Sticker Picture Book: Chibi Godzilla and Friends

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Chibi Godzilla books
Sticker Picture Book: Chibi Godzilla and Friends
Sticker Picture Book:
Chibi Godzilla and Friends
Cover for Sticker Picture Book: Chibi Godzilla and Friends
Author(s) Chiharu Sakazaki
Illustrated by Chiharu Sakazaki
Publisher Kodansha
Publish date October 29, 2020
Pages 32
Genre Children's book, sticker book

Sticker Picture Book: Chibi Godzilla and Friends (シールえほん ちびゴジラとおともだち,   Shīru Ehon Chibi Gojira to Otomodachi) is a children's sticker book written and illustrated by Chiharu Sakazaki and the third Chibi Godzilla book. It was published by Kodansha on October 29, 2020.


Sticker Picture Book: Chibi Godzilla and Friends is a sticker book that features Chibi Godzilla and his various friends. Children can place the provided stickers in the corresponding spaces inside the book, which tells a short story.




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