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Before 1900
Prehistoric eras: Precambrian • Carboniferous • Permian • Jurassic • Cretaceous
1900-1939: 1908 • 1912 • 1915 • 1918 • 1920 • 1926 • 1931 • 1932 • 1933 • 1934 • 1938
'50s: 1950 • 1951 • 1952 • 1953 • 1954 • 1955 • 1956 • 1957 • 1958 • 1959
'70s: 1970 • 1971 • 1972 • 1973 • 1974 • 1975 • 1976 • 1977 • 1978 • 1979
In the real world
- SRS Cinema releases Attack of the Giant Teacher to Blu-ray and VHS.
- 25 February: Media Blasters releases Gappa to Blu-ray.
- 17 April: Magic: The Gathering releases its Ikoria, Lair of Behemoths set, featuring monsters from the Godzilla series.
- 24 April: Eizo Kaimai passes away at the age of 90.
- 1 May: Season 2 of Godziban premieres.
- 6 May: G-Fest XXVII is cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- SRS Cinema releases God Raiga vs. King Ohga: War of the Monsters to Blu-ray and VHS.
- 6 June: Pal Entertainments releases Monster Seafood Wars to Japanese theaters.
- 9 June: Mill Creek releases a double feature of The H-Man and Battle in Outer Space to Blu-ray.
- 12 June: Warner Bros. delays Godzilla vs. Kong to May 21, 2021.
- Playmates toys for Godzilla vs. Kong begin to appear in Walmart stores across the United States and Canada.
- 11-12 July: An online convention called Kaiju Con-Line, organized by Kyle Yount, is held.
- 18 July: Haruma Miura, who played Eren in the live-action Attack on Titan movies, dies at the age of 30.
- 31 July: No Man's Nose releases The 12 Day Tale of the Monster that Died in 8 to Japanese theaters.
- NECA's license to produce Godzilla figures ends.
- 18 August: Arrow Video releases Gamera: The Complete Collection on Blu-ray. Indie Rights and Allied Vaughn release Notzilla digitally and on home video, respectively.
- 27 September: Arrow video releases Warning from Space on Blu-ray.
- 2-4 October: An online convention called Kaiju Masterclass, organized by Steve Ryfle, Erik Homenick, John DeSentis, Patrick Galvan, Matt Parmley, Kyle Byrd, and Kyle Gilmore, is held.
- 10 October: The Godzilla Interception Operation Awaji attraction in the Nijigen no Mori theme park opens to the public.
- 3 November: Godzilla Fest 2020 is livestreamed for Godzilla's 66th anniversary. The short Godzilla Appears at Godzilla Fest premieres during the event.
- 18 December: Monster Hunter is released to U.S. theaters on December 18.
- 19 December: A preview of Nezura 1964 premieres at Ikebukuro HUMAX Cinemas in Tokyo.
6 Jun. - Monster Seafood Wars theatrical poster
31 Jul. - The 12 Day Tale of the Monster that Died in 8 poster
18 Dec. - Monster Hunter poster
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