Shin Godzilla Walker: The New Legend of the King of the Monsters (2016)

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Shin Godzilla Walker: The New
Legend of the King of the Monsters
Shin Godzilla Walker: The New Legend of the King of the Monsters
Edited by Takeshi Kikuchi, Yuto Kato,
Kyotaro Yamamoto
Written by Koji Nakamura, Takuya Baba, Yasunori Yuge, Tomohisa Toyota
Cover by Yuji Kaida
Design by Akihiro Taketoshi
Publisher Kadokawa
Publish date
  • August 6, 2016 (1st ed.)
  • September 26, 2016 (3rd ed.)
Genre Non-fiction, reference

Shin Godzilla Walker: The New Legend of the King of the Monsters (シン・ゴジラWalker[怪獣王 新たなる伝説],   Shin Gojira Uōkā "Kaijū-ō Aratanaru Densetsu") is a 2016 informational book covering the entire Godzilla franchise, with a special focus on Shin Godzilla.


The book was published by Kadokawa on August 6, 2016, and contains 122 pages. Read from right to left, it contains interviews with various staff members from the Godzilla franchise, including Shinji Higuchi, Hiroki Hasegawa, Kazuki Omori, Shusuke Kaneko, and more. It also includes an interview with artist Yuji Kaida, who provided the book's cover art. There are several pages documenting the evolution of Godzilla himself over the course of the franchise, with comparisons of different aspects of his various designs and abilities. The book includes a rundown of the continuity of the franchise as well, laying out the timelines of every Godzilla film, including both American films. Another section features a great deal of original artwork of Godzilla drawn by different artists. The book includes a bio for every Japanese Godzilla film, which consists of the poster, stills, monster information, a plot synopsis, and additional background information. Both GODZILLA (1998) and Godzilla (2014) are covered as well, and are included a page that documents Godzilla, King of the Monsters! Lastly, the book documents the various military vehicles employed throughout the franchise.



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