Chaos (カオス is an unused Kaosu)kaiju featured in the unrealized proposal for the seventh and final Heisei Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. Chaos. An extradimensional monster, Chaos would have battled Godzilla and LittleGodzilla over the bio-energy of Ghost Godzilla.
Chaos was considered as Godzilla's opponent in one of many story proposals for the final Heisei Godzilla film. The proposal for Godzilla vs. Chaos was submitted by monster designer Minoru Yoshida on December 23, 1994. Chaos' role was to battle both Godzilla and his adopted son LittleGodzilla over Ghost Godzilla's bio-energy. Very little is known about Chaos, aside from the fact that it would hail from a different dimension.[1]
When Toho decided to abandon the Ghost Godzilla concept altogether, with director Takao Okawara stating it would have been "too much" to have Godzilla battle another clone of himself to close the Heisei series,[2] Chaos was scrapped as well. Other new foes were conceptualized for Godzilla, ultimately giving rise to Barubaroi who became Destoroyah.
This is a list of references for Chaos. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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