All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume)
All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume) (全怪獣怪人《上巻》 is a Zen Kaijū Kaijin Jōkan)1990 informational book profiling kaiju, kaijin, and mecha from the 1950's to the 1970's.
The book was published by Keibunsha on March 24, 1990. Read from right to left, it is 459 pages long. It features information on 3,075 kaiju, kaijin, and mecha from the "Age of Dawn" (1954-1965), first monster boom (1966-1968), and second monster boom (1971-1974).[1]
Japanese description from BOOK Database:[1]
黎明の時代(昭和30年代)、第1次怪獣ブーム(昭和40年代前半)、第2次怪獣ブーム(昭和40年代後半)、ウルトラマンシリーズをはじめとする円谷プロ作品、そしてスーパー戦隊を中心とする東映巨大ヒーロー作品より、全3075体のヒーロー・怪獣・怪人・メカを掲載。 |
Age of Dawn 黎明の時代 (p. 33)
First Monster Boom 第1次怪獣ブーム
Second Monster Boom 第2次怪獣ブーム (p. 143)
Ultraman Series ウルトラマンシリーズ (p. 239)
Lineage of Tsuburaya Pro 円谷プロの系譜 (p. 309)
Toei Giant Hero 東映巨大ヒーロー (p. 343)
Index さくいん (p. 460) |
This is a list of references for All Kaiju Kaijin (First Volume). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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