et al. 2023, p. 100
  5. GvK - Titanus Cranium Reptant.png
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Trent et al. 2023, p. 94
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 "Kong-Sized". Archived from the original on 15 December 2017.
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 (Febuary 13, 2017) Kong: Skull Island on Twitter: "Kong is God on the island, but the devils live below. #kongskullisland #KongIsKing
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 "About The Movie - Monster". Retrieved 20 March 2021.
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Skullcrawler creature profile.jpeg
  11. @powerhouseanim (29 June 2023). "Creature designs for the Killer Chameleons & Skull Crawlers (previously seen in Kong: Skull Island!) & the artists behind them: Killer Chameleon Main Design: @TOKIBEAST Alternate Chameleon Colors Visdev: @WickiToons, @willisbull Skull Crawler Main Design: @TOKIBEAST". Twitter.
  12. Justia Trademarks Search
  13. Ward, Simon (2017). The Art and Making of Kong: Skull Island. Titan Books. p. 79, 152. ISBN 978-1785651519.
  14. Kong: Skull Island iTunes-exclusive audio commentary
  15. Buccellato, Brian (19 March 2024). "I think we are calling it skullspawn". X.
  16. Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts on Why 'Kong: Skull Island' Is Unlike Any Other 'King Kong' Movie
  17. New 'Kong: Skull Island' Concept Art Reveals Wild and Unused Monsters - Inverse Entertainment
  18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 Lebbon, Tim (2017). Kong: Skull Island - The Official Movie Novelization. Titan Books. p. 353. ISBN 978-1785651380.
  19. K-SI Monarch Superspecies Profile Skull Devil.jpg
  20. Skull Devil in JLvGvK.png
  21. KONG: SKULL ISLAND Production Notes and High-Res Photos
  22. MechaniKongZilla (10 September 2022). "Skullcrawler's roar in "Thor Love and Thunder"". YouTube.
  23. Attila, Kovács (31 March 2021). "HOLY SHIT! I was watching the opening of #GodzillaVsKong and they just picked deviantart user Remul's fanart and placed it into this map thingie. And it's clearly not just in a similar position, you can see it has the same mole-like hands, which differs from the canon versions". Twitter.
  24. Ramul (14 August 2017). "Speculative K:SI bullshit: Skullcrawler". DeviantArt.
  25. P (2 June 2021). "In this Chinese #MonsterVerse celebration poster, you can spot a Skullcrawler on it wich is a fanart from user @endorosu , and I pretty sure they just searched from a transparent image of the Skullcrawler on Google because if you search it, you will find it". Twitter.
  26. 黒き巨獣 (27 December 2017). "スカルクローラー。". Twitter.



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