Gaira (ガイラ is a Gaira)Frankenstein spawn kaiju who first appeared in the 1966 Toho film The War of the Gargantuas.
Formed from cells left behind by fellow Frankenstein spawn Sanda, Gaira grew up in underwater, surrounded by hostile sea creatures and never knowing the comforting touch of another being. As a result, Gaira became hateful and violent, venting his rage by terrorizing humanity. The JSDF deployed its experimental Type 66 Maser Cannons in an attempt to destroy Gaira, but his altruistic "brother" Sanda came to his rescue and escorted him to safety. When Sanda learned of Gaira's man-eating nature, he lashed out in anger, prompting Gaira to enter a crazed and panicked state and flee to Tokyo, where he began a rampage. Sanda tried to talk his brother down and resolve their dispute peacefully without any more violence, but Gaira was too far gone and continued to attack his brother like a cornered animal. Sanda was forced to fight Gaira to the death, with both Gargantuas seemingly perishing after their battle moved too near to the eruption of an underwater volcano. Gaira and his brother both went on to appear as one-off villains in the television series Go! Godman and Go! Greenman, with Gaira later playing a role in the 2008 Go! Godman short film. While he did not debut in the Godzilla series, both Gaira and his brother have appeared in some of the franchise's licensed media such as video games and comic books. Gaira also appeared through stock footage in the Millennium Godzilla films Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla and Godzilla Final Wars, establishing that he canonically appeared in the past within those films' continuities.
Gaira's name comes from "kai" (海), a Japanese word for "sea,"[1] and "-ra" (ラ), a common suffix in kaiju names. In the script for The War of the Gargantuas, Gaira was given the name Sea Frankenstein (海フランケンシュタイン. Kai Furankenshutain)[1] In the international English export dub of The War of the Gargantuas, Gaira is called Gaillah, with the double-L sound pronounced as "Y" (STARZ's closed captions for the film spell it as Gaiya, however). In the U.S. English dub of The War of the Gargantuas, Gaira is called the Green Gargantua (グリーン・ガルガンチュア. Gurīn Garuganchua)[1] The English subtitles for the Japanese audio on Classic Media's DVD release of the film spell Gaira's name as Gailah. In his stock footage appearance in Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla, Gaira is called Bigfoot Gaira (人型巨大生物・ガイラ. Hito-gata Kyodai Seibutsu Gaira, lit. Giant Humanoid Creature Gaira)
Following Frankenstein vs. Baragon, Toho began work on a direct sequel. Takeshi Kimura turned in the first draft of the script in January of 1966, titled The Frankenstein Brothers. Originally, Gaira was the grey-haired "Sea Frankenstein."[1] Ishiro Honda, who directed both films and had a rare screenwriting credit on The War of the Gargantuas, felt that the new story would stand better on its own. As a result, the connections to Frankenstein vs. Baragon are diminished in the finished film.
Gaira and Sanda were designed by artist Tohl Narita,[5] known most prominently for his work as art director on the Ultra Series. He partially based Gaira on the Gill-man from 1954's Creature from the Black Lagoon, of which Eiji Tsuburaya was allegedly a big fan.[6]
Teizo Toshimitsu prototyped and modeled the heads of the Gargantua suits,[7] while the Yagi brothers Kanju and Yasuei, along with Eizo Kaimai, were responsible for their bodies. Kaimai stated that the suits did not use wetsuits as their cores, despite the film's extensive water scenes, as he believed the rubber material would be too restrictive to act in.[7] Instead, they were based around boilersuit-esque garments with skin and fur directly applied.[7] Both Gargantua suits also featured football shoulder pads to emphasize their agility and strength.[8] For the scenes where Gaira holds people in his hands, a giant arm and hand prop was composited into the shots using a blue screen, a technique which would later be reused for King Kong in 1967's King Kong Escapes.
As the Gargantua with the most screentime, Gaira was played by Haruo Nakajima. Able to act with his eyes and wear a mask based on his own face,[9][7] he would later call it his favorite role as a kaiju.[10] As usual, he also handled the Gargantuas' fight choreography, taking inspiration from professional wrestling.[10]
Toho reused the Sanda and Gaira suits for Go! Godman and Go! Greenman, though each featured a new headpiece. Gaira returned in the 2008 Go! Godman film, for which modeler Fuyuki Shinada created a completely new suit in the span of just four days. Inspired by the original Gargantua suits, he rigged the mask of the suit so that its jaw would move[11] with that of suit actor Kenji Oka.
Gaira resembles his "brother," Sanda, being a humanoid giant whose body is covered in fur. However, Gaira's skin and fur are a greenish color, and his fur somewhat resembles seaweed, loosely hanging on his body. The top of Gaira's head is flat, his nose is very large and wide, and he has a noticeable underbite, with two fangs on his lower jaw extending outside of his mouth.
In Go! Godman, Gaira has a new head, with no fangs on his lower jaw and a mane of brown hair around his head. In the follow-up series, Go! Greenman, Gaira's suit is worn and beginning to decay, and appears as a much darker color, with much of the suit's fur having fallen off.
In the 2008 Go! Godman film, Gaira was made to replicate his appearance in The War of the Gargantuas. This Gaira is nearly identical to his original appearance, with the exception of being a lighter shade of green.
In The War of the Gargantuas, Gaira is a brutal and violent monster that attacks virtually anything he comes into contact with. Gaira is fond of sinking ships and eating their crew, as well as coming ashore to kill helpless humans. The scientists who research Gaira suggest that Gaira became this way due to spending his life in a dark and dangerous underwater environment surrounded by hostile sea creatures, unlike Sanda, who was lovingly raised by humans.
In Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, Gaira is incredibly violent and despises humanity due to being experimented on by the Chinese military for several years. As a result, he attacks anything he sees after breaking free and even attacks his brother Sanda when the latter tries to stop him. Eventually, after living with his brother on the Monster Islands, Gaira becomes less aggressive and ultimately fights alongside the other Earth monsters to drive off the Trilopods in Los Angeles. He also seems to have developed somewhat of a grudge against Godzilla following their fight, as when Chavez jokingly suggests playing his roar across the Monster Islands to spook the other kaiju, Lucy chastises him, specifically mentioning that Gaira would go nuts if he heard Godzilla's roar.
In The War of the Gargantuas, Dr. Paul Stewart proposed that Gaira was created when Sanda lost a piece of flesh at Lake Biwa. After it floated into the Pacific Ocean, it grew into Gaira by feeding on protein-rich plankton.
- The War of the Gargantuas (1966)
- He of the Sun (TV 1967) [episode 2; suit]
- Go! Godman (TV 1972) [episode 17]
- Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972) [stock footage, erroneous]
- Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973) [stock footage, erroneous]
- Go! Greenman (TV 1973) [episode 4]
- Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla (2002) [stock footage]
- Godzilla Final Wars (2004) [stock footage]
- Go! Godman (2008)
Showa era
The War of the Gargantuas

A fishing vessel under attack by a Giant Octopus found itself saved when Gaira appeared to drive off the cephalopod. Unfortunately for the crew, he then pursued and ate all but one of them. Gaira continued to menace the Japanese shores. The government contacted Dr. Paul Stewart, one of the scientists who raised a monster called Sanda, to ask if he and Gaira were one and the same. Skin samples from Gaira seemed to indicate that they were, although Stewart and his assistant Akemi Togawa found Sanda's footprints deep in the Japanese Alps. Before long, Gaira attacked Haneda Airport, devouring a woman before the sun emerged from behind the clouds, driving him back into the sea. After he attacked a nightclub in Tokyo, the JSDF began planning his demise. Helicopters lured him into the firing range of Trip Wire Cannons and Type 66 Maser Cannons, which chased him into an electrified lake. Writhing in pain, Gaira seemed doomed until Sanda came down from the mountains to rescue him.
Far from humanity, Sanda helped Gaira recover. After regaining his strength, Gaira began hunting humans once more, pursuing a group including Akemi, who stumbled off a cliff while fleeing from him. Remembering his old friend and surrogate mother, Sanda rescued Akemi, but broke his leg in the process. When he returned to Gaira and discovered evidence of his diet, Sanda battered him with a tree. Their short brawl led to Gaira retreating back to the ocean.
Having determined how Gaira emerged from Sanda, Stewart and Akemi urged the military not to launch an all-out attack against them, as it could potentially create millions of Gargantuas. Gaira, now associating lights with humanity, raided Tokyo in search of his next meal. He nearly ate Akemi again before Sanda arrived on the scene. After failing to reason with his brother, Sanda had no choice but to battle Gaira once more. Building after building fell as the JSDF joined the fray, concentrating its fire on Gaira. Eventually, their duel spilled into Tokyo Bay and out to sea. Helicopters rained explosives down on them, only to be outdone by nature. An underwater volcanic eruption soon consumed the two brothers, still locked in combat.
He of the Sun
"Beat the Monsters!"
Haruo Nakajima appeared as a suit actor named Tanabe filming a fictional kaiju movie in the second episode of the 1967 Toho television series He of the Sun, wearing the Gaira suit once more. His opponent was Keylla, a villain from the original Ultraman.
Go! Godman

Once the rampaging Gaira was spotted by a group of small children, they called out in distress to their hero Godman. Zooming across the sky and descending directly in front of Gaira, Godman began to engage the monster in combat. After an exhausting duel, Godman eventually overpowered Gaira and destroyed him.
Go! Greenman

Gaira was created by Tonchiki to acquire the blood of children for his master Maoh. Gaira tormented a group of children before they summoned the hero Greenman. Soon, after Gaira was near defeat, the battle was halted when the monster altered his own size. Now taking on a much more giant stature, Greenman's defeat became eminent. However, Greenman was also able to grow and resumed their combat. After much more tiring attacks, Greenman summoned the Greenman Stick and destroyed Gaira with the weapon's explosive tip.
Millennium era
Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
When discussing the frequent attacks by kaiju on Japan after the first Godzilla appeared in 1954, Prime Minister Machiko Tsuge mentioned Gaira's attack in 1966, and how Maser Cannons were implemented to battle kaiju for the first time, successfully defeating him.
Heisei era
Go! Godman

Gaira emerged from a piece of Tsunozillas' destroyed body, and immediately threatened photographer Haruka Ayase and traffic guard Koichi Matsushita. Koichi tried to fight him off using his signal baton to dismal results. Godman arrived to defend them, but soon found himself overwhelmed when Shilarji came to Gaira's aid. After one of his bracelets fell off, Haruka returned it to him and used the Green Call to summon Greenman to the battlefield. Godman, invigorated, used a Supersonic Wave to blast both monsters to pieces.
Physical abilities
Gaira demonstrated his strength by being able to shake a fishing vessel larger than himself violently and threw tank after tank to their doom. Like his brother Sanda, Gaira's tactics for fighting hand-to-hand include biting, strangling, kicking, and throwing.
In Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, Gaira retains his incredible strength. He near-effortlessly overpowers the larger Varan during their battle in China and forces him to retreat. His jaws were able to draw blood from Godzilla, and his claws opened a large gash on Godzilla's cheek which proved instrumental in driving him off with Sanda's assistance. Later, when the Trilopods invade the Monster Islands, Gaira, alongside his brother, are the only two kaiju shown to put up any meaningful resistance, killing two Beta Trilopods and fighting a Kumonga-Trilopod before being finally overwhelmed and captured. He later teamed up with Anguirus to defeat the Gezora-Trilopod during the final battle in Los Angeles.
Gaira has regenerative capabilities due to being spawned by Frankenstein's immortal cells.
Gaira is shown to have a good deal of intelligence, but it is reduced by his violent and brutish nature.
In Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, Gaira displayed impressive coordination alongside Sanda in their fight against Godzilla, with the two brothers even briefly managing to topple Godzilla by shoving him through a skyscraper together. He went on to coordinate with Anguirus to defeat the Gezora-Trilopod, with the Gargantua holding the hybrid in place so the ankylosaur could kill it with the Anguirus Ball technique.
Electrical powers
In a Japanese poster for The War of the Gargantuas, Gaira is depicted conducting electricity through his hands.
In Go! Godman and Go! Greenman, Gaira can transform from the size of a human to gargantuan proportions.
In The War of the Gargantuas, Gaira initially has a strong aversion to bright light, retreating from Haneda Airport when the Sun rose and fleeing from Tokyo when residents switched on all their lights. The JSDF later used spotlights to lure him into a trap. Gaira would later adapt to and instead be drawn to lights, associating them with people. He was also highly susceptible to the Type 66 Maser Cannons, and would have likely have been killed by the JSDF's electrified trap if Sanda had not saved him. Gaira also took damage from tank shells.
In Godzilla: Rulers of Earth Gaira was overpowered by Godzilla and needed the help of Sanda to fight back. The Trilopods also defeated and captured him.
Video games
- Godzilla (1993) - NEC PC-9801
- Godzilla: Heart-Pounding Monster Island!! (1995) - Sega Pico
- Godzilla: Trading Battle (1998) - Sony PlayStation
- Godzilla Generations (1998) - Sega Dreamcast
- Collect Godzilla: Giant Monster Assembly (1998) - Sega Dreamcast VMU
- Godzilla Defense Force (2019) - Android and iOS
- 4-Panel Land: Godzilla World (1993)
- Godzilla: Rulers of Earth #5, 10-13, 20-21, 25 (2013-2015)
Godzilla: Rulers of Earth

Some years ago, Gaira appeared and wreaked havoc on humanity, but was captured and experimented on by the Chinese military. Lucy Casprell later discovered him being held captive in a tank. As the facility Gaira was being contained in came under attack by Varan and Rodan, Lucy decided to take advantage of the chaos and free Gaira in the hopes that he could stop the monsters fighting above. After Rodan retreated, Gaira emerged and engaged Varan. Gaira soon overpowered Varan with his superior strength, which forced Varan into retreat. However, Gaira managed to grab onto Varan's tail before he could take flight in efforts to continue their brawl, only to be flown out over the ocean - but not before witnessing his brother, Sanda, reaching out to him from a mountain range. Eventually, Gaira splashed down into the ocean, where Sanda spent days trying to reach him - but they did finally meet, Gaira attacked Sanda with a ship, but also attracted the attention of Godzilla, who then chased the brothers to land. Once ashore in Australia, Gaira came under fire from the military, but ignored them to get to Sanda. Gaira, in a surprising turn, protected his brother from Godzilla's atomic breath and the King of the Monsters also surfaced, which led the two to flee into the city for cover. After a tank fired upon the brothers, Gaira was quick to smash it, horrifying Sanda and kickstarting another fight - until Godzilla arrived. After narrowly avoiding Godzilla's atomic ray, the two brothers set aside their differences to fight the larger threat. As Sanda repeatedly punched Godzilla, Gaira bit into his arm and clawed at his face, eventually managing to overpower him to the ground. However, Godzilla recovered, throwing Sanda and attempting to stomp Gaira into the ground. After turning his attention back to Sanda, the green Gargantua freed himself and engaged Godzilla again by grabbing his tail, but Godzilla overpowered him and knocked him back to the ground. Soon, Sanda was able to stop Godzilla by smashing a Saradian petrol tanker over the monster king's face, temporarily blinding him in an explosion and forcing him into retreat. Gaira had been severely injured during the battle, but Sanda remained with him to watch over him as the military arrived. The military used a gas on the monsters to knock them unconscious, at which point they were transported to the new Monster Islands to live in peace.
Years later, the two brothers were still on the islands, now living alongside Baragon, Kumonga, Rodan, and Zilla. When the Trilopods attacked the Monster Islands, Gaira attempted to defend his brother and valiantly fought the alien monsters, but was ultimately captured along with Sanda. A duo of Trilopods were able to copy the characteristics of the duo as they were taken to the Trilopod hive with the other Earth monsters. Later, King Caesar freed the Earth monsters, allowing Gaira to join the other monsters in assisting the severely outnumbered Godzilla against the Trilopods. Gaira and Anguirus managed to kill the Gezora-Trilopod. He later attempted to attack the massive Magita, but was tossed to the side easily alongside his brother. After Magita was killed, Gaira, his brother, and the other monsters followed Godzilla out to sea.
- Main article: Gaira/Gallery.
Gaira's roars in The War of the Gargantuas are sped up and slightly altered King Kong roars from King Kong vs. Godzilla, while his growls are the same recycled lion growls used by Manda in Atragon,[12] only sped up. In the trailer for The War of the Gargantuas, both Gaira and Sanda possess a roar made from a combination of the roars of King Kong and Varan, although in some sections of the trailer, Gaira uses a sped-up Rodan cry instead, a sound which was later used for the Ultra Series kaiju Antlar. In Go! Godman, Gaira reused roars from the Ultra Series kaiju Tyrant.
Gaira's roars were later combined with Godzilla's roars to create the roars for the Ultraman kaiju Red King. Gomora's roars combine Gaira roars with elephant trumpeting.
- According to dialogue in Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla and tie-in books published for Godzilla: Tokyo SOS, Gaira and Sanda's appearance and battle in The War of the Gargantuas are part of the continuity of those two films.
- During the long hiatus between Terror of Mechagodzilla and The Return of Godzilla, Toho and UPA considered making a film in which Godzilla fought a Gargantua.[13] This may have been one of the concepts they considered after Toho announced a new Godzilla film in 1978, under the vague title U.S.-Japan Collaboration: Godzilla. Whether this would have been Sanda, Gaira, or a new Gargantua entirely is unknown. At some point, UPA owner Henry G. Saperstein also planned to produce a sequel to The War of the Gargantuas where Godzilla would battle a cyborg version of one of the monsters.[14]
- Like his brother, Gaira is absent from the cave painting on Infant Island showing ancient monsters aligned with the four elements in Godzilla: Rulers of Earth.
- The first draft of Destroy All Monsters included Gaira as a resident of Monsterland.[15]
This is a list of references for Gaira. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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