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Concept art of Deuterious
Alternate names Deutalios
Species Fish/rat hybrid
Enemies Godzilla

Deuterious (デューテリオス,   Dyūteriosu) is an unused kaiju from the unmade original draft of the 1989 Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. Biollante.


Although no official source has given the etymology behind Deuterious's name, its Japanese spelling Dyūteriosu (デューテリオス) is highly similar to that of the chemical deuterium: dyūteriumu (デューテリウム). Deuterium is a rare isotope of hydrogen which features one proton and one neutron instead of the single proton and lack of neutrons found in normal hydrogen nuclei, which is fitting given Deuterious is comprised of parts from two separate organisms to create a hybrid chimera.


Deuterious resembles a cross between a rat and various fish. He has fur on his lower body, fish-like eyes, a long, whip-like tail and extended ears with gills growing from them, prominent tusks, and an anglerfish-like lure protruding from its head. In some concept art, Deuterious appears to have fins in place of forelimbs, allowing him to swim.


Godzilla vs. Biollante

Godzilla was going to fight Deuterious instead of the Super X2 and Biollante's Flower Beast form. After killing him, Godzilla would have ate the monster. Deuterious was possibly dropped due to the graphic nature of this scene, or simply to make room for another battle with Biollante and the Super X2.



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