Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla

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Chibi Godzilla books
Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla
Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla
Cover for Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla
Author(s) Chiharu Sakazaki
Illustrated by Chiharu Sakazaki
Publisher Kodansha
Publish date May 21, 2019
Pages 32
Genre Children's book

Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla (なかよし ちびゴジラ,   Nakayoshi Chibi Gojira) is a children's book written and illustrated by Chiharu Sakazaki and the second entry in Toho's line of Chibi Godzilla media. It was published by Kodansha on May 21, 2019.


Like Do Your Best Chibi Godzilla, Close Friends Chibi Godzilla is an illustrated children's book chronicling Godzilla's life as a child. In this story, Chibi Godzilla finds himself lonely and goes off in search of friends, encountering Chibi Mothra, Chibi Anguirus, Chibi Ghidorah, and Chibi Rodan.




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