Arrow Video

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Arrow Video
Arrow Video

Type Home video distributor
Status Active
Founded 1991
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Parent company Arrow Films

Arrow Video is the home video distribution arm of the United Kingdom-based film distribution company Arrow Films. Arrow Video releases collector-oriented Blu-ray and DVDs of independent, international, arthouse, cult, horror, and classic films. In 2018, it released all three entries of director Michio Yamamoto's Bloodthirsty Trilogy in a Blu-ray set in North America, the UK, and Japan. It also released a Gamera Blu-ray box set containing all 12 films, along with Dark Horse's Gamera comic miniseries and Matt Frank's prequel one-shot comic The Last Hope on August 18, 2020. Arrow has continued to release Daiei properties on Blu-ray ever since, notably the Daimajin trilogy and Yokai Monsters series. They also acquired the Hong Kong/Japanese co-production The Mighty Peking Man, released as part of a Shaw Brothers collection on December 6, 2021.

Selected releases

All of the titles that Arrow has released so far are also available to stream on the Arrow Video Channel, though the Gamera series is only in Japanese.



The Bloodthirsty Trilogy trailer
Gamera: The Complete
teaser trailer
Gamera: The Complete
teaser trailer #2
Gamera: The Complete
final trailer
The Daimajin Trilogy teaser trailer
2020 Kaiju Con-Line panel


  • Arrow Video's The Bloodthirsty Trilogy set marked the first non-VHS release of the three films in North America. It also was the first home video release of the three films in Japan not to be through Toho.
  • Arrow Video's Gamera: The Complete Collection set was the first time the original American version of Gamera the Giant Monster — titled Gammera the Invincible — had been released on Blu-ray.

External links


This is a list of references for Arrow Video. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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