Godzilla vs. the Space Monsters: Earth Defense Directive

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Godzilla vs. the Space Monsters:
Earth Defense Directive
Illustration by Hurricane Ryu Hariken from "Encyclopedia of Godzilla (Mechagodzilla Edition)" p. 134
Alternate titles Godzilla vs. the Space Monsters: Earth Defense Command
Planned 1971
Intended release 1972
Concept history Godzilla vs. The Mutant StarfishGodzilla vs. Hedorah 2Godzilla vs. Red MoonGodzilla vs. the Space MonstersThe Return of King GhidorahGodzilla vs. Gigan: The Return of King GhidorahGodzilla vs. Gigan

Godzilla vs. the Space Monsters: Earth Defense Directive (ゴジラ対宇宙怪獣 地球防衛命令,   Gojira tai Uchū Kaijū: Chikyū Bōei Meirei) is an unmade 1972 Godzilla film.


Earth Defense Directive featured Godzilla, Anguirus and Majin Tuol fighting King Ghidorah, Gigan and a new monster named Megalon. The three evil monsters are controlled by an alien brain called Miko (ミコー,   Mikō). This script also had a theme park and the Godzilla Tower, which Gigan mistook for the real Godzilla in one scene. Megalon, Miko and Majin Tuol were scrapped, but Megalon would be retooled for Godzilla vs. Megalon.[1][2]



This is a list of references for Godzilla vs. the Space Monsters: Earth Defense Directive. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Toho Special Effects Movie Complete Works. villagebooks. September 28, 2012. pp. 135, 154, 159. ISBN 978-4864910132.
  2. Encyclopedia of Godzilla (Mechagodzilla Edition). Gakken. 10 December 1993. p. 134. ISBN 405600174X.


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