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In the real world
- CR Gamera is released to arcades.
- 15 August: Raiga: God of the Monsters is released to Japanese theaters.
- 10 September: Yoshibumi Tajima passes away at the age of 91.
- 15 September: Godzilla: Monster Mayhem, the first Godzilla cellphone application, is launched on the appstore in the United States
In fiction
- 22-23 May: Clover attacks New York City. (Cloverfield)
- Mythographic studies of Chinese temples leads Monarch to the high-altitude jungles of the Yunnan province. Dr. Emma Russell and her team follow a mysterious bio-acoustic signature to a previously undiscovered megalithic temple, within which lies a gigantic cocoon. A quickening heartbeat is detected inside. (Godzilla: King of the Monsters)[1]
- The Titan Rawa is discovered. (GigaBash)
This is a list of references for 2009. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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