Godzilla Completely Deciphered
Godzilla Completely Deciphered (ゴジラ完全解読 is a Gojira Kanzen Kaidoku)2014 informational book.
Godzilla Completely Deciphered is a 159-page book published by Takarajimasha on June 26, 2014.[1] It comes with a dust jacket.
The book begins with an interview with Gareth Edwards regarding the 2014 film Godzilla, and then gives general information of most major Godzilla monsters up until the half-way mark of the book, in full color. The second half of the book, which only has a black-and-white plus magenta color profile, gives stats and bios on most Godzilla film monsters, and then gives descriptions of each Godzilla movie. Unlike most encyclopedic books of its nature, Godzilla Completely Deciphered includes no descriptions of non-Godzilla monsters or films aside from brief mentions.
"特撮映画「ゴジラ」シリーズの長きにわたる歴史を、豊富なビジュアルと詳細なデータで紹介、そのルーツと偉大な存在に迫ります。 2014年夏に日本公開される新作ハリウッド作品『GODZILLA』の最新情報とともに、ゴジラと近未来SF、ゴジラとバイオテクノロジー、ゴジラと南方探検譚、ゴジラとクトゥルフ神話……ほか、 シリーズ各作品と、そこに登場する怪獣たちを、豊富なビジュアルとともに、SFと怪奇・幻想といった視点から分類し、解説します。"[1]
This is a list of references for Godzilla Completely Deciphered. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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