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Needlar in Zone Fighter
Subtitle(s) Needle-Shooting Terror-Beast
(針吹き恐獣,   Harifuki Kyōjū)[1]
Species Cybernetic horse-like Terror-Beast
Height 77 meters[2]
Weight 80,000 metric tons[2]
Place(s) of emergence Planet Garoga[1]
Controlled by Garogas
Relations Garogas (creators)
Allies Garogas
Enemies Zone Fighter

Needlar (ニードラー,   Nīdorā) is a cybernetic kaiju who appears in episode 24 of the 1973 tokusatsu kaiju series Zone Fighter, titled "Defeat the Needle Shooting Terror-Beast Needlar."


Needlar is a hybrid of sorts and draws traits mainly from horses as well as insects. His head is shaped like that of a horse and has a long, dark brown mane which drapes down the back of it. At the tip of Needlar's head lies a spotlight-esque device. Near his mouth, two short mandibles can be seen which spread apart when his jaws are open. Needlar does not have ears, but in their place are two insect-like antennae. These appendages rest directly behind his orange, robotic looking eyes. Needlar's entire body is a dark turquoise color, but is mostly covered in metal panels. However, part of Needlar's insides can be seen from the left side of his body; red and blue wires run out from the hole over to another exposed part on the opposite side. Finally, Needlar has a short lock of hair starting on his back side which resembles a horse's tail.


Showa era

Zone Fighter

"Defeat the Needle Shooting Terror-Beast Needlar"



Physical abilities

When Zone Fighter charged at Needlar, the horse-like kaiju simply sidestepped the hero both times it was attempted against him, even forcibly shoving the hero to the ground on the second attempt. Later both Needlar and Zone Fighter charged at each other, resulting in a shoulder clash from the two that knocked Zone back a bit. When Zone Fighter tried to jump on Needlar's back, the horse kaiju leaned down and flipped the hero right onto his back, before pulling the hero off the ground just to flip him over onto it again. Needlar then walked over to the downed hero and began to slam his fists into Zone Fighter's body, lifted him off the floor once again, then proceeded to hit Zone with a few gut punches, before ending it with an uppercut to the head, flooring the hero. While Zone Fighter was weakened and on his knees, Needlar ran over to kick the hero in the head while he was down. After failing to be charged by Zone Marker Change the first time, Needlar ran up from behind and knocked Zone to the ground. Needlar attempted to knock Smokey out of the air by swiping at it, only to miss.

Missile Shuriken

Needlar can materialize both small and large sword-like shuriken from nowhere, which when thrown will embed themselves into their target and eventually self destruct, with the ability being called Missile Shuriken (ミサイル手裏剣 Misairu Shuriken) within the episode. Needlar initially threw a few of the smaller shuriken at Zone Fighter, causing massive explosions the size of Zone himself to pop up after impacting the ground. The smaller shuriken were described as having a very high temperature that can burn everything it touches. When targeting Smokey, Needlar threw multiple of the smaller shuriken at the spacecraft in an attempt to destroy it. The larger version of the shuriken is wielded like a sword by Needlar before the horse kaiju had thrown at Zone Fighter in an attempt to kill the hero.

Needla Might

Needlar wields a giant blowgun which when held up to a hole in his neck will fire explosive darts of various colors in rapid succession. These are coated with poison, according to All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume). According to Toho Special Effects All Monster Encyclopedia, this attack is called the Needla Might (ニードラマイト Nidoramaito). Needlar used his blowgun against Zone Fighter, shooting multiple darts at the hero, with each one exploding after impacting the ground. In the episode itself, it was explained that the darts fired from the blowgun are extremely powerful and that if they were to hit Zone, he would be "shattered into pieces". One dart from the blowgun was shown to cut a large tree in half.

Gamma Beam

Needlar can fire a pair of orange energy beams from the palm of his hands which can constrict any enemy it comes in contact with as well as shocking them. Needlar used these beams against a weakened Zone Fighter, leaving the hero to groan out in pain and stumble around, before eventually falling to his knees. According to All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume), this attack is called the Gamma Beam (ガンマービーム Ganmabimu).


Like various Terror-Beasts, Needlar can breath a concentrated stream of fire from between his mandibles. Needlar first used this attack by directing his flames at a human sized Zone Fighter while the hero was ushering civilians to safety. Needlar later unleashed his flames upon Smokey, as the spacecraft attempted to get closer to recharge Zone Fighter.


Needlar was alerted to Smokey's presence and understood that Zone Fighter was attempting to recharge himself via Zone Marker Change, and began to target the spacecraft in order to prevent Zone's recovery. When Zone Fighter was preparing his Meteor Windmill technique, Needlar was shown backing away in fear.


Blasts from Zone Fighter's Maser Shot were able to briefly stun and interrupt Needlar's pursuit of escaping captives and Zone's siblings, although it did not appear to harm the horse kaiju, only irritating him. Needlar was knocked backwards when Zone Fighter transformed into his giant mode, while the hero was directly beneath him. During their fight, Needlar endured various punches to the head and chest, along kicks being mixed in. Needlar was also noticeably unaffected after the wires on his chest were ripped out of their sockets. A Meteor Kick from Zone Fighter was able to send Needlar to ground, where the horse kaiju was then pummeled repeatedly by Zone. Needlar was also shown being unaffected by Zone Fighter ripping off the spotlight-esque device attached to the top of his head. Needlar was knocked to the ground by Zone's Meteor Windmill and was finally killed after being hit with the twin volleys from Zone Fighter's Meteor Missile Might, leaving the horse to stumble around before revealing that the missile volleys decapitated him, with various spurts of blood erupting from the stump. Needlar's headless body then began to stumble backwards before falling over and exploding.



Needlar (back, right) along with Jikiro, Grotogauros, Destro-King, Gelderah, and Zandora in Goji-Maga

Needlar along with Zone Fighter, the Garogas, and several other Terror-Beasts appeared in a volume of the fan-made manga Goji-Maga.


Main article: Needlar/Gallery.


This is a list of references for Needlar. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Matsui, Satoshi, ed. (28 July 2014). Toho Special Effects All Monster Encyclopedia. Shogakukan. p. 137. ISBN 978-4-09-682090-2.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Ballard, Jim M. (14 November 2009). "ZONE FIGHTER Series Guide". SciFi Japan. Archived from the original on 1 March 2021.


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