Bad Robot

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Bad Robot Productions
The Bad Robot logo, as seen in Cloverfield and Star Trek

Type Film production company
Status Active
Led by J.J. Abrams
Founder(s) J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk
Founded May 27, 1999
Santa Monica, California, United States
Also known as Bad Robot

Bad Robot Productions, known simply as Bad Robot, is a production company owned by J.J. Abrams. It is responsible for such television series as Alias, Lost, What About Brian, and Six Degrees, as well as feature-length films including the Cloverfield trilogy, Star Trek, Super 8, Star Wars Episodes VII and IX, Overlord, and more. The Bad Robot shingle was originally part of Touchstone Television, but has moved with J. J. Abrams to Paramount, Universal, Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems and Warner Bros. (for movies and television series, respectively) after his contract with Touchstone had expired in 2006.

Selected filmography

Production company

External links


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